Off-Grid-Yuma-BLM-Bob Davis Podcast 1157

Life at an Off Grid BLM Camp near Yuma is an acquired taste. Details in Off-Grid-Yuma-BLM-Bob Davis Podcast 1157 .

Firstly I have been traveling and camping at some spectacular National Forest campgrounds,

And National Parks.

Even more at some amazing Bureau Of Land Management campgrounds which are well maintained and fantastic.

But the so called Long Term Visitor Areas are a different story.

Certainly my listeners and subscribers have followed my tribulations through the LTVA experience in Quartzsite, Arizona.

Above all Yuma isn’t much better.

By the same token the vibe in at Yuma is a little more chill than a hundred miles to the North in Quartzsite.

Basically I ran into some first time RV people; the other day and they expressed their displeasure with these LTVA’s run by the Department of The Interior.

Overall this is a great place to wait out the final few weeks of what we call cold weather down here.

In fact with temperatures in the 80’s as I write…

It won’t be long until I start spring travel into the higher elevations.

Undoubtedly first time RV people have their concerns.

It’s important to realize that these places have no power or water hook ups.

Nevertheless there is garbage service and fresh water.

In the same fashion bathrooms are provided.

Unfortunately sometimes they don’t work.

Another point overlooked is the BLM isn’t very good at fixing things…

Or cleaning things up.

In contrast to nearby military bases with five bars of 5G…the US Department of the Interior cannot seem to figure out how to get cell service into these LTVA’s.

On the other hand once you accept all those drawbacks life can be pleasant here.

Secondly one of the things about this environment is it tends to be more social.

All things considered I am changing my requirements when it comes to camping.

In fact these days I prefer more solitude and emptiness.

For that reason I will generally avoid these kinds of places.

For the time being though this is a good place to wait out the final few cold nights and plan for future travel.

On this occasion one takes the good with the bad.

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Off-Grid-Yuma-BLM-Bob Davis Podcast 1157

2025-High-Vibe-Death-Valley-Bob Davis Podcast 1154

2025 High Vibe In Death Valley

It’s time for a higher vibe to ring in the New Year and Death Valley is the place to do it. Details in 2025-High-Vibe-Death-Valley-Bob Davis Podcast 1154.

Staying To The Maximum

I came here to stay one or two nights and ended up extending to the maximum time.

As a matter of fact I could live here if they let me.

What a contrast to the Truck Stops of Las Vegas.

Especially the stars.

Largest National Park

Of course this is the largest National Park in the Lower 48.


But at the holiday time of year I was surprised by the number of people camping up here.

Primitive Man

Certainly it’s true that our end of year rituals rooted in primitive man.

So it’s fair to suggest Christmas and New Year’s celebrations precede the Christian Era.

And our commercial hustle and bustle suggests a return to pagan roots for some.

Camping For Christmas and New Years

But I am still surprised at the number of people camping here for Christmas and New Years.

Primitive Roots

Accordingly this place has a lot of primitive history.

With this in mind the ghosts of Ancients, American Indians and Pioneers have a certain currency.


As well as the miners and entrepreneurs that built some of the best attractions in the Park as well as in the region around it.


Up to the present time this place has a lot of history.


Furthermore as a nomad I am grateful for the ability to enjoy places like this at length.


The first thing to remember is the vibe in the campgrounds is high.


Firstly every night there is a lot of talk around the campfire of where people camped and what they saw that day.

Crush Of Holiday Activities Back Home

Secondly and chiefly a huge relief and respite from the shopping and food and family intensity of Thanksgiving through the New Year.

Winter Solstice

Meanwhile the Winter Solstice is supposed to be for resting and refitting.

In addition for preparing our seeds to be planted in Spring.

In summary Death Valley is a special place with a lot of life!

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2025-High-Vibe-Death-Valley-Bob Davis Podcast 1154


Freezing-My-Ass-Big-Bear-California-Bob Davis Podcast 1152

Freezing My Ass In Big Bear California

Freezing my ass in Big Bear California. Not really. From Los Angeles to Big Bear in Freezing-My-Ass-Big-Bear-California-Bob Davis Podcast 1152. It’s a little cooler at seven thousand feet than it is down in the desert.

Oil Change

Firstly after trying several mechanics in LA I discovered no one wants to take the big old ambulance on for an oil change..

Forget LA

Secondly I called in an audible.

As a matter of fact my Brother and Sister in Law have a place in Big Bear. We came up last week after Thanksgiving.

And we planned to come back up this weekend anyway.

Welcome To Big Bear Country

So I decided to take a chance and find someone to do an oil change up at Big Bear.

Family and Fun

By the same token it is not only fun but really good for me to spend some time with family up here.

Furthermore the mooch-docking continues.

Basically what’s not to like.

Big Bear History

To begin with Freezing-My-Ass-Big-Bear-California-Bob Davis Podcast 1152 takes a very surface look at the history of this area.

From Native Americans to Miners and later Settlers. And Grizzlies.

The American West

In fact I am fascinated these days with the history of the American West.

Real History

Even more one of my conclusions is that the history of the settlement of the American West is in many ways the real history of the United States.


That is to say that the real test of the legal institutions of the new country back in the day was the push west starting with the Ohio River Valley.

People Led The Way

Significantly I think it’s fair too suggest that the people led the way during the decades before the Continental United States became a reality.


Of course controversy is and has always been a factor in this part of the country.

Therefore I am not taking a position on any of these historical realities.

Natural Beauty

In addition California continues to amaze me with its natural beauty.

The Drive Up

Accordingly the drive up to Big Bear from LA starts with the usual traffic jams.

Mountain Views

Giving way to breathtaking mountain views afterward.

New Podcast

All in all there is a lot to talk about in this podcast.

Future Plans

in like manner I take a little time to talk about future plans.

Fly Over

Equally impressive was the experience of getting buzzed by my pilot nephew and the audio I was able to capture.

Short Distance Travel

To sum up being able to travel short distances and have a complete change of point of view is just what the doctor ordered for this nomad.

Details in Freezing-My-Ass-Big-Bear-California-Bob Davis Podcast 1152.

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Freezing-My-Ass-Big-Bear-California-Bob Davis Podcast 1152