Summer Binge TV Shows-Escape-Midnight Walk-Podcast 722

Suddenly summer in the Upper Midwest. When the news keeps talking about the same stuff time for escape. These days that means binge watching. In Summer Binge TV Shows-Escape-Midnight Walk-Podcast 722.

Lots Of Great New Shows Means Peak TV

Hundreds of drama and comedy shows will be produced for networks like HBO, ShowTime, Hulu, AMC, Netflix and others in 2018. They call it ‘Peak TV‘. I love nothing more than sitting up all night, drinking coffee and binge watching my favorite shows. Every now and then I like to talk about the shows I am watching.

What’s more, I actually consider it part of my job!

The shows we binge watch say a lot about the national mood.

A Window Into America’s Subconscious

Especially relevant to this podcast is the idea I have that the content and tone of these shows has begun to change. Does this reflect a change in the national mood? Are these shows a window into America’s subconscious? We’ll talk about it on a midnight walk in Summer Binge TV Shows-Escape-Midnight Walk-Podcast 722.

New Shows

While the major networks are focused on adding remakes like Roseanne, Will and Grace and Murphy Brown, Netflix, HBO and others are cranking out great new dramas, comedies and documentaries. I can hardly keep up with Stranger Things, Black Mirror and more!

What Are You Binging On?

I’ve been binging on WestWorld, Homeland, Billions, and especially a new show on ShowTime called I’m Dying Up Here. Who hasn’t watched all the Breaking Bad shows again, or the more current Narcos? Plus documentaries like Evil Genius, and the new Elvis doc on HBO, Elvis The Searcher. Don’t even get me started on Game of Thrones!

Changing Mood

With the addition of new shows like The Deuce and I’m Dying Up Here, there’s a nostalgia for the American urban experience in the 1970’s. While older shows like The Walking Dead and Fear The Walking dead have started to seem stale, new shows strike a different tone. What’s more, I get the feeling the mood is changing. Maybe we just want to laugh.

Broadcast Fades To Black

As the ratings for cable channels and news shows that focus on the constant drone of the political back and forth these days, when the weather changes, who doesn’t want to escape?

Shows like WestWorld focus on anxiety about robotics and artificial intelligence, in Billions, it seems like they’re all villains. If you think some of these plots are farfetched, consider the fact that House of Cards pales in contrast to the actual craziness in today’s Washington DC.


What are you binging on and what do you think about it. Let me know at, after you check out Summer Binge TV Shows-Escape-Midnight Walk-Podcast 722.

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Summer Binge TV Shows-Escape-Midnight Walk-Podcast 722

Ozark The Deuce Stranger Things Golden TV age Snark-Podcast 675

Streaming. Binging. Brand new shows. Hundreds of new offerings on networks that didn’t exist ten years ago. Critics have suddenly discovered streaming television and there is much they do not like. In Ozark The Deuce Stranger Things Golden TV age Snark-Podcast 675.

No Commercials

I cut the cable years ago. Never watch broadcast TV. Despite this, I watch a lot of TV. I have my favorite shows. Shows I binge watch over a week, or weekend. Especially relevant is the fact that we all have our favorites. Whether it’s a weekend of Stranger Things or Ozark on Netflix, or waiting for each installment of the new HBO Show The Deuce, we’re watching serialized TV offerings like long movies.

Peak TV

While the technical infrastructure has existed for awhile, more people are streaming shows. It’s what the experts call ‘peak tv‘. No one wants to be left out, including the critics. In Ozark The Deuce Stranger Things Golden TV age Snark-Podcast 675.

You’ve Got Critics

A few years ago the critics hailed these new offerings as ‘groundbreaking’. Suddenly new shows can’t get a break. Bad acting. Silly plot lines. Critics are desperate to remain relevant, I guess. What they forget is, it’s just Television.

Watch It All At Once and Move On

Television has always been disposable. So have all popular forms of entertainment. Sure, there are world changing plays, movies, songs, radio and television shows. For the most part though, we forget. Do you remember all two hundred plus Miami Vice installments? Were they all great?

Content Creators Don’t Change The World With Every Offering

New media platforms can take as much content as creators can manage. People watch and discard almost as soon as it is produced. We’re in the early stages of an entirely new form of entertainment delivery systems. Creators are still learning the ropes. Is it fair to compare a show with 13 hour long installments in a year, although it’s written, shot and produced like a movie, with a full budget hollywood movie? Do the viewers care that some critic doesn’t think an actor is good enough to do Shakespeare on Broadway?

Binge Weekend

I love my new shows, and I binge watch the old ones all the time. WestWorld. The Deuce. Ozark. House of Cards. Ray Donovan. Boardwalk Empire. Curb Your Enthusiasm. I don’t need to be studying film and literature to enjoy them. In the final analysis, the rest of the viewers don’t either.

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Ozark The Deuce Stranger Things Golden TV age Snark-Podcast 675



Interview With An Antichrist-Podcast 666

Seems like there’s a lot of talk about the end of the world these days. The tribulation. The rise to power of the antichrist. No one knows who the antichrist is. Life is not all wine and roses for the guy cooling his heels in the wings. Join us for Interview With An Antichrist-Podcast 666.

Worse Than The End Of The World

We were all ready for the end on September 23rd, 2017. Now all the ‘experts’ say this date signaled the beginning of something called the tribulation period. At some point an entity known as The Antichrist will take over the world. All this is set down in various parts of the bible.

Being An Antichrist Is A High Pressure Job

One of the things you learn in Interview With An Antichrist-Podcast 666 is that there are apparently several ‘candidates’ vying for the job of antichrist. We talked to one of those candidates. In Interview With An Antichrist-Podcast 666.

Especially relevant is the fact that the antichrist’s reign ends with his destruction at the hands of the actual Christ who ushers in peace on earth; a virtual paradise for those who believe in Him. What’s it like to compete for a job that amounts to a suicide mission?

You Won’t Believe Where He Lives

On a recent dark night, before the rise of the moon, I traveled in Mobile Podcast Command to the home of an antichrist. I expected a gothic mansion. A slightly overgrown garden. The sound of wolves snarling as they patrolled the grounds. In fact this antichrist lives in a rather nondescript suburban home in the midwest. Find out why in Interview With An Antichrist-Podcast 666.

Life As An Antichrist

It’s time we put some meat on the bones of these foggy predictions. Who’s with the antichrist and who’s against him? When does all this happen? What is it like the be ‘the guy’? Would he ever ‘flip’ and join the Jesus team? Why are there so many dead rabbits in his yard?

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Interview With An Antichrist-Podcast 666