Maps-Planning-Arizona-Florida-2024-Bob Davis Podcast 1129

Maps Planning Arizona To Florida 2024

Time to check the maps and do some planning for my Arizona to Florida 2024 adventure. And some stories too. Details in Maps-Planning-Arizona-Florida-2024-Bob Davis Podcast 1129.

Firstly it’s been a minute since I was on the roads.

Great To Be Back

Secondly it sure feels good to be preparing for a 2500 mile road trip from Quartzsite Arizona to Sarasota Florida.

On The Back Roads

As a matter of fact I have been stopped down here in the desert since October of 2023.

So I am ready to hit the road.

To say nothing of the power of the back roads.

Maps And Planning

With this purpose in mind I’ll share the types of maps I use complete with the sound of turning pages.

Rig Improvements

In addition I’ll share some of the improvements to mobile podcast command.


Furthermore we’ll also discuss travel plans for this trip.


And how to navigate the back roads on the fly to get where you want to be and save fuel.

In view of the main objective and the distance to be traveled…

I don’t need to point out there are many different options available.

First thing to remember is the type of maps.

In fact I started out with a Rand McNally road atlas.

But recently graduated to Benchmark Maps.

All things considered the Benchmark maps are very useful for navigating the back roads anywhere in the west.

Places and Things

Above all I like to talk about some of the places I’ve seen and roads I have traveled.

Maps-Planning-Arizona-Florida-2024-Bob Davis Podcast 1129 is a great opportunity to talk about these subjects.

Staying Off The Interstates

Certainly staying off the Interstates is a learned skill.

Practice Makes Perfect

If you are plying the back roads then you know it takes a lot of practice to make sure you end up where you want to.

As I have shown the nomad ends up navigating on the fly in almost all these situations.

To that end when it works it’s a joy.

However when it doesn’t then let’s just say it’s a learning experience.

Finally it’s great to be back on the road and moving again.

Maps-Planning-Arizona-Florida-2024-Bob Davis Podcast 1129

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OffGrid-Freedom-Utah-Bob Davis Podcast-1067

OffGrid Freedom Utah

Firstly OffGrid Freedom Utah isn’t about solar powered homes. OffGrid-Freedom-Utah-Bob Davis Podcast-1067 is about having no cell coverage and the actual freedom that results from being ‘OffGrid’.

Garbage Minds

Secondly the amount of garbage that our minds are filled with from these phones is epic.

Heavy Users

Above all I know because I am a heavy user of my device.


And due to the fact that when I experience outages I’ve noticed I can think!


Even more I can actually hear myself think!


So look for some internal revelations as the result of spending a lot of time with a boat anchor known as the iphone.

At least when you’re OffGrid in Utah.


Consequently I took the opportunity to review the last year or so of travel.

Life Decisions

In addition I was able to review some life decisions.

Mega Trips A Thing Of The Past?

For example last year at this time I was in the middle of a mega trip.

To clarify up the west coast. Out through the upper mountain west. Down through the Midwest. Across the Great Lakes to New England. Back through Massachusetts, New York, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois and so on.

Granular Travel

On the other hand this summer’s travel has focused on Northern Arizona, Colorado and Utah.


That is to say I am way out in the deserts and mountains.

Even more down dirt roads and in primitive campgrounds or no campground!

Out Of Area

No cell service.


Subsequently no distractions!

Stories and Realizations

In short it’s great to think again!

And I have some stories and realizations to share in OffGrid-Freedom-Utah-Bob Davis Podcast-1067.

Modern Communications

Firstly I don’t think anyone really thinks about how influential modern communications can be.

The Wanting

Secondly as a result it’s the wanting that makes us all feel like we have and are less.

Certainly we don’t call it ‘the wanting’.


These days it goes by the name ‘Manifesting’.


Most importantly what happens when you ‘manifest’ right past your original goal?

What Do You Need?

Finally sometimes what you have is enough to do what you need.

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OffGrid-Freedom-Utah-Bob Davis Podcast-1067

Colorado-Campsite-Ghosts-Bob Davis Podcast 1014

Live From A Colorado Campsite To Talk About Ghosts

Firstly this podcast is live from a Colorado Campsite and we’re gonna talk about ghosts. Learn more in Colorado-Campsite-Ghosts-Bob Davis Podcast 1014.


Secondly the only disclaimer I would offer is that some people are squeamish about these things.

And others don’t like the whole of idea of spirits in another realm able to show themselves to us, talk to us or even touch us.

Ghosts Of The American West

But if you can get past all that the fact is the American West is full of ghosts.

Strong Opinions

Most importantly because of the strong opinions surrounding this kind of thing I am not identifying the campsite we’re in, and I’ll call my interview subject ‘Bonnie’.

Colorado Is Haunted

Finally Colorado itself has many a haunted place.

‘Bonnie’ has been to most of those places and documented the existence of these entities over the years.

Know The Feeling

More importantly those of us who’ve spent any time camping out here know the feeling.

For example, you’ve gotten into an isolated campsite. Set your camp up. Got the fire going.

Something Doesn’t Feel Right

However something doesn’t feel right.

Spirits In The Natural World

Are there spirits in the national parks and forests?

‘Bonnie’ says yes.

How To Handle It

Even more she’ll tell us how to handle the feeling and what to do if you have an encounter.

They Can Touch Us?

Certainly the idea that a ghost can touch us threw me for a loop.

Visited By Loved Ones

Similarly ‘Bonnie’ says we’re often visited by loved ones who have passed. And she tells some great stories about her father’s attempts to let her know he’s there.

You Might See Them And Not Know

In addition what about ghosts that appear in a corporeal form? You may be seeing them and not even know it. We’ve got a story about that too.

To sum up most of my readers and listeners know how much I love the west.

It’s All A Land Of Enchantment

Even more I believe all of the west is a land of enchantment, not just New Mexico.

Native Americans Knew It Too

Certainly there’s plenty of Native American Lore dating back to the times before any Europeans came to this continent.


In the same vein American Indians knew there were places across this land that could have been termed ‘spooky’ for one reason or another, and accepted the idea of ‘ghosts’.

Thanks In Order

In conclusion I want to personally thank two of the most interesting people I have met in my travels and visits to National Parks and US Forest Campgrounds.

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Colorado-Campsite-Ghosts-Bob Davis Podcast 1014