Firstly I started podcasting in 2009. Secondly, after many years in broadcast I fully embraced podcasting exclusively in 2013. What follows is a journey and process of growth over more than a decade. These days I travel, write and podcast. ‘Home’ is my 2000 Ford E450 diesel ambulance. My growth out of broadcast and politics is reflected in these podcasts, especially from the summer of 2020 forward. These days I talk about society, culture, travel and adventure. I’ve traveled extensively in all the lower 48 states, border to border, coast to coast, several times and plan to continue. In addition this site has grown. Originally designed to serve up podcasts to many platforms, it has also become a blog. I’m originally from Chicago but I’ve lived all over the country. Now I am free. If you want to know where I am, check out the blog and the podcasts. Welcome aboard.
Watching you on Peter Santenello. Interesting lifestyle. Refreshing.
I really enjoy the cadence of your speech – i can totally understand how you would do well in the realm of conversation and broadcasting.
I also found you via Peter Santenello
Thanks Z! Appreciate your comment, and welcome aboard. Peter is great.
Came here from Peter’s vlog. You’ve a great voice. JR from Latvia
Jumped over from Peter’s video. Loved watching your contribution to his video!
Sounds like a great lifestyle. I’ve wanted to do it for years but people think I’m crazy. I’m from Chicago too Bob, currently living in Navarre, FL. I’ve downsized but still live in a 1 bed/1 bath apartment. I would love to live in a van and do what I want everyday and help like-minded people. ❤
Found Bob from z Peter Also. I’m an avid podcast fanatic and finding this Gem makes my work day even better, working from
Home I actually am happy I get to go to work because that means more time learning from people like Bob. Thanks Bob keep it up, your inspirational!!
Thank you John!!!!
I too jumped over from Peter’s video. After watching that vid i realized how much Bob Wells appears to sugar coat the nomad life, at least in Quartzite anyway. Just listend to your latest podcast. I felt as though I was there by the lake sitting around the fire…
I originally learned about you from a documentary on YouTube about Slab City, you were there during the filming.. I was immediately drawn to your personality because it was like none other in the film. I looked up your website and podcasts (thanks to the giant lettering on the mobile command post LOL) and have been binge listening for days now while I drive around working all day (delivering doordash). I’m kicking off my own off grid project (moving onto some raw land and turning it into a working off-grid homestead) but there are so many similarities between what you’re doing and what we will be doing starting next month. I’ve always dreamed of living the type of nomad life which you do, and one day I likely will, however young children and a divorce preclude me from it for the next 8 years but that’s ok, I’m looking forward to this project my friend and I are embarking on. Hopefully your website will have the other 900 episodes of your podcast as Google Podcasts only has them going back about 1 or 1.5 years. Rock on dude, much respect. I will live vicariously through you for now!
Yes the web site has all the podcasts … obviously the caveat is the older podcasts hail from a time when I was decompressing from political talk radio … and then I got the truck and of course after 2020 the rest is history. I don’t think that was slab city…that was Quartzsite AZ.
Yup, you’re right. I was down the rabbit hole and one thing led to another and next thing you know I’m in Arizona. Can’t wait for work tomorrow so i can continue binging episodes of, THE Bob Davis Podcasts. Rock on groovy dude.
It wasn’t slab city
Hi Found you Via Peter Santenello video envious of your freedom and ideals which I try to recreate difficult in London UK though . Travelling next year in my smart car across the US so never know might bump into you in meantime will follow your pods David
greetings from other part of the world, comfy vibe
Just got the long-lost book manuscript you sent me. Unbelievable! Email me and I’ll send you my cell so we can talk.
The OG of podcasting
Your lifestyle is so good. I suffer severe anxiety n I speak to no one in the city.
I don’t think this is for me but I love the you are happy and free
Got here through Peter Sentenello – I like your podcasts Bob, there’s something about your voice and dleivery that has me returning…
Mahalo from Hawaii
Here from Peter Santenello… keep doing it bob!!! Looking forward to your podcasts!! Live free brother 🤟🏻
Same as some of the others here.
I found you via Peter Santenello’s youtube channel.
Thanks for your contribution to the internet!