Nomad-State-Of-Mind-2024-Bob Davis Podcast 1127


In the first place it’s winter and a good time for this nomad to check his state of mind. Details in Nomad-State-Of-Mind-2024-Bob Davis Podcast 1127.


Secondly I find myself struggling a little bit as 2024 opens.

Gut Check Time

Therefore it’s a good time for a gut check.

In the long run I like to run.

That is to say I feel better when I am traveling.

Staying Put

Although at the present time I am still in the mode of staying put.

The reason for that being higher fuel prices.

Certainly over the past two or so years I’ve found solace in staying put and saving money that would have been spent on fuel.

Beginning Of Change

But we may be seeing the beginning of some pretty solid reduction in prices for fuel.

Therefore I am feeling restless.

Check List

Even more I have developed a sort of check list to determine my state of mind.


Equally important is the idea of mindfulness.

Although a cliche these days mindfulness is important.

Trance State

The idea being we nomads might run through the same tasks everyday…

and that allows the mind to float.

Yes that is to say we are often in an almost trance state.

Analogous to forgetting which route you took to work this morning.

Or whether I took my vitamins…

And brushed my teeth.

Being Present

In contrast being mindful is being present for all these tasks.

Accordingly this is how we can also be present for the many interactions we have with people every day.

State Of Mind

I find above all these are important metrics to be aware of when it comes to state of mind.

With this in mind I don’t really get depressed.

In fact I get restless and frustrated.

Even bored.

In the hope that I can get back on the road soon.

Henceforth Nomad-State-Of-Mind-2024-Bob Davis Podcast 1127 is a peek into the day to say state of mind for this nomad…

and perhaps others.

Desert Winters

Lastly I know winter in the desert is considerably easier to take than winter up north.

Wind Storms

On the other hand this podcast was recorded in the midst of a huge windstorm and figures prominently in it.

Salute To A New Year

Finally here’s a salute to the new year…as well as to my planning!

and whatever it brings.

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Nomad-State-Of-Mind-2024-Bob Davis Podcast 1127


Podcast 387

Noise and Unconscious Thought. What do you think about when you don’t know you’re thinking? Everyone has an unconscious stream of thought. It’s never ending. Most of the time we don’t even realize our brains are running, our minds are talking to us. Truth is, that unconscious stream of thoughts is often the well spring of good ideas and insight. It can be a gold mine of creativity, or a window into a person’s deepest motivations. Yet, everywhere we go these days is a video monitor, music playing, or a TV hooked up to one of the twenty four hour news channels. With all that ‘content’ being delivered everywhere, we don’t get a chance to experience silence long enough to actually experience our thoughts moment to moment. One could ask, ‘Do you ever listen to your thoughts’? Thing is, its near impossible for people to hear themselves think, because whether you’re putting gas in your car, going into a coffee store or restaurant, sitting at a bar, even doing your laundry at a laundromat, ‘content’ is always there. What they don’t tell you is, all that content is designed to use your emotion to persuade, or to hook into emotions to cause you to listen longer, watch longer and remember. With celebrities, politicians, even terrorists playing into the media for attention and persuasion, our thought streams are manipulated, and we don’t even know it. So for this Independence Day weekend in the United States, hopefully people can get a little slice of silence long enough to hear themselves think. What will you think about? Sponsored by X Government Cars

Podcast 339

Bored With The News? I rarely write these ‘liner notes’ in the first person, but this is one of those times. In the midst of a ‘soul killing’ April snow storm, we’re back by the fire in the Broadcast Bunker. Certainly not as soul killing as the constant snow on the east coast. The Upper Midwest has escaped some of the more distasteful elements of the winter of 2014-15, but now that it’s spring we thought were through it and that’s when April surprises. I was all ready to do news updates for this week, but it’s the same old crap. Talked to a lot of friends and family this weekend who are also just tired of the same goop pumping out of the TV and talk radio over and over. So, I decided to expand on the theme in podcast 338. Actually, this subject picked me, this time. Its seems as though people keep having the same conversations in various groups about the same things over and over, or the same complaints and conversations with each other, that don’t seem to go anywhere. If we are at the end of era, and approaching some catalyst event — and I am increasingly convinced we are — the things people are talking about, and concerned about, may change completely. It may happen before the big election in 2016, or not. How do other pivotal eras compare. My own fascination with the Interwar Period 1919 through 1939 figures prominently in this podcast. Did the people who lived during another era of tumultuous change and development know they were hurtling at top speed into World War 2? What kind of world are we building today? What are we unaware of, as we hurtle at top speed toward … something. I think it’s time to devote a little more time to this discussion. It seems to me the news, politicians and the things they say and do; it all seems well, stale. This only reinforces the idea that some catalyst will move us forward into a new time, with new concerns, and new things to think and talk about, new things to be passionate about. We don’t know what that event may be, but many people I have talked to recently feel very strongly we’re getting close to it. When uncertainty seems to be the order of the day, its hard to take action, or to hold on to old ideas and associations, since you don’t know what is around the next corner. Sure, its always that way, but this time feels different. Sponsored by Xgovernment Cars