What-Makes-Your-Soul-Happy-Bob Davis Podcast 1144

What Makes Your Soul Happy

Above all what makes your soul happy? Recently after a week with a hundred plus degree fever I awoke to this question. Details in What-Makes-Your-Soul-Happy-Bob Davis Podcast 1144.

This Question

Firstly none other than Joseph Campbell suggested that as time goes on and we age we’re left with this question.

This Question Is Dangerous

Certainly when we’re young we don’t make the time for these kinds of thoughts,

Even more a thought like what makes your soul happy is even dangerous.

Because we’re bringing things into this world.

For example family, marriage, getting that great job, starting businesses and so on.

In short making our dreams come true.

But as we age eventually the world recedes and the body gives out.

Of course we know this.

Province of Any Age

Therefore while it is the province of age to nurture our soul it doesn’t hurt to devote some time to this question.

Another Year Of Nomad Life?

As a matter of fact as a nomad I had been considering whether I want to continue to do this.

Quartzsite Nomad Experience

In light of this question I suggest in this podcast that I felt I’d had it with the whole “Quartzsite Nomad Experience” last winter.

Wondering Why

And really wonder why I do this at all sometimes.

On the other hand there is the question of what makes my soul happy.

Looking Back

As an illustration some thoughts come to my about my own childhood.

Wild Child

Because I was a wild child much of my motivations and actions in life seemed impulsive.


No Plan Might Just Be A Plan

And yet my decisions to do this or that sometimes on a whim seemed to always work out.


Given these points I have been considering some changes and wondering whether I want to continue for a fifth year on the road.

To say nothing of the fever.

So when I woke up and asked myself that question…

The answers formed this podcast.

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What-Makes-Your-Soul-Happy-Bob Davis Podcast 1144

Give-It-Up-Have-It-All-Bob Davis Podcast 1103

Give It Up To Have It All

Give it up to have it all. Some people see how rich and free nomad life can be and wonder how it can be. I’ll tell you in Give-It-Up-Have-It-All-Bob Davis Podcast 1103.

Life Coaches

Certainly these days the life coaches and self help gurus like to tell us how to live our best lives.

How To Have It All

As much as they tell us how to have it all…

What Coaches Don’t Tell Us

In contrast they don’t tell us what we have to give up…

To have it all.


Presently I’m staying lakeside.

Summer’s Arrival

That is to say I get to experience the summer’s arrival in a way that all the other cabin owners up here might not be able to.

Life Back In The World

One of the things it’s important to realize is how complex and overwhelming life ‘back in the world can be’.

Lists And Shopping Trips

Such as lists and shopping trips.


And worries about money and jobs.

Nomad Life

On the other hand nomad life can be surprisingly ascetic.

Not Luxurious

Certainly nomad life isn’t luxurious.


In other words what we give up to have this freedom is often overlooked.

Count My Blessings

Therefore I’m taking this placid late spring early morning in front of the fire to count my blessings.


And to share what I gave up…

To gain it all.

Contemplating Change

Although long time listeners will think of some of this as a review I think it’s worth thinking about regardless of what kind of change you’re contemplating.

Nevertheless you may be hesitating.

Firstly remember what the self help gurus say about having it all.


Secondly close your eyes and jump!

Final Analysis

In the final analysis I wanted to live an unorthodox lifestyle.

To sum up in order to achieve that…

I had to let it all go.


All things considered I never expected people to say wow…

You have it all.

But I kind of do.

Worth It?

With this in mind I didn’t really understand what I was giving up when I jumped.

But I do now.

And it was worth it.


In fact every now and then I might have a little bit of regret.

Balanced against what my life would have been like.

New Dimension

I’m glad I chose a new dimension.

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Give-It-Up-Have-It-All-Bob Davis Podcast 1103

OffGrid-Freedom-Utah-Bob Davis Podcast-1067

OffGrid Freedom Utah

Firstly OffGrid Freedom Utah isn’t about solar powered homes. OffGrid-Freedom-Utah-Bob Davis Podcast-1067 is about having no cell coverage and the actual freedom that results from being ‘OffGrid’.

Garbage Minds

Secondly the amount of garbage that our minds are filled with from these phones is epic.

Heavy Users

Above all I know because I am a heavy user of my device.


And due to the fact that when I experience outages I’ve noticed I can think!


Even more I can actually hear myself think!


So look for some internal revelations as the result of spending a lot of time with a boat anchor known as the iphone.

At least when you’re OffGrid in Utah.


Consequently I took the opportunity to review the last year or so of travel.

Life Decisions

In addition I was able to review some life decisions.

Mega Trips A Thing Of The Past?

For example last year at this time I was in the middle of a mega trip.

To clarify up the west coast. Out through the upper mountain west. Down through the Midwest. Across the Great Lakes to New England. Back through Massachusetts, New York, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois and so on.

Granular Travel

On the other hand this summer’s travel has focused on Northern Arizona, Colorado and Utah.


That is to say I am way out in the deserts and mountains.

Even more down dirt roads and in primitive campgrounds or no campground!

Out Of Area

No cell service.


Subsequently no distractions!

Stories and Realizations

In short it’s great to think again!

And I have some stories and realizations to share in OffGrid-Freedom-Utah-Bob Davis Podcast-1067.

Modern Communications

Firstly I don’t think anyone really thinks about how influential modern communications can be.

The Wanting

Secondly as a result it’s the wanting that makes us all feel like we have and are less.

Certainly we don’t call it ‘the wanting’.


These days it goes by the name ‘Manifesting’.


Most importantly what happens when you ‘manifest’ right past your original goal?

What Do You Need?

Finally sometimes what you have is enough to do what you need.

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OffGrid-Freedom-Utah-Bob Davis Podcast-1067