Comedy Is A Funny Business-Joleen Lunzer-Podcast 686

On any given weekend in this country local comedy clubs are full. Comedy TV shows and tours are big business. Breaking in to the comedy business, though, is no joke. Find out why in Comedy Is A Funny Business-Joleen Lunzer-Podcast 686.

Doing What You Love Is The Hardest Thing

Moreover, one of the themes of the Bob Davis Podcasts is following your passion. Sometimes doing what you love is the hardest thing. When it comes to the entertainment business, stand up comedy has to be one of the most difficult pursuits to succeed in.

Comedy Is Big Business

Sure. We all know the stars of comedy. Especially relevant is the fact that there are many comedians in the business enjoying success and working their way up. My friend Joleen Lunzer is one of them. Writer. Podcaster. Blogger. Stand Up. Meet her in Comedy Is A Funny Business-Joleen Lunzer-Podcast 686.

Grounded in Saint Paul

Now living in Los Angeles, Joleen has barnstormed across the world and has been a resident stand up in Minneapolis and Saint Paul, Phoenix and Las Vegas. While there are many in the business with an LA or New York orientation, Lunzer’s roots in Saint Paul and the midwest keep her grounded when it comes to what’s funny.

Politics In Comedy

These days doing stand up can be a political minefield. How do you play to an audience full of people from different political tribes and still have a good time? We talk about it in Comedy Is A Funny Business-Joleen Lunzer-Podcast 686.

Still A Minnesota Wild Fan

Finally, following your passion can be a challenge. There are some good nuts and bolts lessons for future writers, podcasters and comedians in this podcast. The main takeaway? Maintaining your roots, especially if you’re from the midwest, can help you through the hard parts. By the way, Joleen is still a Minnesota Wild fan.

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Comedy Is A Funny Business-Joleen Lunzer-Podcast 686

Ozark The Deuce Stranger Things Golden TV age Snark-Podcast 675

Streaming. Binging. Brand new shows. Hundreds of new offerings on networks that didn’t exist ten years ago. Critics have suddenly discovered streaming television and there is much they do not like. In Ozark The Deuce Stranger Things Golden TV age Snark-Podcast 675.

No Commercials

I cut the cable years ago. Never watch broadcast TV. Despite this, I watch a lot of TV. I have my favorite shows. Shows I binge watch over a week, or weekend. Especially relevant is the fact that we all have our favorites. Whether it’s a weekend of Stranger Things or Ozark on Netflix, or waiting for each installment of the new HBO Show The Deuce, we’re watching serialized TV offerings like long movies.

Peak TV

While the technical infrastructure has existed for awhile, more people are streaming shows. It’s what the experts call ‘peak tv‘. No one wants to be left out, including the critics. In Ozark The Deuce Stranger Things Golden TV age Snark-Podcast 675.

You’ve Got Critics

A few years ago the critics hailed these new offerings as ‘groundbreaking’. Suddenly new shows can’t get a break. Bad acting. Silly plot lines. Critics are desperate to remain relevant, I guess. What they forget is, it’s just Television.

Watch It All At Once and Move On

Television has always been disposable. So have all popular forms of entertainment. Sure, there are world changing plays, movies, songs, radio and television shows. For the most part though, we forget. Do you remember all two hundred plus Miami Vice installments? Were they all great?

Content Creators Don’t Change The World With Every Offering

New media platforms can take as much content as creators can manage. People watch and discard almost as soon as it is produced. We’re in the early stages of an entirely new form of entertainment delivery systems. Creators are still learning the ropes. Is it fair to compare a show with 13 hour long installments in a year, although it’s written, shot and produced like a movie, with a full budget hollywood movie? Do the viewers care that some critic doesn’t think an actor is good enough to do Shakespeare on Broadway?

Binge Weekend

I love my new shows, and I binge watch the old ones all the time. WestWorld. The Deuce. Ozark. House of Cards. Ray Donovan. Boardwalk Empire. Curb Your Enthusiasm. I don’t need to be studying film and literature to enjoy them. In the final analysis, the rest of the viewers don’t either.

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Ozark The Deuce Stranger Things Golden TV age Snark-Podcast 675



Podcast 348

Freelance Nation. Live from Los Angeles, California on Road Trip 2015! First, an update on the trip to LA from Phoenix. All the way from the desert to the sea. With a massive Orwellian wind farm in between. If wind power accounts for around one percent of all energy production in the US (effectively zero worldwide), does it make sense to subsidize an industry and ruin a perfectly good valley? We leave the news updates for another time, in this podcast, Los Angeles is home to the entertainment industry and there are 13 and a half million people living here, sometimes it seems like no one works. Almost everyone is always home! In reality, many work on projects at home, or freelance different jobs. You see a lot of people in the coffee shops, seemingly wasting time, but usually they’re working. One of those freelancers talked to the Bob Davis Podcasts about getting started on the production side of the TV, Commercial and Film business. You hear from a lot of actors on this subject, but not very often from production people; the people who work behind the scenes on some of your favorite shows and movies. Most of them start freelancing, at the bottom. What’s freelancing all about? Moreover, can this model of freelancing — something Angelenos working in the entertainment business have been doing for decades — be the model for how work gets assigned and done, in the future? This is an especially pertinent question given the advent of new technology. Of course, we’re live from Mobile Podcast Command Unit 8, using the brand new power unit, thanks to X Government Cars