Rest-In-Colorado-Bob Davis Podcast 1013

Finally At Rest In Colorado

Firstly after a lot of back roads travel I am at rest in Colorado. But it’s hard to catch my breath at ten thousand plus feet. Learn more in Rest-In-Colorado-Bob Davis Podcast 1013.

Busy On The Nomad Road

Secondly and seriously there’s a lot of work when you’re running your business and creating from the road as a nomad.

Love It

Of course I love it all.

Fatigued? Me?

Therefore it’s not always easy to know when I am fatigued.

Fun As Hell

More importantly taking the back roads and avoiding cities from the East Coast to Colorado while fun as hell wears a person out.

Ten Thousand Two Hundred Feet

Consequently I am ten thousand two hundred feet up in the Grand Mesa National Forest.

And it is Grand!

Singing Wind

Moreover if you listen to this podcast you’ll hear the wonderful singing wind up here.

Pine Forest

And we’ll take a walk through a pine forest.

Time To Unwind

In addition we’ll talk a little about how some nomads unwind.

Not always how I unwind!

A Little Different

On the other hand I would humbly submit I am a little different than most.

Covering A Lot Of Ground

That is to say I am covering a huge amount of ground.

Not Supposed To Get Tired

But I don’t expect to get tired.

Salmon And Steak

Finally I love this nomad life. It’s been steaks or salmon on the campfire every night at some beautiful places.

Seeing A United States You Don’t Hear About

Even more I am seeing a United States you don’t hear very much about these days.

Weird Rural America?

To clarify you hear how weird rural America is.

Vibrant And Exciting

But after days of driving between 60 and 35 through small and medium sized towns across this country I see a vibrant and even prosperous landscape.

Perfect Farms and Huge Ranches

From the perfect farms in Vermont and Indiana to the wide swaths of crops extending for miles across Nebraska and Western Colorado.

From Sea To Signing Sea

Literally from sea to shining sea.

Great Summer Travel For Me

In conclusion I wouldn’t change anything about this summer’s travel.

More To Come

And there’s much more to come.

Always Better Driving West

To sum up I always feel better when driving west.


And I love mountains.

Love This Nomad Life

After that I love this nomad life.

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Rest-In-Colorado-Bob Davis Podcast 1013

What Inspires You These Days? Podcast 628

Inspiration. We all need it. It is sadly lacking these days. In What Inspires You These Days? Podcast 628 I spend some time at my man cave garage. While waxing and buffing Mobile Podcast Command I talk about what inspires me. Maybe you can make your own list while you listen.

Dragging Us Down

So much of the news and social media is negative and frankly uninspiring. Mentally and emotionally taxing. A let down. Time to make a list of what inspires me. Your list will be different. My list isn’t a complete list. Preparing for this podcast did not mean researching a list of inspiring things. It’s a stream of consciousness list. Some things will be left off. These are the things that inspire me now. In What Inspires You These Days? Podcast 628.

Travel Frees The Soul

Mobile Podcast Command inspires me because it means travel. Travel inspires me. Every trip is different. Lessons learned each time I head out are different no matter what the destination. Travel will inspire a person. It makes me want to break free. Turn over a new leaf. Cut the cords.

Travel planning inspires me. What’s the next trip? Should I head out to cover the 2020 elections and stay out? How am I going to do that? Listen as I buff and shine the mobile podcast command studio, and talk about inspiration in What Inspires You These Days? Podcast 628.

Why Aren’t Some People Happy

Had dinner with friends recently. Someone said a lot of people they know aren’t happy. The people I know that are happiest are people who follow their passion. Following your passion helps with inspiration. Since it’s close to Mother’s Day, I should point out that my mother taught me that. She always told me I should do the things that I love to do.

There Was a Time

When we were kids, we ran free. We did whatever we thought of. We lived in the moment. No friction. Why? Because we followed our passions. Why should so called adult life be any different? I am inspired by people of all ages who follow their passions. Whether it’s chucking everything, buying a camper and hitting the road, or writing that book and getting it published. We talk about it in What Inspires You These Days? Podcast 628.

Yes You Can

When we ‘grow up’ we’re pushed into structures. We believe things like, “You’re too old to do that”, or “That will never work”. Like a crust you have to break through. One thing inspiring me on a day to day basis is Yoga. You start out thinking you can never do what others can. Then it comes to you. If he can do it, maybe I can do it.

Time to Break Free

To wash away the crust of expectations and the heavy weight of the day to day chatter. Throw off the yoke of what doesn’t matter. In the end it’s the little things. A gentle push from a friend to reach out to someone in need. Someone who shows by example what a great marriage is. The open road.

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What Inspires You These Days? Podcast 628

Podcast 612-Behind My Decision Canceling Radio Show

Behind My Decision Canceling The Bob Davis Podcasts Radio Show

Big day at The Bob Davis Podcasts. Decided to stop doing my syndicated radio show; The Bob Davis Podcasts Radio Show. Podcasts only from here on. Pure Play Podcasting. Find out why in Podcast 612-Behind My Decision Canceling Radio Show.

Mission Creep

The Bob Davis Podcast Radio Show has been on the air for seventy weeks. I started podcasting in 2009. After so many years I thought bringing content from my podcasts back to radio would be a good idea. Eventually I started posting the radio show as a podcast both to monetize it and because I wanted people to hear the show in the digital quality the Internet enables. In the end though, the show was beginning to take over the podcasts.

Podcasting vs. Radio

Pulling back the curtain for podcast subscribers starts with thanks, first of all, to Lee Michaels at Salem Broadcasting in Minneapolis and Saint Paul for believing in and airing the show. In the end, though, I came to realize radio and podcasting are two different mediums. For me the radio format has become too restrictive. I do not like what I sound like when talking about politics in the radio format. Plus podcasters can talk about other things that aren’t political. Like a trip to a motorcycle rally, an air show, or storm chasing.

Digital Marketing

Podcasters think having a radio show is a big deal. People think radio is a big deal. I don’t think it is anymore. Truth is digital marketing works better to build an audience for a podcast than radio. Podcasts have younger audiences more willing to take a chance on unique content. In Pure Play Podcasting we do not have to talk about issues the same old way. Hear about it in Podcast 612-Behind My Decision Canceling Radio Show.

Political Climate

Another factor is the political climate and mainstream media’s role in it. These days something true on Monday is proven false by Friday. Every media personality seems to be fighting to convince the audience of a certain point of view. Choosing a side and promoting that side has become the norm in modern ‘talk’. I don’t want to do that. I’ll tell you why in Podcast 612-Behind My Decision Canceling Radio Show.

French Revolution

Podcasters who only do podcasting may be the antidote for a discourse in this country that has come to resemble the French Revolution, as far as I am concerned. Thank you to those who helped me with the radio show. Thanks to the few that listened to The Bob Davis Podcasts Radio Show on the radio. Welcome to The Bob Davis Podcasts!

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