Podcast 210

On The Road. A listener email sparks a discussion about the true nature of technology. “Tech” is nothing more than a tool. Tools can be used for good, or bad. Problems are never completely solved, but they are managed. The constant ‘dystopian’ predictions about the effects of tech on unemployment, and the impending obsolescence of Human Beings is becoming just another meme. It’s time to become a little more realistic about technology in our society and not attach only good, or only bad to it. “What will people do when machines do everything?”. Will we become fat and useless? Or, will we find other, new things to occupy our thoughts. The Bob Davis Podcasts emphatically votes for the positive version of the future. This podcast mixes a response to listener email with some bizarre observations about the continuing trip. This leg included Colorado, Utah and Arizona. Driving through the most impressive landscape America has to offer. Denver and the Rockies with their ski areas (Vail, Aspen et al), switchbacks, tunnels, racing Union Pacific Trains along side the highway, The Navaho Nation, Monument Valley, Arizona, and the final run to Phoenix on Route 89, to Interstate 17. All the weird towns, and the endless search for coffee. This podcast was recorded, mixed and produced in the big booth at Denny’s in Flagstaff, Arizona. The greatest experience of this ‘On The Road’ effort is the ability to produce podcasts and post then from anywhere. Using off the shelf technology, The Bob Davis Podcasts has been liberated from ‘The Man!’, to go anywhere, anytime, and still be able to record, produce and file podcasts. Moreover, as the travel ‘experience’ sinks in, there will be plenty of stories and lessons to share in future podcasts. Its easy to forget how diverse, massive and unique the United States is, especially the Western States. Sponsored by Baklund R&D

Podcast 209

Obama Makes A Move. ‘On The Road’ Podcasting continues on the second leg of the Chicago to Phoenix trip. Iowa, Nebraska and half of Colorado in one day? The travel reverie is interrupted with a speech from the President, and instant analysis. Apparently the US now has a strategy  to “degrade and destroy” the ‘Islamic State’. The strategy – we are told most emphatically – does not include ‘troops on the ground fighting on foreign soil’, but features aid, training and a coalition of Arab states in the region. What is your reaction to the President’s speech? To what degree are the current problems in Iraq the result of his policies. Did he play fast and loose with the ‘facts’ in the speech? Did it feel like a campaign speech? Or, might all of this be a reaction to being stung by the media for actually saying he did not have a strategy just two short weeks ago? Will the speech help the President’s sinking popularity ratings, and democrat prospects for 2014? Most importantly, will the Administration’s plan actually work? The President’s speech sounded erie on scratchy AM radio, from a distant town, while traveling all alone on a deserted rural freeway, passing through Western Nebraska and Eastern Colorado. While it is right and proper for a politician to ballyhoo his successes and downplay his failures, one wonders whether the attempt to ‘degrade and destroy’ ISIS – if it fails – could be the beginning of a substantially more dangerous crisis. Have we seen this pattern before? It sure feels like it. Talking about the same things day after day, outrage over celebrity news, or how sportsmen conduct their personal affairs, while international affairs contain the specter of spinning out of control. Only time will tell. Plus, observations on small towns in Nebraska, Sod Houses, giant tunnels, mountains, and plans for the rest of the trip, where you would live if you could live anywhere…Vail, Colorado would do, in a pinch! Sponsored by Ryan Plumbing and Heating of Saint Paul

Podcast 178

The MH-17 Special Weekend Edition. Data points about what we know so far. How will the downing of a civilian jetliner carrying nearly 300 people effect US Foreign Policy, Military Policy and the Political races in 2014. What do we know for sure right now about the who, what, where, why and when of the situation? Based on this information, how should the United States respond? Whether its shouting matches on Fox Business News, days old video from the crash site, screaming and pounding talk show hosts or bad writing, there’s a lot of bad analysis. Bob Davis breaks down what we know, gives you some pointers about where it leads, and leaves the conclusions to you. Plus already conspiracy theories abound about Flight MH-17. What are they? Where are they coming from, and how are these theories being used as propaganda right now. Make no mistake about it, the downing of MH-17 is a major turning point in history. Is it analogous to the Lusitania? Or KAL 007? How can the lessons of how World War I started be applied today? Are we on the verge of a much more dangerous and deadly conflict? If so, what kinds of weapons might have unexpectedly grave effects here in the United States? Sponsored by Edelweiss Design