Wisconsin-Time-Warp-Bob Davis Podcast 1137

Wisconsin Time Warp

Firstly after the recent sun storms I feel like I am in a Wisconsin Time Warp and that is the starting point for a free wheeling discussion in Bob Davis Podcast 1137. Something about the Auroras seems to have bent time in the dream life. Details in Wisconsin-Time-Warp-Bob Davis Podcast 1137.

60 Days

Secondly after 60 days on the road and six thousand miles of nomad travel I was due for a rest.

High Energy Auroras

However something about the auroras jacked me up!

Subsequently I looked up and realized I had not done a podcast for awhile.

Previously the plan had been to do a podcast summing up my sixty days of travel.

And of course Wisconsin-Time-Warp-Bob Davis Podcast 1137 does include some conclusions.


Equally important to me are observations post rest.

Living In A Dream

Correspondingly I delve into the persistent feeling that I am living a dream.

For instance the glass smooth surface of the lake.

Or the waxing moon.

To say nothing of an endless wood supply fueling fantastic fires every night.

Nightly Ritual

Equally important is my nightly ritual of dinner on the fire…

After that sitting and taking in the night.

In effect witnessing the dream.

Deserted Lake

In the third place the lake is almost deserted these early days of spring.

On this occasion a few people come up to open up their cabins for the season.

Steward Of A Dream World

Afterward they head back to the city leaving me as the steward of this dreamworld.

Even more it has been utterly still here…

in the wake of the crackling energy of the auroras.

Contemplate The Night

All things considered a perfect time for me and the owls to contemplate the night.

In any case I have just come off an incredible journey.

Dream Or Reality

All in all sometimes I prefer the dream to the so called ‘reality’.

By and large a world where people seem to be obsessed with trying to predict the future…

…and nothing seems to get resolved.

What’s Real?

Not only this but also creating a world that seems fake when you’re on the shores of a placid lake…

Or traveling sixty days through rural America on two-lane roads.

I prefer the dream, thank you.

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Wisconsin-Time-Warp-Bob Davis Podcast 1137



Nomad-Eclipse-Rest-Refit-Bob Davis Podcast 1095

Nomad Eclipse Rest Refit

Firstly it’s Nomad Eclipse Rest and Refit season in Western Wisconsin. Details in Nomad-Eclipse-Rest-Refit-Bob Davis Podcast 1095.

Saving A Buck

Secondly nomads never miss a chance to save a buck and take a break from the road.

Therefore that is what I am doing.

August Timeline

At least until mid August 2023.

Peeling An Onion

Above nomad travel is like peeling an onion.

Slower Travel

For example when I first started traveling I did not understand the practice of some nomads to get off the road in the spring for a while.

Then high fuel prices forced me to change my travel plans.

That is to say longer stays and shorter travel bursts.

New People and Community

The result was meeting new people and experiencing community.

Arizona To Wisconsin

Finally I drove north to Western Wisconsin from Arizona pretty quickly because of a death in the family. That is to say I left the desert sooner than I intended or expected.

Winter To Spring

However we nomads roll with the punches. Subsequently I am experiencing the winter to spring change again!


In addition it’s eclipse season.

Intense Feels

Which means some unusual celestial events and associated intense feels. If you’re looking for the link explaining this April’s Hybrid Eclipse, here it is.

Vintage Cabin

And I am staying at a vintage cabin soon to be moving to a lake front and back to my nightly fire.


In conclusion it’s weird to feel weird about being comfortable!

Cool Greens

But looking forward to the cool greens and hot sun of the Midwestern Summer.

Mechanical Work

Also getting some needed work on Mobile Podcast Command. Some body work. Minor engine work. And a few other items that need to be taken care of..

Sometimes getting this kind of work done on the road can be a challenge, if not more expensive.


See you at the campfire!

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Nomad-Eclipse-Rest-Refit-Bob Davis Podcast 1095