Nomad-Meetup-New-Mexico-Bob Davis Podcast 973

Firstly holiday season means many avoid travel restrictions with a road trip so it’s a perfect time for a nomad meetup and New Mexico is the place. Join us for Nomad-Meetup-New-Mexico-Bob Davis Podcast 973.

Secondly Las Cruces New Mexico turned out to be the perfect place.

Most importantly I’m doing the nomad thing and my friend Don Anger is doing a variation of the nomad thing.

Don works in the oil fields in Midland, Texas and lives in Case Grande, Arizona.

Even more my old radio buddy works two weeks on, and gets a week off.

Certainly like a lot of other workers these days no one’s taking any risks. Therefore Don is not alone migrating from the job, down the I-10 and back again at least twice a month.

On the other hand I am thoroughly loving the whole nomad experience. Having spent the last week or so in New Mexico, it was easy for me to head to Las Cruces.

Therefore my friend and I could meetup in Mobile Podcast Command for some coffee, and conversation.

As a result we got to share stories of the road and life’s challenges.

Above all how do we deal with issues like where we park at truck stops or Walmart parking lots. What about showers. Food. Do we travel at night or during the day?

In addition why do guys do what we do? For Don it’s about feeding a family and doing what has to be done.

But for me it’s about the open road and pure freedom.

Most importantly in this time lots of people are on the road.

Whether they’re working in one city and commuting to another or hitting the road in the same vein as I am, it doesn’t matter.

Finally even though it seems foreign, strange or even scary to some…It’s home to us.

To sum up we both get a lot of questions about life on the road. Time for a freewheeling conversation with two road warriors about what it’s like, why we do it and why we love it.

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Nomad-Meetup-New-Mexico-Bob Davis Podcast 973



Has United States Been Socialist For A Long Time? Podcast 625

We hear a lot of words used to describe various political factions in the US. Most will say the US economic system is capitalist but is this just an illusion? Are we socialist? Have we been socialist for a long time? It seems to me, we have. In Has United States Been Socialist For A Long Time? Podcast 625.

Socialism Is Everywhere

Just because a country’s economic system is socialist, does not mean it’s a tyranny. Denmark and Canada aren’t dictatorships. Singapore is a Socialist Market Economy. Places where ‘the people’ own or control the means of production. Most socialist countries these days enjoy democratic political systems.

Government and Non Profits Dominate State Economies

Americans think of themselves as capitalists. The thing is, the top three employers in my state are public institutions. Americans depend on social security, medicare, or medicaid ‘entitlements’. Home buyers get tax subsidies. We enjoy many tax deferred investment options. Farmers get subsidies. Public workers get pensions. All kinds of grants for education exist. Then there are the business subsidies and government contracts. Some popular business personalities receive billions in subsidies from the government. We’ll talk about it in Has United States Been Socialist For A Long Time? Podcast 625.

Both Parties Support Socialism

Democrats complain about light rail projects running through their backyards, but support government programs because ‘It’s the right thing to do’. Republicans complain about big government unless it’s the military, support for their businesses, home mortgage tax credit, social security and 401K programs.

The Right Thing To Do

It’s true that many of these programs date back to the depression in the 1930’s. Also true that creation of these programs came with the best intentions. Whether we like it or not, government is deeply involved in our lives. Of course, what the government giveth, the government takeaway. We’ll talk about it in Has United States Been Socialist For A Long Time? Podcast 625.

Classic Liberalism Is Forgotten

Republicans and Democrats argue the same side of the coin. Both are collectivists. Neither adhere to Classic Liberalism, a philosophy of limited government with the sole purpose of securing a maximum amount of individual liberty, property rights and free markets. While no political scientist would argue the US is Socialist maybe we should consider the possibility we are and have been for some time.

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Has United States Been Socialist For A Long Time? Podcast 625