No-Small-Talk-Agorafest-2019-Bob Davis Podcast 863

No Small Talk

I’ve never been good at small talk. These days conversation is safe. Sports. Weather. Don’t discuss religion or politics at party. Above all there’s one group where the reverse is true. Learn more in No-Small-Talk-Agorafest-2019-Bob Davis Podcast 863.

Live In South Dakota

I am live in Mobile Podcast Command in Gary South Dakota at the Buffalo Ridge Resort. It’s especially relevant that I am hanging with my anarchist friends at a little festival they put together called ‘Agorafest‘. And Buffalo Ridge is a great place to have it.

Ongoing Conversations

In contrast to pointless weekend conversation I come to Agorafest for the discussions about everything from home brewing to the meaning of life. In this podcast subscribers and listeners will get a little taste of our style of conversation.

Let’s Face It. Anarchy is Fun!

For political listeners most noteworthy is the question what is an anarchist? Moreover what brand of anarchism is the primary focus this weekend?

Anderson, Johnson and Davis

First of all to give you an idea of our fireside chats Cole Anderson and Mark Johnson join the podcast.

Life Is Suffering. Or Not!

Above all Mark and I have been debating whether life is suffering all weekend. That debate continues in this podcast, with some asides about home brewing and politics. How’s that for small talk?

Agorafest Stays With You

Certainly you’ll hear anarchy isn’t as threatening as some people think. Indeed maybe you’ll hear something you’ll think about weeks from now. That’s usually the case with me.


Even more most of us feel we’re at a turning point in history. That deserves more than small talk.

Talk It Out As Friends

It’s great when people with very different ideas about how the world works to come together, hash it out and still be friends.


Everyone probably agrees that affecting change in your own community is more satisfying. Therefore learning how to do that constructively is a byproduct of these weekends.

Sponsored By Ryan Plumbing and Heating of Saint Paul and Reliafund Integrated Payment Processing Solutions

No-Small-Talk-Agorafest-2019-Bob Davis Podcast 863




Podcast 554-Latest Election State By State Polls

Podcast 554-Latest Election State By State Polls. For you political junkies, which includes me, it’s been a month since the last analysis of political polls state by state, and I promised another one at the end of September, 2016. If you want to compare the two state by state poll podcasts to really get a sense of movement check out Podcast 541. I do not intend to analyze the debate. I will not tell you who won the debate. I will not tell you whether people pay attention to the debates. None of the current state by state polls were taken after the debates so they do not reflect the effects on either candidate of the debates. With this in mind, over 80 million people watched the September 26th debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. The next state-by-state poll roundup podcast at the end of October will show what effect – if any – the debates may or may not have had. The biggest change between this podcast and the podcast in late August is that there are now more ‘toss up’ states — that is states with poll averages for president within the margin of error. In Podcast 554-State By State Polls, I am drawing on data from Real Clear Politics. Follow the link directly to an interactive electoral map of the United States and follow along, or may your own map. The tightening could be knock on effects from Clinton’s bad week of September 11th, or it could just be due to more polls closer to the election, when respondents start paying attention and are more likely to give responses. You’ll have to listen for my conclusions about whether more toss up states mean anything, but for the most part, both candidates are within the margins in 2012 and 2008 in the states they lead, or are trading leads. The big questions remain Florida, Ohio, Pennsyvania, Virginia, and to a lesser extent North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Wisconsin, Michigan, and western states like Colorado, Arizona and Nevada. This is a state by state electoral election, so the national polls don’t matter, and the snap polls on who won the debate don’t matter. All that matters is the candidate’s performance, and get out the vote efforts for them in key electoral states. Listen and learn the state by state strongholds, battlegrounds, advantages and disadvantages, roughly a month out. We’ll come back at the end of October and again just before the election in early November, and see how the campaigning, media, and news events have changed the political landscape. Sponsored by Ryan Plumbing of Saint Paul.