Modern World Life Hacks Summer Storm-Podcast 677

I think it is fair to say we’re living in a completely different time than just a few years ago. Messaging, alerts, constant interruptions. People complain they’re working twenty four hours a day because they have to be available around the clock. In Modern World Life Hacks Summer Storm-Podcast 677 I share my hacks to stay sane. What are yours?

Maintaining Composure

Especially relevant is the need to stay in a positive state of mind. This can be difficult when you’re responding to text messages, emails, clients or bosses at three in the morning. Content creators and creative people can find the need to stay connected constantly the most difficult.

Enjoying A Summer Storm

My contribution to your peace of mind? Sitting on the porch during a summer storm. What about the things that interest me. Excite me. Keep me in a positive, productive and creative state of mind? Hopefully my list will spur you to think up your own list. Things that really keep us going. In Modern World Life Hacks Summer Storm-Podcast 677.

Nobody Ever Said It Would Be Easy

Life is not easy. Turns and shifts happen without warning. Sometimes these changes are welcome. Sometimes not. People leave. Jobs end. Companies are sold. Plans shift. There are times when the changes are good. Finally, shifts and changes that are later looked upon as a ‘blessing’.

My Hacks

Travel is a big hack. A great way to shift my thinking. I don’t even care where I go anymore. Just going is half the battle. Especially road trips. Going to exotic far away places is also good. There are times though, when all you can manage is a weekend getaway.

The famous Bob Davis News Cleanse changed my life. It brought the realization that I did not need to maintain a twenty four hour news watch and freed me to create content outside of the confines of ‘the news’. Reading, walking, sitting quietly, or doing anything that shifts your thinking even short term are great for hacking the madness that is modern life.

The Old World Is Never Coming Back

In conclusion, we live in a great age. As we modernize we live among the trappings of an old world. Some of the old things are still around, but the pace of life will never go back to what it was. There are new pressures. New ideas. While we adjust to these new approaches its important to maintain our balance.

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Modern World Life Hacks Summer Storm-Podcast 677

Podcast 389

Black Swans. What is a Black Swan Event? By definition, its not necessarily predictable, but we try in this podcast. We’re at the end of an era in the United States. You could say the same about the west in general, and maybe the rest of the world. While things seem on a relatively predictable path in the present time frame one thing we can all be sure of; Something will happen. Things will change. Perhaps significantly. What then is the event that introduces the pivot point that changes politics, society and history? We can only speculate. A financial crisis in China that leads to chaos. Disruption in the Euro Zone triggered by Greece that upsets the balance of power and destabilizes the Balkans. A nuclear weapon in the hands of ISIS. An EMP attack that turns our our technological wonders into junk. Disease. Earthquakes. Comet strikes. Aliens landing. Pick your poison. Or, Black Swan Events that end up being really good. The discovery of a stable anti or reverse aging drug. A way to increase intelligence in human beings. Manageable Machine Intelligence. A breakthrough in agriculture or energy that provides a stable source of food and power. The development of anti-gravity capabilities to lift huge payloads into space, revolutionizing space travel. A really good powdered milk! (JK). The key with these events isn’t necessarily predicting the event itself; It’s being prepared for, and predicting the reaction of mere mortals to the event. It wasn’t the stock market crash of 1929 that caused the depression, it was the government’s lame brained reaction to it. It wasn’t the assassination of Arch Duke Ferdinand that caused World War I, it was the secret pacts and misunderstood capabilities, coupled with irreversible mobilizations that caused World War I. And so on. It’s fun to speculate on the future. Sponsored by X Government Cars

Podcast 236

At Peace With The News Cycle. When frustration with the news cycle sets in, the Doctor recommends a News Cleanse, and then sparing reintegration of the daily rush of the Video Game we know as the News Cycle. Or Cartoon. Whatever you wish. Once you have gone through this cycle rinse and repeat as necessary. Suddenly we’re either in a news rich environment, or the news has become more interesting, in reality. In any case, in the rush to create fantasy story lines about two big stories these days; Ebola and Election 2014, there are other things going on people are missing. First, we have all been subjected to the proselytizing Vegetarian, or worse; the evangelistic Vegan. A new study reveals that the pale, thin wrested Vegan down at the coop, may have less sperm and sperm that swim slower than meat eaters. So take heart those of you who enjoy tearing the seared flesh from the bones of dead animals, you will have more kids than the Vegans. Still worried about Ebola? Columbia University Scientists have discovered the rats in the public transit tunnels of New York City are teeming with viruses and other infections science didn’t even know existed, and worse, that these may have already been passed on to humans. For those following the 2014 election, a new Politico Poll shows 65 percent of Americans believe the country is ‘out of control’. That’s the good news. If you want to hear the bad news, read the open ended responses as to why Americans say these things. We have met the enemy … and he is us. U2 recently was so excited about their new album they decided to give it away, by forcing it onto millions of iTunes subscribers’ libraries. Frontman Bono says they ‘got a little carried away’ … this may qualify as one of the great understatements of the year. (Editor’s Note: I do not want ten crappy U2 songs showing up with my music, which has been carefully curated over the years, and contains no U2!) HBO has announced it will create its own streaming service ‘like Netflix’ later this year. Hopefully this means we can actually get Showtime and HBO shows as they come out rather than having to wait for them, or spend half on the night with support in order to watch Showtime Anytime. Everyone should read the New Yorker’s interview with Marc Andreessen, the creator of Netscape … years ago. Andreeson’s take on technology and politics is important for people who are trying to get a handle on what’s going on these days. We’re at the very beginning of a revolution that, despite what the naysayers believe, will have equal significance in human history to the industrial revolution. And, it won’t follow a schedule or Republican or Democrat political ‘rules’. In fact this revolution, like all revolutions comes in fits and starts and is from time to time chaotic. Whether it is additive manufacturing, empowering individuals to start their own businesses and transform their lives, or comes in the form of portable hydrogen power generators, or portable fusion reactors, driverless cars, on demand entertainment and information, or dissemination of high quality education and training, autonomous machines and software, robotics or just basic IT, batten down the hatches, but read this interview with Andreessen. And, finally, a recipe. Yes. It involves meat. Sponsored by Baklund R&D