Las Vegas-Joshua Tree-Bob Davis Podcast 1147

Las Vegas To Joshua Tree

Firstly Las Vegas-Joshua Tree-Bob Davis Podcast 1147 is about a computer meltdown forcing the nomad back on the road.

Secondly I am not mad about it.

Thinking About More Travel

Most importantly I have been thinking about traveling more lately.

Roll With The Punches

Altogether sometimes you just have to roll with the punches.

Water and PC’s Don’t Mix

Although this may be true when you spill water on your PC unexpectedly it stirs the pot to say the least.

But if we’re speaking the truth…

Done With Quartzsite For Now

With this in mind I was about done with Quartzsite Arizona anyway.


Certainly I had just finished a YouTube video about how we can’t predict the future.

Changes In Mecca

And in that video I talked a little about how the experience in the so called nomad Mecca has changed over the past few years.

New Adventure

Therefore I have been looking for a new adventure.

Rather than just sit there and be unhappy I took the opportunity to do something new.

As much as I love my friends in Quartzsite during the winter months.

Bloom Is Off The Rose

While this may be true the bloom is off the rose.

Heading North To Las Vegas

Even though goodbyes are difficult it was great to get back on 95 and head up to Havasu City, Searchlight Nevada and ultimately Las Vegas.

Afterward while I am not a gambler and have not been a fan of Las Vegas lately…

Surprisingly Easy

Navigating to Town Square Mall and the Apple Store was surprisingly easy.

New Mac

Straightaway I was negotiating for new Mac Pro.

All in all this is an opportunity to finally have the IT juice to do some video editing as well as improved quality for the podcast.

Learning Curve

However there will be a bit of a learning curve since I can’t access all the data on the old Mac Pro currently.

And you have to learn all new ins and outs of updated software, so no music in this podcast.

Solving Problems

At any rate the thing about problems is you get to solve them.

Searchlight To I-40

Lastly coming back the way I came through Searchlight I happened upon on of my reference points in my travels.

Truck Stop Time

In other words a cluster of truck stops at I-40 and 95.

Coupled with a new digital lease on life I had a chance to chill out to the sound of semis and reset my plans.

In conclusion some of these plans are discussed in this podcast.

More About This Next Podcast

But I’ll talk more about the journey in my next podcast to celebrate four years as a nomad full time and start out the fifth year of travel.

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Las Vegas-Joshua Tree-Bob Davis Podcast 1147




Quartzsite-Again-Bob Davis Podcast 1118

Quartzsite Again

I have finally arrived ‘home’ in Quartzsite Again. After being stranded for a month in the Grand Canyon it feels great to be back. Details in Quartzsite-Again-Bob Davis Podcast.

Summer Of Travel

Above all it has been quite a summer of travel.


Firstly starting out in March with a more than fifteen hundred mile trip back in the frozen north for a family emergency…

Abundant Midwest

And secondly heading out to the east coast through the abundant rural Midwest…

Plains and Mountains

Finally to the plains and mountains…

To The Grand Canyon

and the Grand Canyon…

Home In Quartzsite

To of course the deserts of the South West here in Quartzsite.


To begin with early last spring myself and two other nomads out here appeared in a video with Peter Santinello.

It was unquestionably a surprise when we discovered Peter has over a million subscribers.

Fellow Nomads

Therefore I have promised my podcast subscribers I would have my fellow nomads Mike and Robert on the podcast.

Unfortunately Robert isn’t here yet but Mike is.

Therefore Mike joins me for Quartzsite-Again-Bob Davis Podcast 1118.

Responding To Questions and Comments

Furthermore we respond to some of the questions and comments we’ve received.

Nomad Life

Consequently this is a pretty good podcast for those considering nomad life.

No Advice

On this occasion we don’t give advice on how to do nomad life.


But I think some of Mike’s observations will help some people.

Spiders and Snakes

Additionally we throw in some talk about spiders and snakes and desert rats…

Just for fun.

All in all it’s not just about hazard.

Great Dinners and Conversation

Once in a while it’s also about great dinners cooked over the campfire…


In addition great conversation and friendship.

Back In The Desert

All things considered it’s great to be back in the desert.

A Dream

In conclusion life out here is like peeling an onion.

Like a dream…

It’s got me hypnotized.

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Quartzsite-Again-Bob Davis Podcast 1118




Ridiculous-RV-Rig-Prices-Bob Davis Podcast 1078

Ridiculous RV Rig Prices

Most importantly when people are paying fifty percent more for fuel they can’t afford these ridiculous RV and Rig Prices. Details in Ridiculous-RV-Rig-Prices-Bob Davis Podcast 1078.

Paid Shills

Furthermore it’s the paid prognosticators on YouTube doing the RV salesperson’s work by telling people rig prices can’t come down.

Engaging On This Issue

Firstly I got into a little bit of a tiff on Instagram recently because I decided to engage on this price issue.

Prices Cuts

Secondly this podcast explains why price cuts are on the horizon.

And I reference another podcast I did some months ago on economic issues.

Nomad Perspective

Certainly I see things from the nomad perspective.

That is to say we don’t like to spend money.

Some Have More Resources

Certainly some people come to this lifestyle with more resources than others,

In addition others buy an RV to use every now and then.

Sticker Shock Prevails Among All

But even the causal RV person is shocked at what dealers are asking for these rigs.

Rising Interest Rates

Even more there is the issue of rising interest rates and less liquidity in the banking system.

Breaking Point

To clarify most financial people these days say we’re reaching the breaking point on inflation.

Wholesale Prices Plummeting

It’s early yet but as a result wholesale prices for used cars in particular are plummeting.

Dealers Jacking Up Prices

However dealers are jacking up prices to get the most out of the consumer before the whole thing goes south.

And it will.

RV Dealers Playing The Same Game?

One wonders whether RV and Rig sellers are playing the same game.

Finally we nomads usually operate with rigs cobbled together from heavier duty vehicles

Moreover we are often very choosy about creature comforts.

Versatility and Reliability Win The Day

And we’ll often choose versatility and reliability over hardwood floors and double door refrigerators.

Experience Is The Best Teacher

That is due to the fact that experience is the best teacher.

You Don’t Need A Double Door Fridge Out Here

To sum up to the nomad borrowing tens of thousands of dollars to overpay for a shiny new rig is just not an option.

Change Is Coming

Finally the overall economic picture suggests things are about to change.


In fact big price reductions on almost everything may be in the picture soon.

Sales People Always Say This Is The Best Time To Buy

However sales people will always tell prospects it’s a great time to buy.

YouTubers Too

Including those prognosticators on You Tube.

Eye Opener

In conclusion always do your own research.

But don’t forget to look at the overall economic picture at the same time.

It’s an eye opener.

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Ridiculous-RV-Rig-Prices-Bob Davis Podcast 1078