Celebrating-Two-Years-Nomad-Travel-Bob Davis Podcast 1077

Celebrating Two Years A Nomad

Firstly very happy to be celebrating two years of nomad travel. Of course year two is very different from year one. Learn more in Celebrating-Two-Years-Nomad-Travel-Bob Davis Podcast 1077.

Review and Travelogue

Secondly reviewing the year takes the form of a travelogue.

Thanks and Appreciation

And there are many people to thank along the way.

Fuel Prices

Certainly fuel prices dictated a change in how this nomad travels.

Most importantly I like to drive.

That is to say I am one of these people who can cover a lot of ground.


But at the beginning of this second year of nomad travel those fuel prices grounded me in Quartzsite, Arizona.

More To Nomad Life Than Driving

As a result I realized this is life is like peeling an onion.

New Layers

Therefore getting down to the new layers this year meant friendships and more.

Remembering Details

In addition I had to review images and podcasts from the year to remember details!

Like A Dream

In other words much of this life is so much like a dream sometimes that’s how you remember it.

Utah and Colorado

For example reviewing images on my phone made me realize I did do some travel this summer.

And got to know Utah and Colorado pretty well.


Above all this has been a year of developing friendships and realizing the benefits of the nomad community.


As well as quite a few adventures.

Stories In This Podcast

Certainly I’ll tell a few stories from the experience in this podcast.

A Nomad’s Childhood Roots

However I go back to my childhood for some snapshots that explain the drive to hit the road later in life.

Healthier Life

More importantly I have outlined the reasons I think this lifestyle is actually healthier than life back in the world in previous podcasts.

Community and Bonds

Even more it’s the community and bonds with people I have met that made the most of the year.

Nature Of Our Time

Finally I don’t think any of us know where we’ll be in a year.

Indeed that seems to be the nature of the time we’re living through.


On the other hand we do have choices.

The Road Is The Prescription

Hitting the highway for adventure and growth certainly was the prescription for me.

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Celebrating-Two-Years-Nomad-Travel-Bob Davis Podcast 1077

How Owning Small Business Changes Views About Money-Podcast 682

Life is a journey and a process. These days there’s so much noise we forget how our experiences change our attitudes. Time for an easy talker about the challenges, changes and benefits of being an entrepreneur in How Owning Small Business Changes Views About Money-Podcast 682.

Spitting Into The Wind

One of the major news stories in the present time frame is the question of the so called tax reform bill. A podcaster wonders whether to do another podcast celebrating or condemning this legislation and concludes a discussion along these lines won’t advance the story. Especially relevant are the experiences of being in business and how it has changed how I think about money, labor and providing a service.

Owning A Business Changes A Life

In How Owning Small Business Changes Views About Money-Podcast 682 one of the key turning points in the life of a small business person is the transition from an employee mindset and the mindset of an entrepreneur. Moreover there’s also a change in how the business person thinks about service to clients and in the case of communications, the audience.

Freedom Isn’t Free

Most Americans these days grew up in middle class families. We were taught to work hard, tell the truth and to follow the rules. For the most part these are bedrock lessons we all need to learn. However one of the first lessons one learns in business is the heady freedom of being your own master. This turns out to be a great challenge. We’ll talk about it in How Owning Small Business Changes Views About Money-Podcast 682.

Take The Risk

Considering making the leap from employee to business owner? How Owning Small Business Changes Views About Money-Podcast 682 might give you some thought starters and things to consider. I am not one to read primers on business or ‘how to’s’. In some ways I wish I was, but then the journey of learning to sail on rough seas wouldn’t be part of the experience. For me, that’s what it’s all about.

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How Owning Small Business Changes Views About Money-Podcast 682


Modern World Life Hacks Summer Storm-Podcast 677

I think it is fair to say we’re living in a completely different time than just a few years ago. Messaging, alerts, constant interruptions. People complain they’re working twenty four hours a day because they have to be available around the clock. In Modern World Life Hacks Summer Storm-Podcast 677 I share my hacks to stay sane. What are yours?

Maintaining Composure

Especially relevant is the need to stay in a positive state of mind. This can be difficult when you’re responding to text messages, emails, clients or bosses at three in the morning. Content creators and creative people can find the need to stay connected constantly the most difficult.

Enjoying A Summer Storm

My contribution to your peace of mind? Sitting on the porch during a summer storm. What about the things that interest me. Excite me. Keep me in a positive, productive and creative state of mind? Hopefully my list will spur you to think up your own list. Things that really keep us going. In Modern World Life Hacks Summer Storm-Podcast 677.

Nobody Ever Said It Would Be Easy

Life is not easy. Turns and shifts happen without warning. Sometimes these changes are welcome. Sometimes not. People leave. Jobs end. Companies are sold. Plans shift. There are times when the changes are good. Finally, shifts and changes that are later looked upon as a ‘blessing’.

My Hacks

Travel is a big hack. A great way to shift my thinking. I don’t even care where I go anymore. Just going is half the battle. Especially road trips. Going to exotic far away places is also good. There are times though, when all you can manage is a weekend getaway.

The famous Bob Davis News Cleanse changed my life. It brought the realization that I did not need to maintain a twenty four hour news watch and freed me to create content outside of the confines of ‘the news’. Reading, walking, sitting quietly, or doing anything that shifts your thinking even short term are great for hacking the madness that is modern life.

The Old World Is Never Coming Back

In conclusion, we live in a great age. As we modernize we live among the trappings of an old world. Some of the old things are still around, but the pace of life will never go back to what it was. There are new pressures. New ideas. While we adjust to these new approaches its important to maintain our balance.

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Modern World Life Hacks Summer Storm-Podcast 677