Nomad-Dollars-Sense-Part1-Bob Davis Podcast 1101

Nomad Dollars And Sense

To begin with I am going to do a series of podcasts discussing dollars and sense for the nomad. Nomad-Dollars-Sense-Part1-Bob Davis Podcast 1101 is the first in that series.


Most importantly Part1 deals exclusively with our preconceptions about what exactly “The Economy” actually is.

Updates Podcast 1069

And this podcast series updates earlier comprehensive podcasts about the economy and the nomad.

In fact this is necessary because I want to deal with specific metrics in the second podcast in this series.

Business Coverage

Most importantly the reality of business news coverage these days is mostly political.

Or it is alarmist.

No Overlay

That is to say if you overlay a political or religious template on economic information you lose the ability to analyze what is going on.

Force Of Nature

Certainly the overall world economy is a force of nature.

In other words a force similar to waves on the ocean.

Therefore making predictions about outcomes is extraordinarily difficult.


And our modern information channels are filled with misinformation.


In addition there are many charlatans spreading misinformation for their own purposes.


I have also learned it takes a long time to get comfortable with terms and context when it comes to financial markets and economic discussions.

My Story

Firstly I’ll tell you a little about my story as a nomad and how I became intensely interested in this subject.

Secondly I’ll tell you why I think the economy in general is at an inflection point.

And what that all means.

Podcast Series

Nomad-Dollars-Sense-Part1-Bob Davis Podcast 1101 sets up the next podcast which will deal with the key data in the economy I have learned to look at.

Finally it comes down to whether you are Pollyanna or a Cassandra.

Moreover why so many main street business owners are in fact Pollyanna.

And why they’re missing the latest economic data which could signal what is just head.

To sum up the nomad wonders when fuel prices will collapse.

And when food prices will come down.

Even more the one hundred and eighty million Americans who aren’t millionaires and billionaires wonder when they will get a break.

The answers to those questions begin with a baseline for a dollars and sense evaluation of conditions as they are.

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Nomad-Dollars-Sense-Part1-Bob Davis Podcast 1101


Gettysburg-Real Cost of Civil War-Bob Davis Podcast 735

These days commentators use sexy titles for their blogs, articles and on-air commentary. It needs to be said sometimes these guys go too far. Find out how in Gettysburg-Real Cost of Civil War-Bob Davis Podcast 735.

Use ‘Civil War’ In Your SEO Title

Civil War‘ is working its way back into the current American political discourse because it sells.

At least three so called pundits recently suggested there will be ‘another Civil War’ if democrats don’t ‘win’ the midterm elections this year.

Battle Of Gettysburg

So it is most noteworthy we remember a Fourth of July in 1863.

During those days in 1863 men who spoke the same language killed and maimed more than fifty thousand of their fellow citizens. Get the details in Gettysburg-Real Cost of Civil War-Bob Davis Podcast 735.

One Million Killed

Especially relevant; the bloodletting went on for two more years. Our real Civil War was a disaster for this country. It took one hundred years for the American South to begin to fully recover. We are still dealing with the aftermath of that war in this country. One million people were killed when we the whole country had a population of only 31 million. In terms of population our most costly war.

All because politicians couldn’t solve a problem.

War Is Not A Protest

War is not a protest. It is not an expression of outrage. A sit in. Blocking the highway. Civil War isn’t a bunch of people shouting someone out of a restaurant or refusing to bake a cake.

War Means Killing

War is a state of armed conflict. In war the most ruthless combatant eliminates his enemy’s will to fight. This is done by killing or maiming as many of the so called enemy as possible, and destroying the means of production. People and property do not do well in war. Worse in a civil war.

Civil War Is No Joke

Civil War is much more bloody than a conflict between sovereign state actors.

In short, civil war is no joke.


It is an outrage for talk show hosts and pundits to suggest we in the United States are already in a state of Civil War. It’s folly that honest disagreements about policy and personalities are characterized in such a lazy and irresponsible manner.

Chaos Would Be The Norm

If we did have another civil war in America the cost would be enormous

Chaos would be the norm throughout the world.

In conclusion I can only ask those who like to say we’re ‘in a civil war’…

Is this the world you want to bequeath to your children?

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Gettysburg-Real Cost of Civil War-Bob Davis Podcast 735

Podcast 602-Political Fighting Doesn’t Make Civil Society

Fighting and Arguing

A presidential press conference that had the look of a Dino De Laurentiis movie. Angry tweets. Arguments about whether the president is a narcissist or psychotic. These days the argument is the thing. Division. Confusion. Anger. Frustration with the fact that everything is political. A friend said recently, “When civil society breaks down everything becomes political”. The more we fight about politics the less we know. Argument and rhetoric have replaced substantive discourse. This idea forms the basis of Podcast 602-Political Fighting Doesn’t Make Civil Society.

What is Civil Society

People think Civil Society these days is political action groups. Angry protests. Social media rants. Angry calls to talk radio. Everyone wants the silver bullet argument. We want to be the guy on TV that ‘takes it to them’. This is not civil society.  In Podcast 602-Political Fighting Doesn’t Make Civil Society.

Stop Yelling and Start Building A Community

Civil Society is community. It is distinct from government and business. Civil Society is individuals working together to solve problems, build community and be good citizens. People who have learned from experience to build consensus to get things done. Civil Society is the core of your town, village, city, county and state.

Fighting and Arguing Does Not A Warrior Make

Do you show up to set the chairs up and make the coffee for the community meeting? Help your neighbors? Attend boring public meetings no one else cares about?  Are you one of those people who responds to calls for help in the community regardless of where they come from?. Are you willing to work with people you may not agree with politically? Show genuine concern for others through your actions? You’re the real warrior. Commentators and people who imitate them are not warriors and they are not leaders. We’ll talk about it in Podcast 602-Political Fighting Doesn’t Make Civil Society

Eroding Civil Society

There are times when political action is called for. When people who have different points of view try to gather people to their cause. These can be bitter contests. Bitter feelings linger after contests that inevitably produce winners and losers. These days people won’t convene with anyone they don’t agree with. Discussions descend into bitter screaming matches on Social Media, Talk Radio, and Cable TV News. The media cultivates and encourages anti social behavior. Friendships are ended. Familial relationships are strained.

Don’t Argue

A true warrior doesn’t yell and scream. A leader is a good citizen people trust. These are people who understand people of like mind have to work to see that their ideas gain support. Protests and rallies serve a purpose but they are just a starting point. You don’t win in the rally. You win because you can work behind the scenes to build support for a concept, idea, or a solution to a problem.

It May Not Be Working Anymore

Recent studies show the stress levels of Americans increasing since the election. Not just the left. People on political right show the same kinds of intensifying stress levels. This kind of stress can’t be sustained. We might be seeing the end of the efficacy of rhetorical argument to fuel a movement. People may have just about had it with all the shouting and arguing regardless of where it is coming from. Maybe rebuilding civil society is a good first step.

Sponsored by Hydrus Performance and Brush Studio.