Wisconsin-Time-Warp-Bob Davis Podcast 1137

Wisconsin Time Warp

Firstly after the recent sun storms I feel like I am in a Wisconsin Time Warp and that is the starting point for a free wheeling discussion in Bob Davis Podcast 1137. Something about the Auroras seems to have bent time in the dream life. Details in Wisconsin-Time-Warp-Bob Davis Podcast 1137.

60 Days

Secondly after 60 days on the road and six thousand miles of nomad travel I was due for a rest.

High Energy Auroras

However something about the auroras jacked me up!

Subsequently I looked up and realized I had not done a podcast for awhile.

Previously the plan had been to do a podcast summing up my sixty days of travel.

And of course Wisconsin-Time-Warp-Bob Davis Podcast 1137 does include some conclusions.


Equally important to me are observations post rest.

Living In A Dream

Correspondingly I delve into the persistent feeling that I am living a dream.

For instance the glass smooth surface of the lake.

Or the waxing moon.

To say nothing of an endless wood supply fueling fantastic fires every night.

Nightly Ritual

Equally important is my nightly ritual of dinner on the fire…

After that sitting and taking in the night.

In effect witnessing the dream.

Deserted Lake

In the third place the lake is almost deserted these early days of spring.

On this occasion a few people come up to open up their cabins for the season.

Steward Of A Dream World

Afterward they head back to the city leaving me as the steward of this dreamworld.

Even more it has been utterly still here…

in the wake of the crackling energy of the auroras.

Contemplate The Night

All things considered a perfect time for me and the owls to contemplate the night.

In any case I have just come off an incredible journey.

Dream Or Reality

All in all sometimes I prefer the dream to the so called ‘reality’.

By and large a world where people seem to be obsessed with trying to predict the future…

…and nothing seems to get resolved.

What’s Real?

Not only this but also creating a world that seems fake when you’re on the shores of a placid lake…

Or traveling sixty days through rural America on two-lane roads.

I prefer the dream, thank you.

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Wisconsin-Time-Warp-Bob Davis Podcast 1137



Ohio-Pennsyvania-Upstate-New-York-Bob Davis Podcast 1109

Ohio Pennsylvannia Upstate New York

Firstly I made it across Ohio and Pennsylvania to New York State faster than I thought on back roads. Secondly a mechanical triggers a great experience in one of America’s oldest industrial towns. Details in Ohio-Pennsyvania-Upstate-New-York-Bob Davis Podcast 1109.

Back Roads Are Not Slow

Above all anyone who tells you back roads are slow should note the time and distance in for this nomad.

See America

Of course the fact that you get to really see America is another point.

For example I was rolling across the country until a mechanical problem brought me to Jamestown New York.

Jamestown New York

Instead of freaking out I went to more than one mechanic in Jamestown until we figured the problem out.

Certainly that’s a great argument for working a problem until you have a solution.


But I also got to know some great people.


And learned a little history too.

All the info is in Ohio-Pennsyvania-Upstate-New-York-Bob Davis Podcast 1109.

Avoiding Major Cities

The most compelling evidence for back roads travel though is being able to snake through the green fields and hills of rural America all the way east.

Equally important I think is also being able to avoid all major cities.

Campulance Man

Notwithstanding a quick visit to rural Rochester New York to pick up my power station from the Campulance Man. Check out his videos on YouTube here.

Best Trips

Without a doubt this has been one of the best trips I’ve taken.


Surprisingly the reason is simplicity itself.

Avoid Friends and Family

That is to say I have learned over the years to avoid detours to visit friends and family.

By all means I love my friends and family.

Complications Complicate

One the other hand when you complicate things on the road it can get really complicated very quickly.

Alone Time

As much as I like being with people I also am comfortable with alone time.

Accordingly there’s a lot of alone time threading the back roads.


At the present time I am making my way through New York’s Adirondacks…

And it is incredible.

All in all plenty of time to think and enjoy the moment.

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Ohio-Pennsyvania-Upstate-New-York-Bob Davis Podcast 1109


American-Heartland-Bob Davis-Podcast-1108

American Heartland

Firstly the American Heartland is thriving. I’ve driven across 6 states so far. All back roads. Avoiding the major cities. Pure Travel Bliss, Details in American-Heartland-Bob Davis-Podcast-1108.

Navigating On The Fly

In addition I’ve been navigating on the fly.

Two Parts

Secondly this podcast is recorded in two parts.

Therefore two different locations in the American Heartland.

Hello Road

All things considered it is great to be back on the road.

Sea Of Green

In fact rolling through a sea of green…

Alone On Two Lanes

Even more most of the time no one else on the road but me…

Pure Travel Bliss

All of this must be remembered as truly pure travel bliss.

Don’t Listen To The Alarmists

Another key point the the talk about food shortages and other alarmist content.

Bursting At The Seams

As a matter of fact I am here to tell you the American Heartland is bursting at the seams with plenty as we near the harvest.


It’s important to realize the value of actually ‘going down to the front’.

Rural America

That is to say going out to actually see what is going on in rural America is worth the trip.

Not A Fairy Tale

To be sure it’s not a fairy tale.

Contrast Surprises

But I am always surprised by the contrast of Urban Blight and the abundance of farm states.

Hitting The Road Again

Above all I have been stationary for months camped out on a Wisconsin lake shore.

So hitting the back roads for pure unfettered travel is fantastic.

New York State On The Horizon

I am henceforth headed to New York State to pick up my lithium power station from the Campulance Man.

Off Grid

I am truly off grid afterward heading for New York’s Pioneer district.

Love It

Thirdly this is what I do and I love it.

All in all I love traveling this way…


Furthermore I find opportunities to ask questions and learn.

Soul Killing Mind Numbing

Comparatively air travel and the interstates can be soul killing and mind numbing.

I do what I do for that reason.

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