Nomad-Winter-Escape-Adventure-Bob Davis Podcast-1156

Nomad Winter Escape Adventure

Firstly time for a Nomad Winter Escape Adventure. Details in Nomad-Winter-Escape-Adventure-Bob Davis Podcast-1156.

Winter Break Up North

Secondly right about now just about everyone in North America is looking for a winter break.

Polar Vortex

Certainly the arrival of the Polar Vortex and Winter Storms are key.

Cold In The West Too

In addition even out west it’s cold in the higher elevations.


Equally important is the need for nomads for warm days and nights.


Accordingly the adventure here is the often challenged nomad migration from the higher altitudes to the lower.

Life On The Road

Of course because life on the road requires multiple stops in transit it becomes an adventure.

Eastern Sierra

Thirdly I love the Eastern Sierras.

Spring and Fall

However this locale is a lot more palatable in the Spring and Fall.

Lone Pine To Organ Pipe

Since I just made the trip from Lone Pine California to Organ Pipe National Monument in Arizona I can tell the story.

All things considered I was warmer in the below sea level reaches of Death Valley.

But I don’t like to back track.

San Diego

It’s for this reason that I headed toward San Diego.

Owing to the fact that I had video to upload I was in search of a Starbucks and a place to hole up for a night while I uploaded.

In reality apparently San Diego doesn’t like Truck Stops or National Forests.

And, like Florida, this part of the California frowns on stays in Walmart parking lots, Cracker Barrel’s, or Denny’s.

All things considered any nomad out there is nodding their head.

In the final analysis I do not blame the San Diego area.

Rest Area

At the same time the best I could do was a rest area about forty miles east of the city.

At length let the downloading begin!


Finally found a great campground a little farther east.

Santa Ana Winds

At length I found the nights still too cold with the Santa Ana winds and headed for Arizona.

Mundane Adventure

With this in mind Nomad-Winter-Escape-Adventure-Bob Davis Podcast-1156 is all about the little errands and things we have to do that makes nomad life an adventure sometimes.

In any case any refugee from the current Polar Vortex will find California and Arizona quite pleasant despite slightly cool evenings.

Organ Pipe Dream

And Organ Pipe National Monument is a dream.

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Nomad-Winter-Escape-Adventure-Bob Davis Podcast-1156



#Nomadlife-Lessons-Part One-Bob Davis Podcast 1139

#Nomadlife Lessons Part One

Altogether after many years as a nomad it’s time to share some lessons in #Nomadlife-Lessons-Part One-Bob Davis Podcast 1139.

With this purpose in mind I set out to cram all the lessons into one podcast.

But it turns out I have a lot of content to share when it comes to nomad lessons.

State Of Mind

In #Nomadlife-Lessons-Part One-Bob Davis Podcast 1139 I begin with our state of mind when we first test the nomad waters.

Accordingly there’s some discussion about economic conditions these days.

Conditions Before You Go

That is to say conditions which might drive people out on the road and into #Nomadlife.

Firstly there is the fact that housing has not decreased in price despite the reduction of inflation.


Even more most working people have thirty to forty percent less buying power than they did in 2019.

Certainly part of the reason I got rid of just about everything I owned was the increasing price of rent.

And the overbearing nature of efforts to contain the pandemic.

After that being on the road meant being free.

No More Free Money

In addition back in 2020 there were a number of pandemic relief funds and incentives which helped many to adopt the nomad lifestyle.

All of the sudden those measures are no longer available…

Back To Work Peasant

Significantly as well these days more businesses are exhorting workers to return to the office.

So I think the bloom might be off the rose slightly when it comes to hitting the road…

On the other hand this reality can also be a trigger for chucking the nine to five suburban lifestyle.

Especially when you consider some commutes are now seventy minutes long.

Romance Is Still Strong

However that does not diminish the romance of this alternative lifestyle.

Revenue Stream

Therefore these days one has to have some kind of revenue stream to do this.

Obviously retirees have savings, pensions and social security.

Contrarily younger people might not have those resources.

And you don’t want to hurt your own savings or future retirement.

Temporary Jobs

In view of this fact I spend a little time sharing what I know about some of the temporary jobs available ‘out there’.

Forget YouTube

On the negative side many future nomads imagine themselves making bank from their YouTube channel.

Of course if you have experience creating content that’s one thing…

But chances are a YouTube channel or Instagram is not going to foot the bill for a nomad life.

Most Nomad Content Include Lists

Finally I see a lot of content on line about ‘the three things you have to do before becoming a nomad’ or ‘the sixteen things you need’ and so on.

Certainly some of this is good advice…


Equally important though, is the sense of adventure that comes from not knowing too much about something before you do it.


And realizing you’re getting a lot out of something as you do it.


I’ll give you a little more content in detail about what this experience is like in the first of these two #nomadlife lessons podcasts.

No Regrets

In conclusion unlike many of the posts these days decrying the lifestyle I have not regretted doing this for one day.

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#Nomadlife-Lessons-Part One-Bob Davis Podcast 1139

Six-Thousand-Miles-Backroads-Part1-Bob Davis Podcast-1135

Six Thousand Miles Backroads Part 1 Of A Series

I’ve traveled six thousand miles on the Backroads since I left Arizona in February. More than eleven states and many experiences. Details in Six-Thousand-Miles-Backroads-Part1-Bob Davis Podcast-1135.

Arizona to Wisconsin

Firstly I talk about the routes I’ve taken from Arizona to Wisconsin by way of several states.

From the Southwest

Secondly it all started in Quartzsite Arizona.

To clarify I spend my winters in the Southwest.

To The South East

So a spring wedding scheduled for March 15th in Sarasota Florida was a great motivator and trip goal.

Therefore on about February 26th, 2024 I left Quartzsite to begin what would turn out to be a six thousand mile trip.


Above all in Six-Thousand-Miles-Backroads-Part1-Bob Davis Podcast-1135 I detail the routes and experiences along the way.


In the same fashion I explain my motivation in staying to America’s BackRoads.

However every now and then I have to take an interstate.

But I try to keep that to a minimum.

Accordingly I headed out East along Interstate 8 in Southwestern Arizona.

Routes and Takeaways

Additionally I detail some takeaways from each state I traversed on my way to Florida.

One For The Books

All in all this trip through Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and eventually Florida is one for the books.

Desert Border

For one thing the whole trip was either along the US-Mexico border

Gulf Coast

Or the Gulf Coast.

Including at length beach towns and shores along the Gulf Coast.


In contrast this journey is a series because of my experiences in Florida and on up the East Coast.

Truck Stops To Parking Lots

From potential campgrounds to truck stops and parking lots it’s been quite an experience.

Overall deserts, mountains, beaches and swamps.

Small Towns

And some undeniably wonderful small towns along the way.

Low And Slow Travel

One of the points overlooked by many thinking about the nomad lifestyle is the fact that we travel low and slow.

That is to say that travel does not have to be compressed into a short period of time.

The Vast Nation

Even more the opportunity to observe and catalog vast swaths of the country seen from its back roads is key.

Media Disconnect

Most important is the country one sees from the back roads is not the country the media shows us.


In the positive side I saw a lot of development and activity this trip.


In a similar fashion I did not see mayhem on the US Border.


In conclusion aside from in season traffic and too much development in Florida…

There’s nothing like a long trip on the back roads.

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Six-Thousand-Miles-Backroads-Part1-Bob Davis Podcast-1135