Corona-Recession-Becoming-Depression?-Bob Davis Podcast 941


Firstly chances of a happy ending to this pandemic are fading. Learn more in Corona-Recession-Becoming-Depression?-Bob Davis Podcast 941.

Going Against The Optimists

Secondly I know what I have to say goes against the optimists.


However there’s optimism, then there’s Pollyanna.

Mental Health

Thirdly and most importantly are concerns and questions about our overall mental health.

Giving In To Reopening Pressure

Certainly it’s now clear some states gave in to political pressure to reopen.

Shutting Back Down

As a result we face the specter of shutting back down. One of the reasons I ask whether the Corona Recession Is Becoming A Depression?

Negative Economic Impacts

Above all the big concern is additional negative impacts on the US Economy.

Relief Running Out

Even more unemployment benefits and business relief packages are running out.

The Sheriff Is Here With Your Eviction Notice

Finally as the grace period on evictions ends people are forced to move.

“This Is All Going To End, You’ll See”

This was all supposed to be over by now, right?

Taxpayers Are Broke…So Is The Government

Meanwhile Congress and the White House are negotiating new relief that starts at one trillion dollars. Where is the production and the tax revenue to pay for it?

Enormous Debt To Stop The Panic

More debt, more money printing and more borrowing future growth to stop the bleeding now.

The Boom Was A Dream

In addition the bill for the central bank’s propping up the world economy for at least ten years is coming due. Our economic boom was a dream. Corona is the shock that ended it.

Good Morning Sunshine!

In short it is not a pretty picture.

Optimism Rests On Stock Market and Unemployment Numbers

Similarly you’re going to hear a lot about unemployment numbers, the stock market and so on. But these are not how we measure the economy.

Top Guys Hedging Their Bets

In conclusion top financial people are already hedging their bets. Warning of gathering storm clouds and trouble ahead.

Kanye West, Protests and Karen

The fact that these stories have not seeped into the mainstream is especially relevant. But when you have riots, Kanye West and Karen’s antics at the WalMart to share on social media, who cares about the economy?

Really Hope The Optimists Are Right

To sum up, batten down the hatches America, in about a month we all may wish the eternal optimists were right.

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Podcast 316

Midweek Updates. Live from the newsroom at the Bob Davis Podcasts. Bruce Jenner allegedly kills someone and everyone is talking about Brian Williams. Go figure. NBC News still doesn’t know what to do with the news anchor who embellished stories about Iraq, and now apparently Katrina, and whether he saved puppies or not when he ‘was a fireman’. If Williams is forced to leave, NBC will have to write him a check for fifty million dollars. Williams just signed a five year contract with the network for ten million dollars a year, so he might NOT be singing ‘Don’t Cry For Me Argentina’. Alas, the news media IS crying for Williams. The New York Times says Williams is a victim of ‘false memory’, which apparently a lot of us have. The Minneapolis Star Tribune suggests this is a time for forgiveness. Why are they apologizing for Williams when real reporters – not to mention American servicemen and women – are actually dying when they cover the news, or being beheaded, or something like that. Even more sad news than the fall of a ‘hero’ television presenter is the sad story of Whitney Houston’s daughter Bobbi Kristina Brown. The Brown family says they’ll remove Bobby from life support today, February 11th, the same day her mother passed. Bobby always said when Whitney died, she lost more than her mom, she lost her best friend. Yet more sad? IRS head John Koskinen says ILLEGAL aliens will be able to receive back earned income tax credit payments for as long as they have been in the US. Millions of illegals could receive millions of dollars in payouts, financed by American Taxpayers. It seems President Obama executive memoranda which amnestied these people neglected to exempt them from such payments, so Koskinen wants to be on the ‘safe side’. Enough to make us want to remove ourselves from life support. A town in Pennsylvania is placing signs at the edge of town that say, “This is NOT a Gun free Zone”, which is driving the gun control zealots into a frenzy. One of them says the signs will mean criminals will shoot first, and that Conoy Township ‘will be like the wild west’. The town says they’ll take that bet. Minnesota Governor Dayton’s struggle with the House over huge pay raises for his commissioners has descended into a battle over whether the Governor will testify. He says he’ll meet with legislators but won’t testify. He also offered to do what he can to increase the pay of legislators! Meanwhile it appears the Republican House has a little  ‘splainin’ to do as well, since GOP operative and House employee Ben Golnick was also given a huge raise and makes over six figures. Sigh. In Michigan legislators are considering a bill which would outlaw subsidies to businesses. It seems Michigan is on the hook for 6 billion dollars in subsidies to auto companies. And you wonder why Detroit is a wasteland. Great idea, by the way. And eggs are good for you! Sponsored by Depotstar

Podcast 314

Global Warming Hot Air. The ‘Climate Change Community’ thanks Brian Williams for making up stories, stealing coverage from what could be the biggest scandal in scientific history; It appears the US Government has been cooking the books when it comes to temperature data. Actual temperatures posted from weather stations in Paraguay, Northern Canada and Siberia have been altered (gasp) to show higher readings…for years. A midwinter meltdown would ensue, if this story was actually taken up by the news machine, but they’re too busy with Dirty Laundry from Brian Williams right now. Meanwhile billions of dollars are being spent on wind and solar, and electric car subsidies. Not to mention the legislative roadblock ordered up by Obama Crony Warren Buffett on the Keystone pipeline, due to concerns the EPA has over its environmental ‘impact’. Carbon Credits anyone? Hot Air indeed. More bad news for the IRS and for taxpayers. Thousands of taxpayer numbers and social security numbers have been hacked, and have been used by hackers to file early returns. People are discovering the problem when they file their taxes and get the message, “Your return has already been processed”. The actual taxpayer then has to go through the process of ‘proving’ to the IRS that they have been the victim of identity theft. This, with an agency that is so poorly run they don’t answer the phone, or even respond to letters, and sometimes when they do, they get confused. Solution? Give them more money. Oh Hell No! The solution is a new tax system that does away with the byzantine tax code and the poster child for government inefficiency; The Internal Revenue Non Service. Minnesota Governor Mark Dayton has kicked up a firestorm after giving his commissioners huge raises. The head of the unelected Met Council now earns well over one hundred thousand dollars a year. Other commissioners will make as much as $155,000 a year. Dayton says these people need this money to take care of their families. Keep in mind the average Minnesotan earns somewhere around forty eight thousand dollars a year, with no pension. State employees can double dip pensions, and their pension is based on their income. Remember, taxpayers pay their salary and fund their pensions. Governor Dayton catches a break though. It was revealed this week that the average dock worker on the west coast earns $147,000 a year, plus benefits paid by the employer and an eighty thousand dollar a year pension. What’s in your wallet? Sponsored by Baklund R & D