Podcast 511-Bob Davis Podcasts Radio Show-30

Podcast 511-Bob Davis Podcasts Radio Show-30. This week marked the last primaries of the 2016 presidential preference primary season. With primaries in New Jersey, Montana, New Mexico, California and South Dakota there were a lot of choices when it comes to Mobile Podcast Command, covering the final primaries, in Podcast 511-Bob Davis Podcasts Radio Show-30. I decided to spend the last day in the primary season in Deadwood South Dakota. Rolling into town around midnight on June 7th, seeing all the casinos, I thought, “I don’t know about this”. After spending the night in an RV Park, I was having my morning coffee the next day when an old friend messaged me. “Guess what? I moved to Deadwood”. Enter Brad and Laurie, not so amateur historians with a boatload of information about Deadwood’s history, how it is today and it’s people. Plus we got some ‘man on the street’ interviews with people who had just voted. This week also marked the beginnings of the efforts to discredit New York Developer and ‘presumptive’ republican nominee Donald Trump. It’s death by a thousand cuts as he is attacked alternately as a racist, or fascist. Beware of what the media says, and who says it. I believe there is another shoe yet to drop in this race, and it may drop in Cleveland at the Republican convention this summer. Democrats are not to be outdone with intrigue. As Bernie Sanders continues his fight to the final primary in Washington DC (a territory of the United States by the way, not a state), we shall see whether the much vaunted democratic unity emerges. Sit back and enjoy this week in review, as we post Podcast 511-Bob Davis Podcasts Radio Show-30. Sponsored by Hydrus Performance and Brush Studio in The West End, Saint Louis Park.(Editor’s Note: Here again I refer to the Homestake mine as the Homestead mine. It’s Homestake.)