Fixing Your Town-Local Activism-Part 1-Bob Davis Podcast 802

These days there’s so much focus on national issues. Most of us do not realize we can have a big impact on our local towns. Two guys who know the drill join me from Community Solutions MN in Fixing Your Town-Local Activism-Part 1-Bob Davis Podcast 802.

Local Activism

Jason Bradley and Andrew Richter tell their story in part 1 of an epic interview. I like Jason and Andrew because they’ve forgotten more about local activism than most people have learned.

Told To Pound Sand

Jason and Andrew got started as two citizens upset over a proposed road widening. The spark? When they protested, the city government told them to pound sand. Learn more in Fixing Your Town-Local Activism-Part 1-Bob Davis Podcast 802.

The Death of Rural America

I have reported on and talked a lot about national and state issues in these podcasts. Media misses an especially relevant truth. Small towns are often told what to do by state and federal agencies. Jason and Andrew have called this the death of rural America.

You Are Not Powerless

This podcast tells a story. That story helps people understand they are not powerless. Community Solutions MN can help people in townships, small towns, and especially suburbs that ring major cities.

Taxpayers Foot The Bill

Finally, we’ve all heard of the special deals big companies get to put warehouses, plants, stores and ‘research facilities‘ in states and major cities. Did you know this is happening in small towns and suburban villages too? Truth is the taxpayer foots the bill.

Perfumed Princes Thrown Out Of Office

In conclusion most of the time city councils, county councils and township governments get the feeling they can do whatever they want. Part 1 of this interview shows citizens can take back their town and their county, much to chagrin of the so called perfumed princes who act as though their exalted position is their birthright.

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Fixing Your Town-Local Activism-Part 1-Bob Davis Podcast 802


Flu Shot Debate-Fake Boom-Easy Talker-Bob Davis Podcast 791

Turn me loose and I’ll talk up a storm. Every now and then I ditch show prep and freestyle a podcast. Check it out in Flu Shot Debate-Fake Boom-Easy Talker-Bob Davis Podcast 791.

Flu Shot Or Not

These days most people are getting flu shots. I usually forgo the vaccination. Mention this at a party and you’ll ignite a passionate response. Especially relevant is the recent death of a commentator from complications arising from H1N1.

The Boom That Didn’t Boom

Another show stopper is the suggestion our so called ‘economic boom’ isn’t. Moreover analysts are starting to write about the fact that US and world economic growth has been tepid at best.

Plunge Protection Team

In addition there are suggestions the shadowy “Plunge Protection Team” is behind the sudden upswings in the markets. Learn more in Flu Shot Debate-Fake Boom-Easy Talker-Bob Davis Podcast 791.

The Prague Delusion

Truth is many of us can’t tell the difference between opinion and news coverage. Consequently facts can confuse people suffering from the so called Prague Delusion. I’ll tell you about it in Flu Shot Debate-Fake Boom-Easy Talker-Bob Davis Podcast 791.

FaceBook Engagement

Finally every now and then I engage on FaceBook to see what people are thinking. Seems like most of my engagements are with other people’s posts. It’s most noteworthy when an engagement happens on my own podcast page. In Flu Shot Debate-Fake Boom-Easy Talker-Bob Davis Podcast 791 I talk about how I have pulled back from telling people what to think and what to believe.

Persuasion Is The Name Of The Game

In conclusion, so much content these days is focused on persuasion. People telling you what to think and how to think. Consequently it feels like we’re always being pushed in a direction whether we want to go there or not. Certainly podcasts as a medium can do better than cable news and talk radio shouters.

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Flu Shot Debate-Fake Boom-Easy Talker-Bob Davis Podcast 791


Artistic Authenticity-Radio Stories-Bob Davis Podcast 787

An old picture and a lunch sparked my thoughts for Artistic Authenticity-Radio Stories-Bob Davis Podcast 787. These days the word ‘authentic‘ is often used to describe people who seem real. How does ‘authenticity’ translate to creative work?

Do You Believe What You Say?

Especially relevant, my friend wondered if I “believed the things” I say “on the radio and in podcasts?“.

It’s Complicated

First of all yes. Second, it’s complicated. How can you be creative and ‘real’? Learn more in Artistic Authenticity-Radio Stories-Bob Davis Podcast 787.

What’s ‘Being Authentic’?

What does ‘being authentic’ mean? Do a little research and you’ll find plenty of articles about ‘being authentic’. Most noteworthy is this list of attributes for authentic and inauthentic people.

Starts With Radio

As a result of all these lists of attributes for actually being authentic I realized my focus is about being authentic or real in my creative efforts.

Above all I am a radio guy. When I started in radio I couldn’t get enough of the ways and means and the lore of the business

Creative Freedom

Moroever in those days we were working in the ruins of faded AM stations. Therefore unlike radio today we had a lot of creative freedom.  Find out more in Artistic Authenticity-Radio Stories-Bob Davis Podcast 787.

Consequently we learned our business by doing. Especially relevant we also learned by imitating. Above all I’d always tried to be real when I was on the radio. When I got better at radio as a craft I returned to the idea of actually being real and natural.

Being Real

After many jobs and now as a podcaster, one thing remained key for me. Being real. Check out Artistic Authenticity-Radio Stories-Bob Davis Podcast 787.

Podcasting Formats and the Cutting Room Floor

Therefore, as a result of experience and commitment, authenticity seems like it is easier. However there is always something left on the cutting room floor. Certainly even in podcasting.

Authentic Isn’t As Easy As It Looks

In conclusion Artistic Authenticity-Radio Stories-Bob Davis Podcast 787 is a bit of a tutorial for podcasters, radio people and performers. Being real isn’t as easy as it looks. 

Years Of Work

Consequently when we see a performance by a master we should remember it probably took years to create that authenticity within the medium

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Artistic Authenticity-Radio Stories-Bob Davis Podcast 787