Unhappy-#Vanlifers-Doing-It-Wrong-Bob Davis Podcast 1133

Unhappy #Vanlifers Doing It Wrong

Are unhappy #Vanlifers really doing it wrong? A recent Wall Street Journal post about the hash tag Van Life again points out the obvious. Details in Unhappy-#Vanlifers-Doing-It-Wrong-Bob Davis Podcast 1133.

Nomad Coverage

Firstly I have rarely seen positive coverage of the nomad experience.

Hard Life

Secondly the recent Wall Street Journal piece reports on a few #vanlife people complain about how hard the life is.


And say Instagram has it all wrong.

As a result I’ll ask again whether anyone actually believes anything they see on social media?

Best Foot

Of course we put our best foot forward.

Or show our best face to the world.

In other words analogous to cleaning your house before guests arrive.

But there’s more.

Negative Experience

Because the article in question illustrates a number of negative experiences for the vanlifers interviewed.

For example, no place to sleep.

And not being able to take showers.

Or being lonely because the dating life out here sucks.

Finally the unexpected costs of mechanical problems and fuel.

As I have said many times in many different podcasts…

Not A Bowl Of Cherries

In general life is not always a bowl of cherries.


In fact part of the experience in #nomadlife is overcoming setbacks and solving problems.

Won’t Quit

To sum up the article on a positive note all of the van life people interviewed said they won’t quit.

Great Potential

All in all I believe there’s great potential in nomad life.

And as I have noted as the infrastructure for digital nomads gets better…

In time more may choose this lifestyle.

Establishment Media Hates Nomads

However I don’t think the establishment back home or the establishment media will give our lifestyle a break.

Presently reporters and editors seem to love the idea that social media is ‘lying’ about living on the road.

Don’t Dream

In essence don’t dream of a different life.

It’s too dangerous.

Stay Back In The World

Meanwhile keep paying ridiculous amount of rent and commuting four hours a day.

By and large living in huge expensive cities and stepping over homeless people to get to the subway.

Of course doing a digital job and being required to work in an office…

When even in the present time you can work from anywhere.

Just In Case

Just in case you’re thinking about buying a van and dumping your absurdly expensive efficiency in said large city…

Take a look at these poor idiots in this Wall Street Journal story without delay.

After that you’ll accept your life as it is.


In reality over time nomad life can be easy and satisfying.

Lots To Learn

Of course there is a lot to learn.

Yes You Can

But if you can do it and you want to try.

Go for it.

Sponsored by 36 LYN The Independently Owned And Operated Refueling Station

Unhappy-#Vanlifers-Doing-It-Wrong-Bob Davis Podcast 1133



Is-Nomad-Life-Over?-Bob Davis Podcast-1129

Is Nomad Life Over?

Firstly it’s a good time to ask Is Nomad Life Over? Details in Is-Nomad-Life-Over?-Bob Davis Podcast-1129.

Fully Committed

Secondly while I remain fully committed to the nomad lifestyle I wonder whether the trend is starting to fade.

Reality Bites

Certainly the longer I do something the more I see the reality in it.


But these days I am not feeling the much vaunted nomad community as much as I used to.

Social Media Presence

Another key point are the Vanlife and Nomadlife Instagram posts.

As well as YouTube videos.

And videos on other platforms.

False Reality?

Undeniably the reality is often not the picture presented in social media.

Unquestionably there are difficult days.

Sublime Moments

Notwithstanding those difficult days there are truly sublime moments.

In fact that’s why I still want to live the nomad life.

Trend Starting To Wear

In view of all this though it feels like the trend is starting to wear.

To put it another way I am seeing a lot more RV people out here these days than straight up nomads.

Attendance Spotty

In addition attendance at some venerated ‘nomad’ events has been spotty.

Economic Hardship

This is said to be on the account of economic hardship.

On the other hand it seems to me more Americans are being called back into the work place.

Therefore barnstorming around the country isn’t as easy as it used to be.

With that said it doesn’t mean there is a great desire to be physically present.

But there it is.

Meaning and Purpose

Even more I think there might be some questions about what it all means.

In fact a great purpose.

Negative Experiences

On the negative side I’ve had some experiences and there have been some situations out here this year that should raise eyebrows.


All in all one wonders what is needed to create a sustainable nomad experience?

Eventually further technology improvements will only make nomad life easier and more productive.

In the meantime we’ll see you out there.

Sponsored by 36 LYN

Is-Nomad-Life-Over?-Bob Davis Podcast-1129

Not-About-Quartzsite-Arizona-Bob Davis Podcast 1123

 Not About Quartzsite Arizona

Above all this is not a podcast about Quartzsite, Arizona. Certainly I am podcasting from this dusty truck stop town but there’s a lot more to talk about than what’s going on here. Details in Not-About-Quartzsite-Arizona-Bob Davis Podcast 1123.


Firstly I am getting restless.


That is to say the old Wanderlust is back.

Talk About It

Furthermore since I’ll be stopped down out  here in the desert for awhile let’s talk about restlessness.

Undoubtedly all nomads and travelers feel this restlessness or wanderlust every now and then.

High Vibe

To begin with when I am on the road I feel the highest vibe.

Then when I come ‘home’ to a campground with other nomads I will spend a few weeks stationary.

Or when I return to the Midwest in the summer I am not moving.

Restlessness Returns

Then eventually the restlessness returns.

We All Feel It

I general I think anyone who travels feels this every now and then.

Wanderlust Is A Thing

In fact an experienced traveler or digital nomad might say wanderlust is a thing.

Lots Of Nomads And RV People

As far as Quartzsite Arizona is concerned there are a lot of nomads and RV folks here right now.


In this case everyone seems to have a YouTube channel.

Therefore a lot of content about this place and the goings on.

Like High School

Another key point as far as this podcast is concerned is the fact that this miniature media ecosystem can be a lot like high school.

Driven Deeper

Because of this I am driven to go deeper.

No Small Talk

Firstly I don’t do small talk…

No Copying

And I don’t care about what others are doing.

Even more I take a dim view of copying others.

Real Talk

So it is time to talk about something real.


With this in mind where does the desire for new travel experiences come from?


In effect I think it has something to do with the fact that we are all traveling through time.

Life Is Short

Maybe wanderlust springs from a hidden desire to compensate for the undeniable fact that life is short.

Although this may be true many people compensate by building businesses, families and communities back home.

And I celebrate that.

Different Animals

But a traveler is a different animal.

In sum we seek something new and different.

Or we seek to learn.

We’ll talk about it.

Sponsored by Ryan Plumbing And Heating In Saint Paul

Not-About-Quartzsite-Arizona-Bob Davis Podcast 1123