Trump’s Trojan Horse Democrat Embrace Confuses GOP-Podcast 662

A republican president who campaigned against profligate spending has made a deal with democrats in order to spend more. President Trump wants billions for disaster relief in the wake of two hurricanes. In Trump’s Trojan Horse Democrat Embrace Confuses GOP-Podcast 662.

Drowning In The Swamp

The Man who was going to drain the swamp has joined the swamp rats. Conventional rank and file republicans are at a loss to explain. Trump’s a political genius who knows how to work it, is one explanation. Trump’s a Trojan Horse. A closet democrat. He tricked us from the beginning, is another explanation.

What is a Republican?

Truth is Republicans do not know what they are about. What are republicans for? What are they against? The so called conservative movement lost its way a long time ago. Trump is a symptom rather than a transformational leader. In Trump’s Trojan Horse Democrat Embrace Confuses GOP-Podcast 662.

Red Tie Socialism

The President’s budget calls for spending increases. The US is sending more troops to Afghanistan. Elements of the Tax Reform bill actually cap mortgage tex deductions, eliminate corporate tax deductions, seek to tax 401K and other tax deferred savings accounts. It all adds up to tax increases, not tax cuts. Moreover a republican president and congress that campaigned on repealing The Affordable Care Act, did not repeal it.

Permanent Slumber

When will republicans wake up to the fact that the Grand Old Party, the Party of Reagan, is just as interested in taxing and spending as their nemesis, the democratic party? Where is the great conservative movement we keep hearing about? Where are the people to do the hard political work of building a movement? They don’t exist. They deserve a wolf in sheep’s clothing and now they have it. In Trump’s Trojan Horse Democrat Embrace Confuses GOP-Podcast 662. (Editor’s Note: In listening to this podcast I just noticed I refer to the HBO Hit Series ‘WestWorld‘ as ‘West-WOOD’, which of course is the same of a radio network. Old habits die hard.)

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Trump’s Trojan Horse Democrat Embrace Confuses GOP-Podcast 662


2017 Solar Eclipse Point of Totality Part 2-Podcast 658

Seeing a complete solar eclipse at the point of greatest totality is a peak experience. Getting there might be a challenge. But it’s worth it. I take you all the way through it in 2017 Solar Eclipse Point of Totality Part 2-Podcast 658.

Path To The Eclipse

We start about 40 miles south of Chicago, Illinois. Taking Illinois 1 all the way down to US 45. Then onto the Shawnee National Forest. Our target is a place called Makanda. This is the location for the longest point of totality for the solar eclipse of 2017. This is a town very close to the southern border of the Land Of Lincoln.

Little Town At The Edge Of Illinois

Lots of talk about about Carbondale, Illinois as the point of totality. Truth is, the longest period of totality at a little more than 2 minutes occurs in Makanda, a little town about twenty miles south of Carbondale. During Part 1 of the eclipse podcasts we talked with some locals and spectators. In 2017 Solar Eclipse Point of Totality Part 2-Podcast 658 we experience it.

A Peak Experience

With all the media these days it seems like people want to experience everything through media. I can’t emphasize enough how important it is to actually go to an event and experience it in person. In 2017 Solar Eclipse Point of Totality Part 2-Podcast 658.

Eclipse energy is a real thing

On the trip and at the event we saw people struggling with pre eclipse issues. We were pushing so hard to get everything perfect it made for a very stressful trip. At one point my friend Steve said, “We’re in the path of totality now, so it really doesn’t matter where we see it”. Twenty minutes later we found the perfect spot.

Hope To See Everyone Again

Especially relevant is the real feeling of camaraderie we experienced with all the people in this little town, who came to experience the total eclipse of the sun. I think it’s fair to say we all want to come back in 2024 for the next total solar eclipse. In April of 2024 the path of totality runs through Makanda, again. In 2017 Solar Eclipse Point of Totality Part 2-Podcast 658.

Sponsored by Brush Studio in The West End Saint Louis Park Minnesota

2017 Solar Eclipse Point of Totality Part 2-Podcast 658




Flight Line Uprising-Live at EAA AirVenture 2017-Podcast 649

Most of us experience Air Traffic Control sitting in an airline seat. We don’t think about the processes behind getting airplanes from point a to point b. President Trump and Congress are in the process of detaching Air Traffic Control from the FAA. We’ll talk about it in Flight Line Uprising-Live at EAA AirVenture 2017-Podcast 649.

General Aviation Is Big Business

Air shows like this one don’t just showcase war birds and experimental aircraft. Osh Kosh has become synonymous with the business of aviation. It all started with the innovation of home builders. Over the years smaller companies have come here to sell their services and products. These days hundreds of small companies and all the large corporations are here. OSH17 isn’t just an air show it is a convention of aviation enthusiasts and the business of aviation in all its forms. In Flight Line Uprising-Live at EAA AirVenture 2017-Podcast 649.

Not Taking The Easy Way Out

As a podcaster it would be easy for me to walk the flight line. Record the B-29 arrival. Get the thunder of the B-1B flyover. Of course we will get some of those things in podcasts from this show but on the first day, I decided to dig deeper. Forgo the flight line and spend some time at EAA Press Headquarters to cover the opening press conference for EAA President Jack Pelton. You’ll hear his press conference live in Flight Line Uprising-Live at EAA AirVenture 2017-Podcast 649.

Is This Really A Free Market Reform?

These days politics finds us even when we try to escape. In what some feel is a first attempt in a raft of similar ‘privatization’ efforts, President Trump is pushing congress to ‘reform’ the nation’s air traffic control system. Trump’s form of privatization isn’t something out of a free market text book though.

Remember The War Board?

Part of HR 2997, the 21st Century Aviation Innovation, Reform and Reauthorization (AIRR) Act is to appoint a board of members from industry, labor and government. The job of this board is to modernize the US ATC system. As the whipping goes on in Washington (or sausage making) congressmen may not be aware of the vehemence of opposition to this plan from General Aviation. Flight Line Uprising-Live at EAA AirVenture 2017-Podcast 649.

Pilots And Air Traffic Controllers

In Flight Line Uprising-Live at EAA AirVenture 2017-Podcast 649, EAA, Air Traffic Controllers and Pilots talk about the ATC. Is this the right formula for modernization of the US Air Traffic Control system? Is the US on the verge of losing its advantage in aviation? Will this new board take a dark view of General Aviation which has been a source of innovation and business development for decades?

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Flight Line Uprising-Live at EAA AirVenture 2017-Podcast 649