Joshua-Tree-National-Park-Bob Davis Podcast 1150

Joshua Tree National Park

Joshua Tree National Park is certainly one of the best National Parks in the US. Some rate it the best. I am live from Joshua Tree in Joshua-Tree-National-Park-Bob Davis Podcast 1150.

Dry Lake Bed It Is Not

Of course it is a far dry from the dry lake bed I’ve been staying at for over a month.

Although the dry lake bed has its charms.

Loving National Parks

Equally important is the fact that I am growing partial to National Parks.

Grand Canyon and now Joshua Tree

Of course getting stuck for a month in the Grand Canyon is pretty great. Listen to the Grand Canyon Podcast here.

Bureau of Land Management

It’s important to realize the difference between the Bureau Of Land Management ‘camp’ sites…

Other Options For Nomads

As well as the National Forests, State Parks and of course the National Parks.

Although you have to pay in a national park…and most forests and of course state parks.

And you have a fourteen day limited stay…

Worth It

Altogether it’s worth it.

Discounts and Passes

Especially if you take the time to investigate various discount passes you can get.

BLM Stewardship Is Not Like The National Parks

In addition I spend a little time in this podcast talking about recent issues with the Bureau of Land Management’s stewardship of the land.

Never Pay Camp Fees?

In the same fashion while I know many nomads consider it a badge of honor of they never pay camp fees.

Free Is Good

To be sure free is good.

Condition of Free

However balanced against the state of some ‘free’ campgrounds I wonder whether ‘free’ is actually worth it.


Furthermore Joshua Tree National Park has a special vibe.

For one thing two deserts come together in the park.

Therefore one part of a stay in the park might be completely different from another part.

Equally important are the hiking options throughout the park.

No Travel Tips Though

Finally I don’t really do travel tips and I talk about this a fair amount in this podcast.

Presently there are plenty of travel tip and advice videos available on YouTube.

Travel Is A Personal Discovery

But I think the real juice of travel is discovering it on our own.

Now I have certainly gotten myself into more than one mess with this attitude,

On the other hand in the end, it has been worth it.

Grateful for the sponsorship of 36/LYN

Joshua-Tree-National-Park-Bob Davis Podcast 1150

No-Politics-Better-Path-Bob Davis Podcast 1138

No Politics A Better Path

Firstly it’s time for some real talk about why No Politics is the better path for me. Check out No-Politics-Better-Path-Bob Davis Podcast 1138 for details.

Secondly in order to explain this I do have to spend a little time talking about political science.

But no personalities or issues in this podcast.

No Political Content

Or any podcast or YouTube video I do.

In fact this has been my policy for more than three years now.


To clarify a metamorphosis for me began around 2020…

which at length changed my approach to content on my podcasts.

Long Time Listeners Already Know

All things considered my subscribers and listeners know this has been my policy.

On the other hand I have new listeners and subscribers both on these podcasts and through YouTube.


Even more people have been asking me why I don’t talk about politics…

Don’t ‘Should’ me Brah

Or in like manner suggesting I “should”.

Better Path For Me

Therefore it’s time to say again why the no politics content rule is a better path for me.

Political Science

More importantly it’s necessary to discuss political science for a little bit of time in this podcast.


Because of course so much of social media content is devoted to back and forth arguments and rancor about national personalities and national issues.

Easier To Listen

Above all I can’t really write it the way I say it in this podcast…

Socially Corrosive

but so much of this socially corrosive rancor in on the social media platforms where people complain about ‘the media’.

Useless Energy

With this in mind a great deal of national government in the US is not subject to individual votes in the same manner local government is.

Yet so many of these ‘arguments’ have to do with national issues.

Ruining The Vibe

Overall though the reason I think this is the best path for me is that political talk ruins the travel vibe.

Four More Years

Thirdly I have been a nomad for four years now.

Positive Vibe

The first thing to remember about the nomad lifestyle is it carries a very high positive vibe.

We Are More

Furthermore this experience taught me we can be and are so much more than yelling and screaming at each other across the back fence.

Why Bring The Nightmare To The Dream?

In the final analysis when someone chooses a lifestyle that is unique…

It’s most important that one of the drivers of the decision to choose this lifestyle is to experience more and be more.

In the long run, why bring the nightmare to the dream?

Finally I do not feel all this political yelling and screaming is positive at all.

Certainly not for the kind of content I have grown to love.

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No-Politics-Better-Path-Bob Davis Podcast 1138


Still-Captivated-By-Nomad-Life-Bob Davis Podcast 1130

Still Captivated By Nomad Life

Firstly Still-Captivated-By-Nomad-Life-Bob Davis Podcast 1130 includes a clip from a syndicated radio show because the hosts were talking about me! It reminded me that nomad life still captivates people.

Old Friends

Secondly a few years ago I visited my old friend Max who produces and fills in on the Bob and Sherrie show.

Here’s a link to the podcast we did together a few years ago when I first started my nomad journey.


Altogether the podcast we did together gives the listener a little background on our history.

Series On The Nomad Experience

Finally I have been doing kind of a series on the current state of the nomad experience.

Quartzsite For The Winter

In fact I am camped out here in the Southwestern Arizona desert in Quartzsite for the winter.


As much as I love nomad life my most recent podcast talked about some of the drawbacks I have experienced this winter.

And talks about my desire to get more out of the lifestyle.

Audio From The Show Included

So I thought it was appropriate to play the clip from the Bob and Sherrie show recently where they were talking about my experience.

No End To My Nomad Roaming Days

Because I really have no intention to end my nomad roaming days.


Even more I believe as technology continues to improve…

More Nomads

In addition it’s important to point out that there are many different tribes in this lifestyle.

That is to say there are digital nomads as well as various workers who travel.

And plenty of others who travel in a like manner.


Analogous to nomads in the US are other ‘tribes’ in Europe, Asia and other international locations.

Why Are People Captivated By This Lifestyle

Eventually I get to reasons people are captivated by this lifestyle.


Coupled with a few more details some might not have heard about my own experience.

Better When The Wheels Are Turning

All things considered part of my frustration with Quartzsite this year stems from the fact that I do not like sitting.

As I have noted I always feel better when the wheels are turning.


However I still believe I want a little more out of this experience.

And I’ll be talking about that as it develops in future months.

So, check out Still-Captivated-By-Nomad-Life-Bob Davis Podcast 1130…

And thanks again to Bob and Sherrie and Max for talking about my nomad experience.

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Still-Captivated-By-Nomad-Life-Bob Davis Podcast 1130