No-Politics-Better-Path-Bob Davis Podcast 1138

No Politics A Better Path

Firstly it’s time for some real talk about why No Politics is the better path for me. Check out No-Politics-Better-Path-Bob Davis Podcast 1138 for details.

Secondly in order to explain this I do have to spend a little time talking about political science.

But no personalities or issues in this podcast.

No Political Content

Or any podcast or YouTube video I do.

In fact this has been my policy for more than three years now.


To clarify a metamorphosis for me began around 2020…

which at length changed my approach to content on my podcasts.

Long Time Listeners Already Know

All things considered my subscribers and listeners know this has been my policy.

On the other hand I have new listeners and subscribers both on these podcasts and through YouTube.


Even more people have been asking me why I don’t talk about politics…

Don’t ‘Should’ me Brah

Or in like manner suggesting I “should”.

Better Path For Me

Therefore it’s time to say again why the no politics content rule is a better path for me.

Political Science

More importantly it’s necessary to discuss political science for a little bit of time in this podcast.


Because of course so much of social media content is devoted to back and forth arguments and rancor about national personalities and national issues.

Easier To Listen

Above all I can’t really write it the way I say it in this podcast…

Socially Corrosive

but so much of this socially corrosive rancor in on the social media platforms where people complain about ‘the media’.

Useless Energy

With this in mind a great deal of national government in the US is not subject to individual votes in the same manner local government is.

Yet so many of these ‘arguments’ have to do with national issues.

Ruining The Vibe

Overall though the reason I think this is the best path for me is that political talk ruins the travel vibe.

Four More Years

Thirdly I have been a nomad for four years now.

Positive Vibe

The first thing to remember about the nomad lifestyle is it carries a very high positive vibe.

We Are More

Furthermore this experience taught me we can be and are so much more than yelling and screaming at each other across the back fence.

Why Bring The Nightmare To The Dream?

In the final analysis when someone chooses a lifestyle that is unique…

It’s most important that one of the drivers of the decision to choose this lifestyle is to experience more and be more.

In the long run, why bring the nightmare to the dream?

Finally I do not feel all this political yelling and screaming is positive at all.

Certainly not for the kind of content I have grown to love.

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No-Politics-Better-Path-Bob Davis Podcast 1138


Wisconsin-Time-Warp-Bob Davis Podcast 1137

Wisconsin Time Warp

Firstly after the recent sun storms I feel like I am in a Wisconsin Time Warp and that is the starting point for a free wheeling discussion in Bob Davis Podcast 1137. Something about the Auroras seems to have bent time in the dream life. Details in Wisconsin-Time-Warp-Bob Davis Podcast 1137.

60 Days

Secondly after 60 days on the road and six thousand miles of nomad travel I was due for a rest.

High Energy Auroras

However something about the auroras jacked me up!

Subsequently I looked up and realized I had not done a podcast for awhile.

Previously the plan had been to do a podcast summing up my sixty days of travel.

And of course Wisconsin-Time-Warp-Bob Davis Podcast 1137 does include some conclusions.


Equally important to me are observations post rest.

Living In A Dream

Correspondingly I delve into the persistent feeling that I am living a dream.

For instance the glass smooth surface of the lake.

Or the waxing moon.

To say nothing of an endless wood supply fueling fantastic fires every night.

Nightly Ritual

Equally important is my nightly ritual of dinner on the fire…

After that sitting and taking in the night.

In effect witnessing the dream.

Deserted Lake

In the third place the lake is almost deserted these early days of spring.

On this occasion a few people come up to open up their cabins for the season.

Steward Of A Dream World

Afterward they head back to the city leaving me as the steward of this dreamworld.

Even more it has been utterly still here…

in the wake of the crackling energy of the auroras.

Contemplate The Night

All things considered a perfect time for me and the owls to contemplate the night.

In any case I have just come off an incredible journey.

Dream Or Reality

All in all sometimes I prefer the dream to the so called ‘reality’.

By and large a world where people seem to be obsessed with trying to predict the future…

…and nothing seems to get resolved.

What’s Real?

Not only this but also creating a world that seems fake when you’re on the shores of a placid lake…

Or traveling sixty days through rural America on two-lane roads.

I prefer the dream, thank you.

Sponsored by Garden Gurus MN

Wisconsin-Time-Warp-Bob Davis Podcast 1137



Winter Stories-Grand Solar Minimum-Bob Davis Podcast 810

These days almost everyone across the US thinks their winter has been cold. People in the Upper Midwest have really experienced cold. Especially relevant? It may be about to get a lot colder. Learn more in Winter Stories-Grand Solar Minimum-Bob Davis Podcast 810.

Solar Cycle 25

Ever since Rudolf Wolf started measuring solar cycles back in 1755 they’ve been counting them. Solar Cycles last roughly 11 years, and we are just about to enter Solar Cycle 25.

Maunder Minimum

Moreover there’s more than just an 11 year cycle when it comes to the sun. During the Maunder Minimum, from 1645 to about 1715 solar activity was pretty quiet. Check out Winter Stories-Grand Solar Minimum-Bob Davis Podcast 810.

Little Ice Age

The Maunder Minimum is often referred to as a ‘Little Ice Age’. During this time London’s famous Thames River froze solid. Let’s just say it wasn’t a good time. Some scientists believe we are about to have another minimum. They call it a Grand Solar Minimum. Others refer to this predicted period of low solar activity as a ‘Super’ Solar Minimum.

Climate Change Activists Say It’s A Myth

Full disclosure. Global Warming Theory and Climate Change activists think predictions of cooler temps during a potential solar minimum is a dangerous myth.

A New Ice Age

Sun Cycle 25 begins in 2020. Professor Zharkovia, Doctor Helen Popova and Professor Simon Shephard and Doctor Sergei Zharkov all predict we could have a new ice age by 2030. Batten down the hatches.

If Cold Isn’t Enough There’s Always The Magnetic Field

In addition solar minimums can effect the Earth’s Magnetic fields in chaotic ways. Recently You Tubers have posted many videos suggesting a weakening magnetic field could mean multiple and drifting magnetic fields. Ultimately, they say, it could lead to an actual shift in the 23 degree tilt of the Earth’s axis.

What About Human Behavior

As we head toward sun cycle 25 we’re already in the early stages of the weakening magnetic field. How will this cycle effect our weather? How might sun cycles effect human behavior?

Winter Stories

We examine these questions and tell a few winter stories in Winter Stories-Grand Solar Minimum-Bob Davis Podcast 810.

Sponsored by White Tail Builders of Andover Minnesota

Winter Stories-Grand Solar Minimum-Bob Davis Podcast 810