No-Politics-Better-Path-Bob Davis Podcast 1138

No Politics A Better Path

Firstly it’s time for some real talk about why No Politics is the better path for me. Check out No-Politics-Better-Path-Bob Davis Podcast 1138 for details.

Secondly in order to explain this I do have to spend a little time talking about political science.

But no personalities or issues in this podcast.

No Political Content

Or any podcast or YouTube video I do.

In fact this has been my policy for more than three years now.


To clarify a metamorphosis for me began around 2020…

which at length changed my approach to content on my podcasts.

Long Time Listeners Already Know

All things considered my subscribers and listeners know this has been my policy.

On the other hand I have new listeners and subscribers both on these podcasts and through YouTube.


Even more people have been asking me why I don’t talk about politics…

Don’t ‘Should’ me Brah

Or in like manner suggesting I “should”.

Better Path For Me

Therefore it’s time to say again why the no politics content rule is a better path for me.

Political Science

More importantly it’s necessary to discuss political science for a little bit of time in this podcast.


Because of course so much of social media content is devoted to back and forth arguments and rancor about national personalities and national issues.

Easier To Listen

Above all I can’t really write it the way I say it in this podcast…

Socially Corrosive

but so much of this socially corrosive rancor in on the social media platforms where people complain about ‘the media’.

Useless Energy

With this in mind a great deal of national government in the US is not subject to individual votes in the same manner local government is.

Yet so many of these ‘arguments’ have to do with national issues.

Ruining The Vibe

Overall though the reason I think this is the best path for me is that political talk ruins the travel vibe.

Four More Years

Thirdly I have been a nomad for four years now.

Positive Vibe

The first thing to remember about the nomad lifestyle is it carries a very high positive vibe.

We Are More

Furthermore this experience taught me we can be and are so much more than yelling and screaming at each other across the back fence.

Why Bring The Nightmare To The Dream?

In the final analysis when someone chooses a lifestyle that is unique…

It’s most important that one of the drivers of the decision to choose this lifestyle is to experience more and be more.

In the long run, why bring the nightmare to the dream?

Finally I do not feel all this political yelling and screaming is positive at all.

Certainly not for the kind of content I have grown to love.

Sponsored by 36 LYN The Independently Owned And Operated Refueling Station

No-Politics-Better-Path-Bob Davis Podcast 1138


Bad-Business-Marketing-Ideas-2024-Bob Davis Podcast 1124

Bad Business Marketing Ideas For 2024

It’s the end of 2023 which means a lot of bad business marketing ideas for small businesses for 2024. Is doing your own podcast promoting your small business a good idea? Maybe Not. Learn more in Bad-Business-Marketing-Ideas-2024-Bob Davis Podcast 1124.

Define Marketing

Firstly the actual definition of marketing involves identifying a need in the market.

Secondly is developing a service or product that serves the needs you’ve identified.

To sum up marketing is taking a service or product to market.


Thirdly getting the word out is advertising.

But most small business people think marketing is all those things.

Bad Ideas

These days there are a lot of bad ideas for ‘marketing’ your business in 2024.

Be Wary

In fact a small business owner has to be wary of ideas involving social media ‘marketing’.


Take the case of a new idea prominent on YouTube.


Specifically the suggestion small businesses should do their own podcasts and put them on YouTube.

YouTube Will Find Audience

Because YouTube’s algorithms have been changed to ‘find an audience’ for your podcast.

So They Say

All in all a great idea.


What Makes A Business Successful?

On the other hand you might already have a successful business.

Because you’ve figured out how to super serve that need you identified when you set up the business.

Don’t You Already Have Enough To Do?

All of the sudden in addition to everything else you have to do…

At the same time you have to produce and ‘market’ your podcast.

After that your video channel and podcast have to be marketed.

Advice About YouTube From Total Strangers

Finally the other day someone I didn’t know walked up to me in the grocery store.


What’s more without a word of introduction he wondered if I had ‘monetized’ yet.

Joe Kennedy’s 1929 Advice

To paraphrase Joe Kennedy without reservation…

Advice from strangers about my YouTube Channel…

Peaking Trends

Is the most compelling evidence the trend may be peaking.

By all means I think small businesses need to advertise.

Where Is Your Time Best Spent?

But it’s equally important we spend our time where it helps the business the most.

Do You Want Be In The Media Business Too?

Compared to being in the media business at the same time.

Sponsored by 36 LYN

Bad-Business-Marketing-Ideas-2024-Bob Davis Podcast 1124




Not-About-Quartzsite-Arizona-Bob Davis Podcast 1123

 Not About Quartzsite Arizona

Above all this is not a podcast about Quartzsite, Arizona. Certainly I am podcasting from this dusty truck stop town but there’s a lot more to talk about than what’s going on here. Details in Not-About-Quartzsite-Arizona-Bob Davis Podcast 1123.


Firstly I am getting restless.


That is to say the old Wanderlust is back.

Talk About It

Furthermore since I’ll be stopped down out  here in the desert for awhile let’s talk about restlessness.

Undoubtedly all nomads and travelers feel this restlessness or wanderlust every now and then.

High Vibe

To begin with when I am on the road I feel the highest vibe.

Then when I come ‘home’ to a campground with other nomads I will spend a few weeks stationary.

Or when I return to the Midwest in the summer I am not moving.

Restlessness Returns

Then eventually the restlessness returns.

We All Feel It

I general I think anyone who travels feels this every now and then.

Wanderlust Is A Thing

In fact an experienced traveler or digital nomad might say wanderlust is a thing.

Lots Of Nomads And RV People

As far as Quartzsite Arizona is concerned there are a lot of nomads and RV folks here right now.


In this case everyone seems to have a YouTube channel.

Therefore a lot of content about this place and the goings on.

Like High School

Another key point as far as this podcast is concerned is the fact that this miniature media ecosystem can be a lot like high school.

Driven Deeper

Because of this I am driven to go deeper.

No Small Talk

Firstly I don’t do small talk…

No Copying

And I don’t care about what others are doing.

Even more I take a dim view of copying others.

Real Talk

So it is time to talk about something real.


With this in mind where does the desire for new travel experiences come from?


In effect I think it has something to do with the fact that we are all traveling through time.

Life Is Short

Maybe wanderlust springs from a hidden desire to compensate for the undeniable fact that life is short.

Although this may be true many people compensate by building businesses, families and communities back home.

And I celebrate that.

Different Animals

But a traveler is a different animal.

In sum we seek something new and different.

Or we seek to learn.

We’ll talk about it.

Sponsored by Ryan Plumbing And Heating In Saint Paul

Not-About-Quartzsite-Arizona-Bob Davis Podcast 1123