2018 Toss Up Elections-Final Thoughts-Podcast 758

The 2018 Midterm election season has been most noteworthy for its twists and turns. Now as we head into the final month of the campaigns, find out what to look for on election day in 2018 Toss Up Elections-Final Thoughts-Podcast 758.

Media Cherry Picks Stats

Then there’s the media’s habit of cherry picking statistics. They call it ‘political coverage’. Statistics prove the story line. Damn lies convince us none of this has ever happened before.

Predictions of Doom

The president’s approval rating has never been worse. Voters have never been more fired up. If things continue the way they are now, terrible outcomes are inevitable. The president’s political party always loses seats in a midterm. Are these predictions of doom true? Learn more in 2018 Toss Up Elections-Final Thoughts-Podcast 758.

Polls Don’t Lie. The Media Lies

Finally, in my experience making predictions about statewide and house elections based on national polls and baselines is problematic although some research suggests they may be reliable predictors in midterm elections. There just isn’t enough information to say one way or another what will happen. That’s why we wait and see what the vote actually turns out to be.

Labels and Beliefs

Meanwhile these days we’re awash in labels and broadly held beliefs in pure nonsense. So and so is a “transformational figure”. A “disaster” has changed voting in a district or state forever.

Be The Change

I believe it’s time to change how we cover politics and I am putting my podcasts where my mouth is in this series on the midterm election toss ups. A close look at the data. A fair shake for the candidates. Letting the listeners and subscribers decide for themselves. Putting all the data in the podcasts so you can compare on election night. That’s what it’s all about for The Bob Davis Podcasts for Election 2018 coverage.

In conclusion, through all of it, I have to say I have no idea what will happen on November 6th, 2018, and neither does anyone else.

That’s up to you.

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2018 Toss Up Elections-Final Thoughts-Podcast 758





New Nostalgia-Really Want A Throwback To Fifties-Pros and Cons-Podcast 710

Lots of talk these days about the fifties. The 1950’s that is. A time when we made stuff. When men were men and, you know. Was it so great? We’ll talk about it in New Nostalgia-Really Want A Throwback To Fifties-Pros and Cons-Podcast 710.

A Podcast Subscriber Suggestion

One of my subscribers recently suggested I take a moment or a time in history and talk about it. As it relates to the president, part of the populist political theme these days is getting back to a simpler time when America Was Great.

Back In The Day We Were Happy and America was Great

During the time of poodle skirts and Buddy Holly, Marilyn Monroe and amber fields of grain, lots of people worked in manufacturing. Americans ‘made stuff’. Prices were low compared to today. People were happy. Families were important. Sundays was for church. Cars were big and cool. It was the best of times. It was the worst of times.

Seeing Life Through The Gauze of Nostalgia

Nostalgia. A sentimental longing a past. Going back to a place or time with happy personal associations. Surprisingly people are sometimes nostalgic for the time just before they were born, or going back to when they were children. We see nostalgia for the 1980’s from millennials who weren’t even born until the 90’s or 2000’s. We’ll talk about it in New Nostalgia-Really Want A Throwback To Fifties-Pros and Cons-Podcast 710.

Politicians Want Your Vote So They Love The 1950s Too

Especially relevant are politicians who evoke these halcyon times. Movers and shakers who want to associate their name and image with a time that is thought to be idyllically peaceful and happy. While we all would love to experience such a time, by some measurements the 1950’s in the United States wasn’t necessarily the jazz age.

Things Were Simpler In Part Because Populations Were Smaller

In New Nostalgia-Really Want A Throwback To Fifties-Pros and Cons-Podcast 710 we’ll take a close look at the 1950‘s including some memories and stories about the early days of the suburbs and the vast differences in the size and makeup of cities and towns.

How Do You Build A Better Future Dreaming Of The Past?

In conclusion if we are always thinking about a time in the distant past that really wasn’t how we remember or think about it, we’re not thinking about the future. Is it so bad people can be themselves these days? What about being able to communicate. Share vast amounts of data easily? Build highly productive factories that make things better, that last longer and do more? Are things better today than in the 1950’s?

You be the judge in New Nostalgia-Really Want A Throwback To Fifties-Pros and Cons-Podcast 710.

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New Nostalgia-Really Want A Throwback To Fifties-Pros and Cons-Podcast 710