Election2020-Tom-Steyer-Big-Plans-Bob Davis Podcast 897

Lots Of Ideas And Plans

First of all Tom Steyer is an activist. Second he is a billionaire. He’s running for president and he has a lot of ideas and plans. He’ll tell you about them in Election2020-Tom-Steyer-Big-Plans-Bob Davis Podcast 897.

Democrat Patterns Emerging

These days after a few days on the campaign trail you start to see and hear patterns in all the speeches candidates make. Steyer is no exception. The main theme? President Donald Trump.

Political Red Meat

Certainly Iowans coming out to hear these speeches want political red meat. They’re getting it from Steyer.

Racist! Criminal! Incompetent!

Most noteworthy quotes from Steyer include comparing the republican administration to the holocaust. Trump’s a racist. Incompetent. A criminal.

Go Ahead…Talk

In contrast to cheap talk though, Steyer has put his money where his mouth is for years. NextGen Climate and most recently Need To Impeach have mobilized millions.

Organize Highest Democrat Turn Out Ever

Furthermore Steyer intends to use experience with NextGen America and Need To Impeach to deliver the what he says will be the highest democratic turn out in history. Moreover he says democrats will win big in 2020. He’ll tell you all about it in Election2020-Tom-Steyer-Big-Plans-Bob Davis Podcast 897.

Smart and Detailed

Especially relevant here is the fact that Steyer is smart and detailed. Consequently he talks. A. Lot. That means editing down hours of speaking and questions from the audience into a capsulized version of what actually went down.

Political Coverage True To What Went Down

Furthermore my intention is to take podcast listeners into these events with no judgements. I sincerely hope I was able to do this with Steyer. In addition, this time I talked to some of the people at the event.

Everyone Listen…Republicans Too

In conclusion I am sure my democrat friends will love most of what Steyer has to say. Republicans not so much in contrast. Still, I hope my republican friends can listen to understand the issues.

Actionable Proposals

Above all, despite the red meat, I sense most of the actionable proposals are surprisingly moderate. Even for Tom Steyer. That should concern republicans, because those kinds of ideas are not easily dismissed.

Election2020-Tom-Steyer-Big-Plans-Bob Davis Podcast 897





Podcast 605-Bannon’s Fourth Turning

Steve Bannon and The Fourth Turning

The President’s co chief of staff is obsessed with a book called The Fourth Turning. Podcast 605-Bannon’s Fourth Turning discusses reaction to the idea someone as powerful as Steve Bannon would formulate a political philosophy on a pop history/sociology best seller. The Fourth Turning co-author the late William Strauss was a playwright, theater director and lecturer. Co-author Neil Howe is a best selling author and consultant. Strauss and Howe coined the term ‘Millennial’. Both men described themselves as Amateur Historians. The Fourth Turning, Bannon’s apparent zeitgeist, was published in the early 1990’s. See a video of the two authors appearing on C-Span’s BookNotes here.

Chaos Dead Ahead

The book some say Steve Bannon has based his political philosophy on postulates every 80 years the United States is marked by crisis and chaos. Business Insider says Bannon believes the United States will soon reach our climax conflict and that Trump is in the White House to usher it in.

Is the United States in a Political Crisis?

Politicians tend to magnify the political challenges they face. Reporters play along. Divided since the beginning crises of one kind or another have been a way of life in the US. It’s very American to think of the government with distrust and apprehension. Especially when, as the saying goes, the legislature is in session. Are we in a political crisis?

Want To Know The Future?

Crisis will find the Trump administration. The response to crisis is what will determine it’s fate. Theories predicting ‘the’ crisis are questionable. Free Will is a gift to Human Beings. We think and act voluntarily. We can be the authors of our own stories. Controversy surrounding the Fourth Turning and Steve Bannon’s embrace of the theory encapsulates much of what is wrong with our politics. In Podcast 605-Bannon’s Fourth Turning I’ll tell you why.

One Day At A Time

Living one day at a time doesn’t mean avoiding passionate views. We do not remain passive and uninvolved but do the best we can with what we have. We will never know exactly what tomorrow may bring. Isn’t that the fun part of life?

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