No-News-Is-News-Bob Davis Podcast 953

No News IS News

These days the first thing to know is no news, IS the news. We’ll talk about it in No-News-Is-News-Bob Davis Podcast 953.

Objective Sources?

Most important for this walk and talk podcast is that some people think there are still ‘objective sources’.

Podcast Integration

First of I do walk and talk podcasts for a reason. These freewheeling podcasts are my way of integrating the ‘heavier’ podcasts I’ve done recently.


Walking and Talking is therapy for me.

Weirdest Election Ever

Secondly we’re less than 60 days away from what is sure to be one of the weirdest US elections in memory.

Poorly Served

As a result of walking and talking I hit upon the idea we’re still being poorly served by all kinds of media in this country.

Lies are Truth…Truth Is A Lie

Even more is the question of where people turn when the intent of every source is to convince, manipulate or spread lies as ‘truth’.

Pundits Addicted To Predicting

Above all my focus lately has been reporting on political polls. In No-News-Is-News-Bob Davis Podcast 953 I take a few shots at the so called pundits and their predictions.

Rediscovering The Battleground States

Certainly the media has recently rediscovered the so called ‘battleground states’. In recent elections, mostly located in the central US.

Bob Davis Podcasts Has Been In The Battlegrounds All Along

We’ve been discussing the battleground state polls exclusively since 2019. In addition, most of the media aren’t reporting those polls properly currently.

National Polls and Manipulation

Above all this is the place to get analysis on key state polls without the partisanship. In addition I don’t make predictions and I don’t care who ‘wins’ this election.


Finally as I think we’re in the midst of a political and social realignment. No one can tell you where that’s going to end up.

Something IS Wrong

For instance the feeling we all have something is wrong but we just can’t put our finger on what it is.

Walking Through A Late Summer Night

To sum up it’s always better to walk through a still late summer night and talk these things out.

That’s what a walk and talk is all about.

(Editor’s Note: I hate it when I have to do corrections, but this was a big mistake, so…Mentioned a Real Clear Politics metric which compares 2016 averages to 2020 averages between Hillary Clinton’s poll numbers then to Joe Biden’s now. I reversed those numbers. Biden is running about one point ahead of Clinton in the top battleground states and substantially better than the former Secretary of State in other metrics. However this doesn’t change how close the polls are overall in the battleground states. But given that I reversed the numbers, the analysis that Biden is running behind Clinton doesn’t work. All the more reason not to do analysis of the polls on the run in a walk and talk podcast.)

Sponsored by Kim Nybo Insurance

No-News-Is-News-Bob Davis Podcast 953





Yoga Purists-Change-Always A Student-Bob Davis Podcast 746

Lobby time at the Yoga studio. Lots of discussion about yoga and life. One of my teachers suggested I talk about Yoga Purists in my next Yoga Podcast. Sometimes change is the challenge in Yoga Purists-Change-Always A Student-Bob Davis Podcast 746.

Good Habits Can Be Limiting

Especially relevant is the pace of our busy life. My solution to a busy pace is to create habits. Same classes. Same times. Yoga Every Damn Day. The same yoga.

These days some yogis feel strongly about spirituality in yoga. Moreover some yogis feel one type of practice is THE practice and that’s all they do.

Is yoga a religion?

I used to think it was not. Two veteran teachers have told me Yoga IS a religion. The spiritual component is there if you want it. We’ll talk about it in Yoga Purists-Change-Always A Student-Bob Davis Podcast 746.

Do I Have To Be Spiritual?

Does a yogi have to be ‘spiritual’. Moreover does a yogi have to be observant? My young teacher training friends tell me new people these days come in because of the spiritual component. What if you’re not so interested in that part of the practice.

This Practice Is The Only Practice

Finally I started with one ‘kind’ of yoga. I thought that one kind of yoga was the be all and end all. Like many ‘hotties’ I thought we were the strongest and the best practitioners of yoga. I was a purist.

One night the sculpt teacher across the hall didn’t show up and the sculpt students joined our ‘Bikram style’ hot class. ‘Bikram’ purists have often remarked, “Sculpt Is Not Yoga”. This would be the proof.

It’s Not A Competition, then again…

Moreover, I am here to tell you those sculpt students kicked our asses and convinced me I had to try sculpt.

Consequently branching out turned out to be a path to growth. Furthermore, sculpt made me stronger and improved my other practices. imagine learning a practice I thought ‘wasn’t’ yoga could make me stronger and a better yogi.

Go With It!

In conclusion creating habits to accomplish goals is a good thing. In contrast habits can also make us reluctant to accept change. Classes change. Teacher’s schedules shift. Studios offer more of one type of class than another. The one constant is change.

Sometimes if we go with the flow, we are shocked to find we like it more!

(Editor’s Note: In this podcast I refer to a purist as an iconoclast, which is of course the exact opposite of a purist. Sometimes I crack myself up.)

Sponsored by Water Butler Purification Systems and Hydrus Performance

Yoga Purists-Change-Always A Student-Bob Davis Podcast 746


Below Zero Antidote-Summer Sounds Headphone Immersion-Podcast 693

Below Zero real temperatures are blanketing the North. While it is frigid, what if you could transport yourself back in time to summer? We do just that in Below Zero Antidote-Summer Sounds Headphone Immersion-Podcast 693.

Where and When is your summer?

Where and what is summer to you? A trip along the coast of northern California? A pool party? Or a walk down a gravel and dirt road at the lake, just before a summer storm? So, due to the bitter weather conditions in the upper midwest right now, almost everyone should enjoy a trip back to the warmth.

Summer Is A State Of Mind

For some people, summer is the sound of an AM radio drifting through the air on a hot day. A summer night in the 1980’s, or 1970’s. Summer is a state of mind. Where and when is for you to say. Almost all of us have a memory from summer. Especially relevant is the fact that your summer is one click away in Below Zero Antidote-Summer Sounds Headphone Immersion-Podcast 693.

High Quality Digital Sound Put Your Headphones On

No matter where I go or what I do I collect a lot of high quality digital sound. As the mercury dipped several degrees below zero this weekend I searched through my back up hard drives for something to remind me of warmer times. I decided to put together a summer sounds podcast. Headphones are best for listening to this one. Don’t worry, there isn’t much talk.

Sounds Collected From Across The Country During Summer

When I first started podcasting I did a summer sounds podcast. Since then with new tools, and more sound, I decided it was time for a new one. Since the first summer sounds podcast, there’s been a lot of summer travel. Much as I wanted to sit in my studio and listen, I realized from coast to coast and north to south I’ve collected a lot of sound. In conclusion, it seems like it would be best to share it with podcast listeners and subscribers. Furthermore, a lot of that sound is in this podcast.

From California To The Jersey Coast

We start in Mendocino County California on a warm night in September. A packed victorian hotel bar. From there, onto the California coast, and back to the midwest. Bugs. Wind. Storms. An outdoor soccer game in the heat. Most noteworthy, thunderstorms! The Lake. Of course, in conclusion, there will be fireworks.

Thanks to the sponsors of this special podcast… Brush Studio In The West End Saint Louis Park and Ryan Plumbing and Heating

Below Zero Antidote-Summer Sounds Headphone Immersion-Podcast 693