Four-Years-On-The-Road-The-Bob Davis Podcast 1148

Four Years On The Road

Four years on the road full time as a nomad is pretty hard for me to believe. Details in Four-Years-On-The-Road-The-Bob Davis Podcast 1148.


Four Years ago on Halloween I left my emptied duplex in Minnesota for a life on the road.

Full Time

In nomad and RV parlance it’s called ‘full time’.


I certainly put my time in as a part time nomad from 2015 until 2020.

But full time is something else again.

No Big Thank You’s

By all means I am grateful for the support friends, family, listeners and subscribers have given me.

However there won’t be a lot of thank you’s in this podcast because I usually save that for New Year’s Eve.


Additionally this fourth year was a year of change.

Beneath The Surface

In fact I did not know my ideas about nomad life were changing at the same time Nomad Life in general was changing.

Goodbye Quartzsite

For one thing while I love Quartzsite and have enjoyed at least two years there in the winter.

There has been a change in the air and I feel it is time to seek out new adventures.

I’ll explain in Four-Years-On-The-Road-The-Bob Davis Podcast 1148.


Equally important to me is the idea of new adventure.

Now, adventure means different things to different people.

Instead of climbing mountains and jumping out of airplanes just the idea of movement and seeing new places is adventure for me.

Joshua Tree

For example following my departure from Quartzsite this fall I am now in Joshua Tree.

Although by the time you read this I might be somewhere else in the Southwest.


All in all one of the great things about these Halloween Anniversary podcasts is a chance to do a little travelogue.

Nomads Are In A Different Timeline

First thing to remember about nomad life is we’re on a different timeline.

Given that we travel around a lot sometimes it’s hard to remember where we were and when we were in one place or another.

After all life is about the experience. Not always the dates and times.


As a result I often have to go back and consult the list at The Bob Davis Podcasts to see where I was and when I was! You can do the same thing by clicking here.

Fifth Year

Henceforth we begin the fifth year.

What Do I Want

At this point it’s all about figuring out just want I want from this experience.


One thing’s for sure.

I don’t think I could ever go back to the old life.

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Four-Years-On-The-Road-The-Bob Davis Podcast 1148


Colorado-Campsite-Ghosts-Bob Davis Podcast 1014

Live From A Colorado Campsite To Talk About Ghosts

Firstly this podcast is live from a Colorado Campsite and we’re gonna talk about ghosts. Learn more in Colorado-Campsite-Ghosts-Bob Davis Podcast 1014.


Secondly the only disclaimer I would offer is that some people are squeamish about these things.

And others don’t like the whole of idea of spirits in another realm able to show themselves to us, talk to us or even touch us.

Ghosts Of The American West

But if you can get past all that the fact is the American West is full of ghosts.

Strong Opinions

Most importantly because of the strong opinions surrounding this kind of thing I am not identifying the campsite we’re in, and I’ll call my interview subject ‘Bonnie’.

Colorado Is Haunted

Finally Colorado itself has many a haunted place.

‘Bonnie’ has been to most of those places and documented the existence of these entities over the years.

Know The Feeling

More importantly those of us who’ve spent any time camping out here know the feeling.

For example, you’ve gotten into an isolated campsite. Set your camp up. Got the fire going.

Something Doesn’t Feel Right

However something doesn’t feel right.

Spirits In The Natural World

Are there spirits in the national parks and forests?

‘Bonnie’ says yes.

How To Handle It

Even more she’ll tell us how to handle the feeling and what to do if you have an encounter.

They Can Touch Us?

Certainly the idea that a ghost can touch us threw me for a loop.

Visited By Loved Ones

Similarly ‘Bonnie’ says we’re often visited by loved ones who have passed. And she tells some great stories about her father’s attempts to let her know he’s there.

You Might See Them And Not Know

In addition what about ghosts that appear in a corporeal form? You may be seeing them and not even know it. We’ve got a story about that too.

To sum up most of my readers and listeners know how much I love the west.

It’s All A Land Of Enchantment

Even more I believe all of the west is a land of enchantment, not just New Mexico.

Native Americans Knew It Too

Certainly there’s plenty of Native American Lore dating back to the times before any Europeans came to this continent.


In the same vein American Indians knew there were places across this land that could have been termed ‘spooky’ for one reason or another, and accepted the idea of ‘ghosts’.

Thanks In Order

In conclusion I want to personally thank two of the most interesting people I have met in my travels and visits to National Parks and US Forest Campgrounds.

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Colorado-Campsite-Ghosts-Bob Davis Podcast 1014


Maine-Extreme-North-Down-East-Bob Davis Podcast 1009

Maine Extreme North Down East

Most importantly I am in Maine’s Extreme North heading all the way Down East and you can learn more about the trip in Maine-Extreme-North-Down-East-Bob Davis Podcast 1009.

It Was A Quick Tour Of The Northeast

Firstly I am taking what started out as a quick tour of the Northeast US.

Wanting To Spend More Time

Secondly I am finding myself wanting to spend more time here.

Three States

Above all there were three states I had ever been to despite all my travels.

Vermont. New Hampshire. Maine.

Southern New Hampshire Still To Come

To clarify haven’t spent much time in New Hampshire because I went through quickly on my way to Maine.

Days in Vermont and Maine

On the other hand I spent three days in Vermont and now an equal amount of time in Maine.


Of course I’ll be heading back through southern New Hampshire on the way Massachusetts.

Wild and Wonderful

Consequently while Vermont feels like a warm blanket Maine feels wild and wonderful.

Down East

I would think that certainly most people are most familiar with ‘Down East’.

Maine’s South Eastern Shore

Even more if they’re from the East Coast they’ve probably spent time on Maine’s South Eastern shores,

Origin Of Down East

However the origin of the term ‘Down East’ is a sailing term and only refers to geography secondarily.

Corrections Are In Order

Therefore I have to correct my own definition of the term in Maine-Extreme-North-Down-East-Bob Davis Podcast 1009.

Partial To Northern Maine

Finally I find myself partial to Northern Maine, up by the Canadian Border.

Moreover I am not sure why.

Maybe because every place I saw around the bend looked like a scene from a Stephen King novel.

Maine’s State Parks

Certainly Maine’s state parks are great.

Remote Regions

And Northern Maine features some of the most remote regions in the United States let alone the East Coast.


Likewise it is hard to imagine a place more remote and extreme considering I am within driving distance of some of the most densely populated cities in the country.

History? We Got Your History!

Finally if it is history you’re looking for Maine has it in spades.

French Explorers and Extreme Weather

Native Americans, French Explorers, Colonial Wars, Early Settlements and Extreme Weather.

Down East Is Civilization

To sum up once you get ‘Down East’ you’ll see more of the colonial era villages Vermont is famous for.

Harbors and Ferries

Even more the harbors and ferries.


And don’t forget Acadia National Park which I did!

Leaving Something For The Next Visit

In conclusion it’s always good to leave some things undone on any tour through a state like Maine.

Because I’ll be back.

Pace Of Travel

In addition it’s always good to spend a little time in these podcasts talking about the pace of travel and the internal processes of a nomad.

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Maine-Extreme-North-Down-East-Bob Davis Podcast 1009