Modern World Life Hacks Summer Storm-Podcast 677

I think it is fair to say we’re living in a completely different time than just a few years ago. Messaging, alerts, constant interruptions. People complain they’re working twenty four hours a day because they have to be available around the clock. In Modern World Life Hacks Summer Storm-Podcast 677 I share my hacks to stay sane. What are yours?

Maintaining Composure

Especially relevant is the need to stay in a positive state of mind. This can be difficult when you’re responding to text messages, emails, clients or bosses at three in the morning. Content creators and creative people can find the need to stay connected constantly the most difficult.

Enjoying A Summer Storm

My contribution to your peace of mind? Sitting on the porch during a summer storm. What about the things that interest me. Excite me. Keep me in a positive, productive and creative state of mind? Hopefully my list will spur you to think up your own list. Things that really keep us going. In Modern World Life Hacks Summer Storm-Podcast 677.

Nobody Ever Said It Would Be Easy

Life is not easy. Turns and shifts happen without warning. Sometimes these changes are welcome. Sometimes not. People leave. Jobs end. Companies are sold. Plans shift. There are times when the changes are good. Finally, shifts and changes that are later looked upon as a ‘blessing’.

My Hacks

Travel is a big hack. A great way to shift my thinking. I don’t even care where I go anymore. Just going is half the battle. Especially road trips. Going to exotic far away places is also good. There are times though, when all you can manage is a weekend getaway.

The famous Bob Davis News Cleanse changed my life. It brought the realization that I did not need to maintain a twenty four hour news watch and freed me to create content outside of the confines of ‘the news’. Reading, walking, sitting quietly, or doing anything that shifts your thinking even short term are great for hacking the madness that is modern life.

The Old World Is Never Coming Back

In conclusion, we live in a great age. As we modernize we live among the trappings of an old world. Some of the old things are still around, but the pace of life will never go back to what it was. There are new pressures. New ideas. While we adjust to these new approaches its important to maintain our balance.

Sponsored by Brush Studio in The West End Saint Louis Park, and by Ciro 3D Motorcycle Products and Accessories

Modern World Life Hacks Summer Storm-Podcast 677

Interview With An Antichrist-Podcast 666

Seems like there’s a lot of talk about the end of the world these days. The tribulation. The rise to power of the antichrist. No one knows who the antichrist is. Life is not all wine and roses for the guy cooling his heels in the wings. Join us for Interview With An Antichrist-Podcast 666.

Worse Than The End Of The World

We were all ready for the end on September 23rd, 2017. Now all the ‘experts’ say this date signaled the beginning of something called the tribulation period. At some point an entity known as The Antichrist will take over the world. All this is set down in various parts of the bible.

Being An Antichrist Is A High Pressure Job

One of the things you learn in Interview With An Antichrist-Podcast 666 is that there are apparently several ‘candidates’ vying for the job of antichrist. We talked to one of those candidates. In Interview With An Antichrist-Podcast 666.

Especially relevant is the fact that the antichrist’s reign ends with his destruction at the hands of the actual Christ who ushers in peace on earth; a virtual paradise for those who believe in Him. What’s it like to compete for a job that amounts to a suicide mission?

You Won’t Believe Where He Lives

On a recent dark night, before the rise of the moon, I traveled in Mobile Podcast Command to the home of an antichrist. I expected a gothic mansion. A slightly overgrown garden. The sound of wolves snarling as they patrolled the grounds. In fact this antichrist lives in a rather nondescript suburban home in the midwest. Find out why in Interview With An Antichrist-Podcast 666.

Life As An Antichrist

It’s time we put some meat on the bones of these foggy predictions. Who’s with the antichrist and who’s against him? When does all this happen? What is it like the be ‘the guy’? Would he ever ‘flip’ and join the Jesus team? Why are there so many dead rabbits in his yard?

Sponsored by Ryan Plumbing and Heating of Saint Paul

Interview With An Antichrist-Podcast 666


Podcast 498

In Digital Media It’s All News. A tour through YouTube videos that predict the end of the world, a collision with a massive planet on a 3200 year elliptical orbit through our solar system, a massive conspiracy that includes mind controlling top entertainers like Beyonce, Lady Gaga, Coldplay and Kei$ha, FEMA camps and Walmart, and much much more. More of us get our news from videos on FaceBook, Twitter and YouTube on their smart phones everyday. As our devices get more and more powerful and sophisticated, digital media grows in reach and importance. Conspiracy theory videos some might think are ridiculous get millions of views. As we act more and more like tribes, we derive our information from sources our tribe approves of, sharing facts with only those in our ‘newsfeed’, or our list of friends, our tribes. In Digital Media It’s All News. With so many people watching it all, can our subconscious minds tell the difference between media designed to manipulate and media designed to give us facts? Do we have the discernment necessary to understand facts and context? What is the difference between the ‘real’ news and a conspiracy video on YouTube. Sometimes the videos on YouTube are done just as well. What is the difference between CNN and Fox and RT? Or InfoWars? Or a blogger you like. What prevents the kind of political action that solves problems. What happens when you go against your tribe? Are fear and ignorance driving the country, politically. You can’t stop it. No law passed will turn it off. We’re going to have to go through it, and somehow maybe learn the art of discernment. Meanwhile, gotta get back to the video about this planet coming it on the outer edge of our solar system. It’s gonna wreck everything. Sponsored by Hydrus Performance and Brush Studio in the West End, Saint Louis Park, Minnesota.