Nomad-Winter-Escape-Adventure-Bob Davis Podcast-1156

Nomad Winter Escape Adventure

Firstly time for a Nomad Winter Escape Adventure. Details in Nomad-Winter-Escape-Adventure-Bob Davis Podcast-1156.

Winter Break Up North

Secondly right about now just about everyone in North America is looking for a winter break.

Polar Vortex

Certainly the arrival of the Polar Vortex and Winter Storms are key.

Cold In The West Too

In addition even out west it’s cold in the higher elevations.


Equally important is the need for nomads for warm days and nights.


Accordingly the adventure here is the often challenged nomad migration from the higher altitudes to the lower.

Life On The Road

Of course because life on the road requires multiple stops in transit it becomes an adventure.

Eastern Sierra

Thirdly I love the Eastern Sierras.

Spring and Fall

However this locale is a lot more palatable in the Spring and Fall.

Lone Pine To Organ Pipe

Since I just made the trip from Lone Pine California to Organ Pipe National Monument in Arizona I can tell the story.

All things considered I was warmer in the below sea level reaches of Death Valley.

But I don’t like to back track.

San Diego

It’s for this reason that I headed toward San Diego.

Owing to the fact that I had video to upload I was in search of a Starbucks and a place to hole up for a night while I uploaded.

In reality apparently San Diego doesn’t like Truck Stops or National Forests.

And, like Florida, this part of the California frowns on stays in Walmart parking lots, Cracker Barrel’s, or Denny’s.

All things considered any nomad out there is nodding their head.

In the final analysis I do not blame the San Diego area.

Rest Area

At the same time the best I could do was a rest area about forty miles east of the city.

At length let the downloading begin!


Finally found a great campground a little farther east.

Santa Ana Winds

At length I found the nights still too cold with the Santa Ana winds and headed for Arizona.

Mundane Adventure

With this in mind Nomad-Winter-Escape-Adventure-Bob Davis Podcast-1156 is all about the little errands and things we have to do that makes nomad life an adventure sometimes.

In any case any refugee from the current Polar Vortex will find California and Arizona quite pleasant despite slightly cool evenings.

Organ Pipe Dream

And Organ Pipe National Monument is a dream.

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Nomad-Winter-Escape-Adventure-Bob Davis Podcast-1156



2025-High-Vibe-Death-Valley-Bob Davis Podcast 1154

2025 High Vibe In Death Valley

It’s time for a higher vibe to ring in the New Year and Death Valley is the place to do it. Details in 2025-High-Vibe-Death-Valley-Bob Davis Podcast 1154.

Staying To The Maximum

I came here to stay one or two nights and ended up extending to the maximum time.

As a matter of fact I could live here if they let me.

What a contrast to the Truck Stops of Las Vegas.

Especially the stars.

Largest National Park

Of course this is the largest National Park in the Lower 48.


But at the holiday time of year I was surprised by the number of people camping up here.

Primitive Man

Certainly it’s true that our end of year rituals rooted in primitive man.

So it’s fair to suggest Christmas and New Year’s celebrations precede the Christian Era.

And our commercial hustle and bustle suggests a return to pagan roots for some.

Camping For Christmas and New Years

But I am still surprised at the number of people camping here for Christmas and New Years.

Primitive Roots

Accordingly this place has a lot of primitive history.

With this in mind the ghosts of Ancients, American Indians and Pioneers have a certain currency.


As well as the miners and entrepreneurs that built some of the best attractions in the Park as well as in the region around it.


Up to the present time this place has a lot of history.


Furthermore as a nomad I am grateful for the ability to enjoy places like this at length.


The first thing to remember is the vibe in the campgrounds is high.


Firstly every night there is a lot of talk around the campfire of where people camped and what they saw that day.

Crush Of Holiday Activities Back Home

Secondly and chiefly a huge relief and respite from the shopping and food and family intensity of Thanksgiving through the New Year.

Winter Solstice

Meanwhile the Winter Solstice is supposed to be for resting and refitting.

In addition for preparing our seeds to be planted in Spring.

In summary Death Valley is a special place with a lot of life!

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2025-High-Vibe-Death-Valley-Bob Davis Podcast 1154


Joshua-Tree-National-Park-Bob Davis Podcast 1150

Joshua Tree National Park

Joshua Tree National Park is certainly one of the best National Parks in the US. Some rate it the best. I am live from Joshua Tree in Joshua-Tree-National-Park-Bob Davis Podcast 1150.

Dry Lake Bed It Is Not

Of course it is a far dry from the dry lake bed I’ve been staying at for over a month.

Although the dry lake bed has its charms.

Loving National Parks

Equally important is the fact that I am growing partial to National Parks.

Grand Canyon and now Joshua Tree

Of course getting stuck for a month in the Grand Canyon is pretty great. Listen to the Grand Canyon Podcast here.

Bureau of Land Management

It’s important to realize the difference between the Bureau Of Land Management ‘camp’ sites…

Other Options For Nomads

As well as the National Forests, State Parks and of course the National Parks.

Although you have to pay in a national park…and most forests and of course state parks.

And you have a fourteen day limited stay…

Worth It

Altogether it’s worth it.

Discounts and Passes

Especially if you take the time to investigate various discount passes you can get.

BLM Stewardship Is Not Like The National Parks

In addition I spend a little time in this podcast talking about recent issues with the Bureau of Land Management’s stewardship of the land.

Never Pay Camp Fees?

In the same fashion while I know many nomads consider it a badge of honor of they never pay camp fees.

Free Is Good

To be sure free is good.

Condition of Free

However balanced against the state of some ‘free’ campgrounds I wonder whether ‘free’ is actually worth it.


Furthermore Joshua Tree National Park has a special vibe.

For one thing two deserts come together in the park.

Therefore one part of a stay in the park might be completely different from another part.

Equally important are the hiking options throughout the park.

No Travel Tips Though

Finally I don’t really do travel tips and I talk about this a fair amount in this podcast.

Presently there are plenty of travel tip and advice videos available on YouTube.

Travel Is A Personal Discovery

But I think the real juice of travel is discovering it on our own.

Now I have certainly gotten myself into more than one mess with this attitude,

On the other hand in the end, it has been worth it.

Grateful for the sponsorship of 36/LYN

Joshua-Tree-National-Park-Bob Davis Podcast 1150