Spiritual Bankruptcy-New Moralists-Bob Davis Podcast 795

It seems like the talking heads are always telling us what our problems are. The moralists are back trying to shore up their audiences. They are making the case our economic system and politics are making us unhappy. Learn more in Spiritual Bankruptcy-New Moralists-Bob Davis Podcast 795.


First of all, who or what is responsible for our happiness? Where does happiness come from? We’ll talk about it in Spiritual Bankruptcy-New Moralists-Bob Davis Podcast 795.

Happiness and Government

Furthermore I was trying to do a yoga podcast. Due to the political and social nature of the topic I have to explain why this question of happiness and government has come up.

The New Moralism

Most noteworthy this week is the fact that most of the moralism is coming from the supposed political right.

Moral Health Of America

Because of Senator Mitt Romney, Tucker Carlson and Armstrong Williams commentary on the ‘moral‘ nature of Americans I feel the need to respond.

Republicans Attack Capitalism?

Especially relevant are Romney’s attacks on the president’s moral character and Tucker Carlson’s attacks on capitalism and our political leaders’ responsibilities.

Republicans Embrace Chavez and Marx

Finally since when do so called conservatives start sounding like Hugo Chavez and Karl Marx? It isn’t the job of our politicians to ‘make us happy’. Certainly we claim the right to the pursuit of happiness, not the right to the condition of happiness.

Who’s Job Is It To Make Me Happy?

Also it is our job to make ourselves happy. I provide some suggestions for that in Spiritual Bankruptcy-New Moralists-Bob Davis Podcast 795.

The Devil Marijuana

Finally Romney, Tucker and Armstrong use unsupported assessments of marijuana usage, rape and sexual harassment and general economic ‘malaise’ to support their points. They say this country is in moral decline.

It’s Getting Better Not Worse

In conclusion things are actually getting better. All the world’s problems are not solved, but it is a shock to me that so called conservative opinionators can’t look on the bright side anymore.

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Spiritual Bankruptcy-New Moralists-Bob Davis Podcast 795




Kafkaesque-Route 66-Bob Davis Podcast 793

What if you’d gone to sleep in 1980 and woke up in 2019? I think Jessie Pinkman’s Breaking Bad “Kafkaesque” line would describe these days pretty well. Learn more in Kafkaesque-Route 66-Bob Davis Podcast 793.

Time Off

I planned to take some time off around the new year. One day stretched into 3, then 5. I came back to bizarre claims from the president, silly questions from reporters, and more talking heads telling us what we already know. You know, Kafkaesque.

Streaming TV Drama

What did I do? Like everyone else I retreated to streaming television drama. Moreover after exhausting the supply of shows to watch, I ended up finding four seasons of the old TV show “Route 66” on Amazon Prime.

1960 Corvette

What’s most noteworthy about this 1960 black and white drama? Two guys driving across the country on backroads in a 1960 Corvette getting into situations.

Route 66 Remake

First of all, while watching the show, I googled all the places the show’s characters drive through. Yes, I have been to many of them. In addition to providing an excellent escape from our current nonsense, I decided someone should remake Route 66. (Editor’s note: If you follow the links you’ll see that someone actually did remake the show, but it was horrible. I am thinking what David Simon, Matt Weiner or Ann Biderman could do with it.)

We All Think It Is Absurd

I don’t think I am out of line to suggest that the current news and political situation is theater of the absurd. Also I think many people feel the same way.

Resolution Please

Certainly this is why I have suggested many times the best way for me to contribute is to be strong enough to wait for a conclusion. Even more a resolution. With some kind of ‘way point’ there is less confusion. Pointing out options and ideas is less likely to trigger listener’s emotional reactions.

Where Are We Headed? Somewhere.

In conclusion, like the guys in Route 66, we’re headed somewhere. We just don’t know where yet.

Sponsored by WhiteTail Builders and Ryan Plumbing and Heating of Saint Paul

Kafkaesque-Route 66-Bob Davis Podcast 793


Unity Confidence Game-American Tribes-Bob Davis Podcast 772

Tensions are high these days. People fear violence. The media sells a coming Civil War. Now we’re hearing calls for ‘Unity’. Is it a con? Learn more in Unity Confidence Game-American Tribes-Bob Davis Podcast 772.

Now We’re Tribes

A popular word these days is ‘tribal‘. People who think a certain way are a ‘tribe’. I thought we were all Americans. One tribe. Apparently not.

We’re Supposed To Disagree

Aren’t we supposed to disagree? Moreover we have a system designed to use disagreement to find the best path forward.

Is Unity Tyranny?

In this freewheeling talker, I suggest unity implies we all have to agree. Especially relevant is the problem pushing for ‘unity’ creates. You have to agree with me. I have to agree with you. Those who disagree or say things ‘we’ don’t agree with should be ‘sent away’. Listen to Unity Confidence Game-American Tribes-Bob Davis Podcast 772.

Emotionally Charged Environment

In addition media goes for the emotional hook. Because we’re in an emotionally charged environment, there’s no context. Even more, trends of thought or story lines pass for ‘news’. Large swaths of the population get their information without history or context from social media.

False Choice

Most noteworthy in a world fueled by feelings, talking heads tell us we have to choose “between war and peace”. Civil war or Civil peace. Certainly this is a false choice and a very dangerous suggestion. More in Unity Confidence Game-American Tribes-Bob Davis Podcast 772.

Celebrate Factionalism

Finally factionalism is a natural human tendency. That’s ok. Social systems designed to weed out factions are tyrannies. If we both agree, one of us is unnecessary.

Read History Gain Perspective

In conclusion beware of all this unity talk. If we can’t disagree and talk about problems, we can’t solve them. Celebrate differences. Read history. Consequently gain perspective.

Freedom Isn’t Easy

Sponsored by Ryan Plumbing and Heating of Saint Paul

Unity Confidence Game-American Tribes-Bob Davis Podcast 772