How-Much-Corruption-Can-You-Handle?-Bob Davis Podcast 868

How Much Corruption Can You Handle?

Suddenly the word ‘corruption’ is in the news these days. How deep does it go? How much corruption can we handle? Learn more in How-Much-Corruption-Can-You-Handle?-Bob Davis Podcast 868.

Pollyanna Lives Here

Most of us have grown up being taught a Pollyanna history. Back in the day it was justice for all, World War 2 and liberty.

These days our young people learn about civil rights, the environment and how much government can do to help.

Dark History Might Be The Real History

On the other hand there’s a much darker history. Especially when it comes to those who wield government power.

More Corrupt Than We Imagine

Above all I personally think our governments are more corrupt than we imagine. We’ll start by defining  the word corruption.

Two Definitions Of Corruption

Most important the first definition for corruption deals with money being exchanged for political favors and a lack of integrity. The second is what’s valuable to us politically. This definition suggests debasement or ‘corruption’ of original intent.

Corrupt For A Long Time

Above all, it’s no secret corruption in government has been with us a long time in the United States. Unfortunately, it really got its legs after Prohibition.

Epic Corruption Still With Us

In How-Much-Corruption-Can-You-Handle?-Bob Davis Podcast 868 I detail US Government corruption dating back to the Articles of Confederation. In conclusion, after prohibition, the story becomes an epic. And it still is. Here’s a link to Gus Russo’s books detailing the years of political corruption in the US as the direct result of prohibition. Critics say Russo’s analysis is guilt by association but I wonder if it’s more than that. Much more.

Finally Partisans beware, my reading of history suggests corruption, legal and illegal, doesn’t have a party preference.

Senator Elizabeth Warren says she’ll tackle corruption if elected. I wouldn’t hold my breath.

[Editor’s Note: This podcast is incorrectly numbered 868. Yes I know. Haven’t done 867 yet. That’s on the way.)

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How-Much-Corruption-Can-You-Handle?-Bob Davis Podcast 868

Podcast 553-AgoraFest’s Nik Ludwig

Podcast 553-AgoraFest’s Nik Ludwig. ‘Agorism’ or being an ‘Agorist’ has been defined a few different ways. Samuel Edward Konkin III says Agorism is simply “thought and action consistent with freedom’. Konkin also says Agorism is an “ideology…but it is also a scientific and definitely materialist way of thinking”, as opposed to say, a religious system of thought. AgoraFest celebrates Market Anarchy. It is not for the faint of heart, but if you have a weekend and you enjoy camping, listening to music, eating, consuming your choice of beverage be it coffee or beer, and endless substantive conversation, then you’ll enjoy AgoraFest. At last year’s AgoraFest – my first – I sat down with founder Nik Ludwig for a free wheeling conversation about the event and Agorist ‘way of thinking’. This year I continue the tradition. For last year’s conversation, check out  Podcast 416. This year we delve a little deeper into the concept of what real liberty is, with little reverence to the things mainstream ‘liberty’ advocates hold dear, like the US Constitution, American Exceptionalism, and a system of government sometimes reverently referred to as a ‘Representative Republic’. Joined by a phalanx of ‘AgoraFesters’, Nik shreds virtually all the preconceived notions of what most people on the right, even and especially the far right, think they are fighting for, and yes, even the Libertarians take their share of criticism. This is why AgoraFest isn’t for the faint of heart. Agorists don’t shred these notions because they’re advocating for their point of view. In fact, they’re more likely to disagree with you just because you agree with them (my kind of people, by the way). The whole point is open minds, the joy of discussions about any topic under the sun as long as it isn’t what they call ‘political violence’; the same old crap you hear on CNN and Fox News about the two party’s mainline candidates this year. You’re likely to sit down to breakfast and before you’ve had your coffee someone will ask you whether you think it is possible for a person to legally sell themselves into slavery, and in the next breath start talking about longevity drugs or fusion reaction. I can tell you one thing; Not one person brought up the Vikings, the Republican Party, whether they’d pulled the dock in yet for winter, or when the deer hunting trip is scheduled for this fall. Everyone was full on engaged in substance; even the question of whether Angelina Jolie was more beautiful than Jennifer Anniston, because value is subjective. So next year I’d love to see you at AgoraFest. Thanks to Nick and Steve and everyone else for making it a great weekend. Sponsored by Hydrus Performance.

Podcast 395

Simple Solutions. On the campaign trail, it all sounds so easy. ‘Take the fight to ISIS’, ‘Take from the rich, give to the poor’, ‘Make America Great Again’, ‘Fix the economy!’, and so on. Lots of barnstormers mostly rolling through Iowa hayfields, standing at picnics, throwing out bromides and quick fixes for whatever ails the nation. With so many politicians, suddenly all our problems seem, well solvable. We want our foreign policy ‘problems’ and economic problems solved as quickly as we reorder a latte, or another salad with the right dressing. When things don’t work smoothly, we throw a tantrum and demand fixes right now. In political theater we want sound bite solutions and we want problems solved preferably before the end of the show. There isn’t anything a podium pounding politician or talk show host can’t solve, dammit! Just send in the special forces, give everyone a tax cut, shut down the border, open up the economy, light up the Russians and the Chinese and well, make American Great Again. Right? The latest ‘truth tellers’ don’t really propose any solutions, they propose more rhetoric. Who’s to blame? We are. We don’t want to know how complex our problems might be. We don’t want to know how difficult they are to solve, when it comes to corralling 435 Congressmen, 100 Senators, countless cabinet secretaries, experts, lawyers, Supreme Court Justices, and the media. We just want someone to tell us what we want to hear. Send in a few hundred ‘special forces guys’ to take care of ISIS, or a B-1 Bomber. Fix the economy. Cure the moral character. And shut those liberals up while you’re at it. What this country needs is a businessman! What this country needs is a General! What this country needs is (fill in the blank). What this country needs is a grown up electorate. Given a steady diet of onion rings, Fox News (or CNN), or the Daily Beast and Buzz Feed, what are the chances that will happen? Sponsored by X Government Cars