No-Small-Talk-Agorafest-2019-Bob Davis Podcast 863

No Small Talk

I’ve never been good at small talk. These days conversation is safe. Sports. Weather. Don’t discuss religion or politics at party. Above all there’s one group where the reverse is true. Learn more in No-Small-Talk-Agorafest-2019-Bob Davis Podcast 863.

Live In South Dakota

I am live in Mobile Podcast Command in Gary South Dakota at the Buffalo Ridge Resort. It’s especially relevant that I am hanging with my anarchist friends at a little festival they put together called ‘Agorafest‘. And Buffalo Ridge is a great place to have it.

Ongoing Conversations

In contrast to pointless weekend conversation I come to Agorafest for the discussions about everything from home brewing to the meaning of life. In this podcast subscribers and listeners will get a little taste of our style of conversation.

Let’s Face It. Anarchy is Fun!

For political listeners most noteworthy is the question what is an anarchist? Moreover what brand of anarchism is the primary focus this weekend?

Anderson, Johnson and Davis

First of all to give you an idea of our fireside chats Cole Anderson and Mark Johnson join the podcast.

Life Is Suffering. Or Not!

Above all Mark and I have been debating whether life is suffering all weekend. That debate continues in this podcast, with some asides about home brewing and politics. How’s that for small talk?

Agorafest Stays With You

Certainly you’ll hear anarchy isn’t as threatening as some people think. Indeed maybe you’ll hear something you’ll think about weeks from now. That’s usually the case with me.


Even more most of us feel we’re at a turning point in history. That deserves more than small talk.

Talk It Out As Friends

It’s great when people with very different ideas about how the world works to come together, hash it out and still be friends.


Everyone probably agrees that affecting change in your own community is more satisfying. Therefore learning how to do that constructively is a byproduct of these weekends.

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No-Small-Talk-Agorafest-2019-Bob Davis Podcast 863




Gettysburg-Real Cost of Civil War-Bob Davis Podcast 735

These days commentators use sexy titles for their blogs, articles and on-air commentary. It needs to be said sometimes these guys go too far. Find out how in Gettysburg-Real Cost of Civil War-Bob Davis Podcast 735.

Use ‘Civil War’ In Your SEO Title

Civil War‘ is working its way back into the current American political discourse because it sells.

At least three so called pundits recently suggested there will be ‘another Civil War’ if democrats don’t ‘win’ the midterm elections this year.

Battle Of Gettysburg

So it is most noteworthy we remember a Fourth of July in 1863.

During those days in 1863 men who spoke the same language killed and maimed more than fifty thousand of their fellow citizens. Get the details in Gettysburg-Real Cost of Civil War-Bob Davis Podcast 735.

One Million Killed

Especially relevant; the bloodletting went on for two more years. Our real Civil War was a disaster for this country. It took one hundred years for the American South to begin to fully recover. We are still dealing with the aftermath of that war in this country. One million people were killed when we the whole country had a population of only 31 million. In terms of population our most costly war.

All because politicians couldn’t solve a problem.

War Is Not A Protest

War is not a protest. It is not an expression of outrage. A sit in. Blocking the highway. Civil War isn’t a bunch of people shouting someone out of a restaurant or refusing to bake a cake.

War Means Killing

War is a state of armed conflict. In war the most ruthless combatant eliminates his enemy’s will to fight. This is done by killing or maiming as many of the so called enemy as possible, and destroying the means of production. People and property do not do well in war. Worse in a civil war.

Civil War Is No Joke

Civil War is much more bloody than a conflict between sovereign state actors.

In short, civil war is no joke.


It is an outrage for talk show hosts and pundits to suggest we in the United States are already in a state of Civil War. It’s folly that honest disagreements about policy and personalities are characterized in such a lazy and irresponsible manner.

Chaos Would Be The Norm

If we did have another civil war in America the cost would be enormous

Chaos would be the norm throughout the world.

In conclusion I can only ask those who like to say we’re ‘in a civil war’…

Is this the world you want to bequeath to your children?

Sponsored by Ryan Plumbing and Heating of Saint Paul

Gettysburg-Real Cost of Civil War-Bob Davis Podcast 735