Election2020-Warren-Stumps-Iowa-City-Bob Davis Podcast 900

Final Hours Energy

I can feel the energy from  candidates in the last few hours before the Iowa Caucuses on February 3rd. You will hear it in Election2020-Warren-Stumps-Iowa-City-Bob Davis Podcast 900.

Big Plans

First of all, these candidates have big plans.


These days the one constant is the apparent contrast between the president and democrats on the future.

Automatic Grenade Launcher

Above all Warren’s energy and passion means she projects her plans and programs like an automatic grenade launcher.

Lobbing Crowd Pleasers

The Senator lobs one program, tax plan, and initiative after another to an audience. Today in Iowa City, the audience is made up of canvassers, fans, teachers and supporters. They love it.

Hope Over Fear…And Fighting

Especially relevant is the blue Warren campaign bus with the words, “Hope Over Fear” emblazoned on it. The candidate blasts out so many ideas it’s hard for democrats not to be hopeful.

Environment, Spending, Wealth Tax

Most noteworthy are plans for education and environment, a wealth tax, and spending. Spending for child care and child care workers, public schools, forgiving student debt, making college free, and medicare for all.

Super Rich Look Out

Even more she plans to ‘pay for’ all these programs with a tax on the super rich.


It seemed to me she is best when talking about corruption in Washington and in what she calls ‘our’ government.

Look Out Politicians and Tax Cheats

Senator Warren says it’s time to end lobbying. Also she wants anyone running for federal office to have to put their tax returns on line. Even more, she says it’s time the US Supreme Court lives up to ‘ethical standards’.

On Record No Judgement

Finally it’s all in Election2020-Warren-Stumps-Iowa-City-Bob Davis Podcast 900. These podcasts from the campaign trail in Iowa this January and February are about getting the candidates on record without judgement.

Boatloads Of Fun

Certainly I hope these podcasts from the campaign trail become resources this election year.

It’s sure a boatload of fun out here.

Sponsored by Ryan Plumbing and Heating of Saint Paul

Election2020-Warren-Stumps-Iowa-City-Bob Davis Podcast 900

Election2020-Pete-Buttigieg-Jefferson-Iowa-Bob Davis-Podcast-898

Just Call Him Mayor Pete

First of all I don’t think too many people can pronounce his name. Since he’s the former Mayor of South Bend a simple ‘Mayor Pete’ will do. Check it out in Election2020-Pete-Buttigieg-Jefferson-Iowa-Bob Davis-Podcast-898.

Feverish Campaigning

Certainly all the candidates are feverishly campaigning. It’s just hours until caucus time here in Iowa. Pete Buttigieg is no exception.

Running All Over Iowa

I’m running into familiar faces. Going from from Fairfield to Cedar Rapids and Iowa City. Then back to DesMoines. Out to Council Bluffs or Sioux City. Reporters. Digital Media people. Campaign workers.

Everyone’s Tired

Furthermore candidates and staff are tired. As I noted on the podcast with Tom Steyer, some of the candidates like to talk.

Pulled Together and Concise

Therefore it’s unusual for a candidate to do a presentation that’s concise. Even more, starting and ending on time.

Get In, Get Back Out

Moreover Buttigieg engages an audience of students, young volunteers and Jefferson residents sparingly. Hitting the issues. Answering questions. Taking selfies. Heading out to the next event.

Not Much Editing With Pete

The mission of these podcasts is to faithfully recreate the event. Due to this I often have to do a lot of editing. Not with Mayor Pete. As a result I can say Election2020-Pete-Buttigieg-Jefferson-Iowa-Bob Davis-Podcast-898 really does take you inside an event.

Oh Yeah! There’s Red Meat

Finally I find it necessary to again state that my democrat friends will enjoy this podcast a lot more than my republican friends.

Put On Headphones. Walk Through The Event

Democrats can use these podcasts to make their caucus decisions. Republicans might want to hear what democrats are actually saying in 2020, rather than accepting what someone else says their saying.

Election2020-Pete-Buttigieg-Jefferson-Iowa-Bob Davis-Podcast-898





Cage Match 2020-Chaos America-Bob Davis Podcast 801

When people say happy new year these days they mean welcoming in 2019. When the media says happy new year, they mean 2020. Find out why in Cage Match 2020-Chaos America-Bob Davis Podcast 801.

Political Cage Match Starts Now

Especially relevant here is the end of the government shut down without an agreement on immigration. Trump’s next move doesn’t matter. It’s all about 2020 from here on. Learn more in Cage Match 2020-Chaos America-Bob Davis Podcast 801.

Seems like we just had an election.

First of all, it’s Iowa’s fault

Iowa has scheduled the first caucus or primary in the nation for February 3rd 2020. Consequently a cavalcade clown show is already on the ground in the Hawkeye State in February of this year! For a full schedule of caucuses and primaries click here.

US Senate Is Bull Pen For Presidential Candidates

Furthermore it looks like half the democratic senators are running. For a full list of potential candidates, click here. This is the best argument for repealing the seventeenth amendment and going back to appointing senators.

Even Angelina Jolie might run

Above all this week everyone was triggered by Coffee Guy Howard Schultz. His announcement lasted about 90 seconds before he was heckled. Speculation on whether a Starbucks candidacy would help or hurt Trump was everywhere.

The Republicans are stuck with Trump no matter what.

Finally republicans who think they’ll dump Trump are in for a rude awakening. With the Republican National Committee already a slave to the Trump reelection effort and Republican Convention rule changes, there will be no more grassroots challenges.

Happy New Year 2020! Now about that deserted tropical island. Where do I sign up! (Editor’s Note: Yes I know this is the original promotional video for the ill fated Fyre Fest, but who cares, it gets the tropical island escape idea across.)

Sponsored by Ryan Plumbing and Heating of Saint Paul

Cage Match 2020-Chaos America-Bob Davis Podcast 801