Wisconsin-Time-Warp-Bob Davis Podcast 1137

Wisconsin Time Warp

Firstly after the recent sun storms I feel like I am in a Wisconsin Time Warp and that is the starting point for a free wheeling discussion in Bob Davis Podcast 1137. Something about the Auroras seems to have bent time in the dream life. Details in Wisconsin-Time-Warp-Bob Davis Podcast 1137.

60 Days

Secondly after 60 days on the road and six thousand miles of nomad travel I was due for a rest.

High Energy Auroras

However something about the auroras jacked me up!

Subsequently I looked up and realized I had not done a podcast for awhile.

Previously the plan had been to do a podcast summing up my sixty days of travel.

And of course Wisconsin-Time-Warp-Bob Davis Podcast 1137 does include some conclusions.


Equally important to me are observations post rest.

Living In A Dream

Correspondingly I delve into the persistent feeling that I am living a dream.

For instance the glass smooth surface of the lake.

Or the waxing moon.

To say nothing of an endless wood supply fueling fantastic fires every night.

Nightly Ritual

Equally important is my nightly ritual of dinner on the fire…

After that sitting and taking in the night.

In effect witnessing the dream.

Deserted Lake

In the third place the lake is almost deserted these early days of spring.

On this occasion a few people come up to open up their cabins for the season.

Steward Of A Dream World

Afterward they head back to the city leaving me as the steward of this dreamworld.

Even more it has been utterly still here…

in the wake of the crackling energy of the auroras.

Contemplate The Night

All things considered a perfect time for me and the owls to contemplate the night.

In any case I have just come off an incredible journey.

Dream Or Reality

All in all sometimes I prefer the dream to the so called ‘reality’.

By and large a world where people seem to be obsessed with trying to predict the future…

…and nothing seems to get resolved.

What’s Real?

Not only this but also creating a world that seems fake when you’re on the shores of a placid lake…

Or traveling sixty days through rural America on two-lane roads.

I prefer the dream, thank you.

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Wisconsin-Time-Warp-Bob Davis Podcast 1137



Separate Realities-Bob Davis Podcast 820

My friend recently said these days he feels like he woke up in a separate reality. We’ll talk about why we all feel this way in Separate Realities-Bob Davis Podcast 820.


In addition my friend said he feels like he doesn’t know his friends anymore. He has to be careful with everything he says. It’s all too easy to provoke or ‘trigger’ people into highly emotional reactions.

Media Machine

In Separate Realities-Bob Davis Podcast 820 I talk about why we feel this way. Especially relevant is a twenty-four seven media machine. Present on all different platforms, all the time.

People We Would Never Know On Social Media

Moreover we are confronted with the emotions of those we might not have thought about at all, were it not for social media.

Political Media Matrix

In contrast it isn’t the pictures of our neighbors car or kids that’s causing this experience of living in separate realities. It’s what the political and media sphere has done with digital media technology.

Confusion Reigns

As a result of this matrix of lies and half truths we are more confused and emotionally triggered than ever before.

Slaves To A Web Of Lies

Consequently we do not realize we have become slaves to politicians and their web of lies. The media is a willing servant to them.

Your Feelings Aren’t Wrong

In conclusion it’s not my role to tell people how to live or to talk about the same thing every day. If you feel like you’re living in a separate reality from say, four or five, or ten years ago, you are not wrong.

The question is what we’re going to do about it.

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Separate Realities-Bob Davis Podcast 820

Philosopher’s Stone-Quest-Dark Forest

It sure seems like we’re in a dream these days. More importantly, if you create content about current events it gets more surreal by the day. Learn more in Philosopher’s Stone-Quest-Dark Forest, Bob Davis Podcast 806.

Dreams or A Nightmares?

First of all I was going to do this podcast about dreams. Then I thought more about what is really bothering me these days. It is the sense that nothing seems real anymore. Rumors. Labels. Innuendo. Scapegoats. Lies.

A Dreamlike Dark Forest

Furthermore it feels like we’re all stumbling through a dark forest. Hence there’s no sense of where we are or how to get out. Moreover there’s a dreamlike quality to what passes for current events.

Using The Metaphor of The Philosopher’s Stone

Why not talk about the practice of Alchemy and the search for the Philosopher’s Stone. Similarly why not use metaphor as a way forward. Consequently we’ll do it in Philosopher’s Stone-Quest-Dark Forest, Bob Davis Podcast 806.

Base Metals Turned Into Gold

Alchemy was considered a spiritual and scientific pursuit back in the day. Going back to ancient Egypt and China, making it’s way to Europe by way of the Arabs in the 700’s. Alchemists searched for a clarifying agent known as The Philosopher’s Stone in their quest to turn base metals into gold.

Purification Of The Soul

Most noteworthy the stone was also said to have had the powers of immortality and healing. In addition, it helped the alchemist achieve purification of the soul. Sure seems like we need something like that these days.

Frustration and Anger Reign

Especially relevant is the feeling I get from talking to my friends all over the political spectrum who seem lost. Consequently frustration and anger reign supreme. It’s clear we need something new. Something that clarifies. Encourages purity. Enables Action. Something that saves the day.

Finding The Stone Within Ourselves…The Way Out?

Finally fighting and manipulating is everywhere. We won’t find the stone on a social media feed or Fox News. We can only find it within.

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Philosopher’s Stone-Quest-Dark Forest