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By the same token the vibe in at Yuma is a little more chill than a hundred miles to the North in Quartzsite.
Basically I ran into some first time RV people; the other day and they expressed their displeasure with these LTVA’s run by the Department of The Interior.
Overall this is a great place to wait out the final few weeks of what we call cold weather down here.
In fact with temperatures in the 80’s as I write…
It won’t be long until I start spring travel into the higher elevations.
Undoubtedly first time RV people have their concerns.
It’s important to realize that these places have no power or water hook ups.
Nevertheless there is garbage service and fresh water.
In the same fashion bathrooms are provided.
Unfortunately sometimes they don’t work.
Another point overlooked is the BLM isn’t very good at fixing things…
Or cleaning things up.
In contrast to nearby military bases with five bars of 5G…the US Department of the Interior cannot seem to figure out how to get cell service into these LTVA’s.
On the other hand once you accept all those drawbacks life can be pleasant here.
Secondly one of the things about this environment is it tends to be more social.
All things considered I am changing my requirements when it comes to camping.
In fact these days I prefer more solitude and emptiness.
For that reason I will generally avoid these kinds of places.
For the time being though this is a good place to wait out the final few cold nights and plan for future travel.
However this locale is a lot more palatable in the Spring and Fall.
Lone Pine To Organ Pipe
Since I just made the trip from Lone Pine California to Organ Pipe National Monument in Arizona I can tell the story.
All things considered I was warmer in the below sea level reaches of Death Valley.
But I don’t like to back track.
San Diego
It’s for this reason that I headed toward San Diego.
Owing to the fact that I had video to upload I was in search of a Starbucks and a place to hole up for a night while I uploaded.
In reality apparently San Diego doesn’t like Truck Stops or National Forests.
And, like Florida, this part of the California frowns on stays in Walmart parking lots, Cracker Barrel’s, or Denny’s.
All things considered any nomad out there is nodding their head.
In the final analysis I do not blame the San Diego area.
Rest Area
At the same time the best I could do was a rest area about forty miles east of the city.
At length let the downloading begin!
Finally found a great campground a little farther east.
Santa Ana Winds
At length I found the nights still too cold with the Santa Ana winds and headed for Arizona.
Mundane Adventure
With this in mind Nomad-Winter-Escape-Adventure-Bob Davis Podcast-1156 is all about the little errands and things we have to do that makes nomad life an adventure sometimes.
In any case any refugee from the current Polar Vortex will find California and Arizona quite pleasant despite slightly cool evenings.
Adventure, Freedom and History in Death Valley and The Eastern Sierras.There’s so much to see and so many thoughts! Details in Adventure-Freedom-History-Bob Davis Podcast 1155.
It’s time for a higher vibe to ring in the New Year and Death Valley is the place to do it. Details in 2025-High-Vibe-Death-Valley-Bob Davis Podcast 1154.
Staying To The Maximum
I came here to stay one or two nights and ended up extending to the maximum time.
As a matter of fact I could live here if they let me.
It’s a Hella Truck Stop Nation. In this case “Hella” is used in the negative sense. Get the full scoop in Hella-Truck-Stop-Nation-Bob Davis Podcast 1153.
As well as the unfortunates who have fallen off the last rung of the economic ladder…into the abyss. And sure there’s jobs for those with certain skills.
And of course there are those who I describe as useless.
Thirdly about 90 years ago hundreds of thousands of Oklahoma Sharecroppers headed west.