Road-To-Shambala-Bob Davis Podcast 1059

Road To Shambala

Firstly the road to Shambala took me through the Grand Canyon, Navajo Nation and the San Juan Mountains. Learn more in Road-To-Shambala-Bob Davis Podcast 1059.


Secondly the road to Shambala is all about a bit of an obsession these days.

Tired Of The Vice

Certainly younger adults are beginning to tire of high rents and home prices back in the world.

And the day to day pressure in big cities that has begun to feel like a vice.

Welcoming Community

Therefore there’s a lot of conversation about how to design and build a welcoming community.

Sustainable Community

Even more a sustainable community that works.

Welcome to Shambala!


Nestled high in the mountains of Colorado.

Mining And Farming

Above all Shambala is a mining and farm community.

But with a twist.

Dedicated To Community

Most of Shambala’s new and long term residents are committed to building just such a community mentioned above.

So far they’re making it work.

Don’t Tell Anyone

And that is why they don’t want anyone to know the actual name of the town.

Cooperation and Collaboration

For example community kitchens, Waldorf based schools and a spirit of cooperation and collaboration.

Most importantly this is a community that works at being a community.


Certainly I have questions. We’ll talk about them in Road-To-Shambala-Bob Davis Podcast 1059.

Thai Food At The Community Kitchen

However it’s pretty amazing to be able to enjoy Thai Food at the community kitchen with ingredients picked that morning from a local farm.

Newborns Welcome

Another for instance might be how the town welcomes new born babies.

Celebrations and Events

In addition there are plenty of town celebrations and events.


Finally it is an idea people network and work toward in Shambala.

Huge Trend

In conclusion interest in sustainability and community is a huge trend with certain demographics today.

In short it is great to see the work pay off in the community.

Not Bougie

Finally Shambala is a western mountain town without bougie trappings.

No Expensive Development

And without the expensive development that has ruined so many other western towns.

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Road-To-Shambala-Bob Davis Podcast 1059


Celebrating-One-Year-As-Nomad-Bob Davis Podcast 1025

Celebrating One Year As A Nomad

Above all finding the right time and place to celebrate one year as a nomad is a challenge. Sooner or later you just have to record. Therefore listen to the celebration from Scottsdale, Arizona in Celebrating-One-Year-As-Nomad-Bob Davis Podcast 1025.

All A Blur

Firstly it’s all a blur to me.

Never Regretted It

Secondly I have never regretted selling, donating or throwing away everything I owned to hit the road.

Overall Mission

Even more lately I have been working on an overall mission statement for the second year of nomad travel.


However a friend told me recently she thought I was searching for enlightenment.

Halloween 2020

Maybe seeking enlightenment will do for this first year of nomad travel, starting on Halloween Night 2020.

Felt Trapped Back Home

In Celebrating-One-Year-As-Nomad-Bob Davis Podcast 1025 I talk about feeling trapped back home.

Suburban Lifestyle

And feeling there was nothing keeping me in the suburban lifestyle.

Learned A Lot

Certainly I have learned a lot this first year of solid nomad travel.

For example frustrations and problems are unavoidable.

But you learn to deal with them as they come up.

On The Road

In addition in the beginning I was on the road a lot.

Hit all the lower 48.

Death In The Family

During the New Year’s I dealt with a death in the family.

Start All Over Again

After that it seemed like I had to start all over again.

How Nomads Are Changed By Travel

In short all the podcasts since Halloween 2020 have dealt with the internal processes and experiences of nomad travel.

No Politics

In the same vein I am proud that none of these podcasts have focused on political issues.

Nothing But Travel

Moreover nothing but travel.

No Advice On Your Rig

On the other hand I don’t tell you how to get to the Grand Canyon or how to empty your black water tanks.

No Wrenching Or Builds

To clarify I don’t do RV wrenching and won’t talk about my ‘build’.

But what almost no one talks about is how this kind of lifestyle effects people on a day to day basis.

And I think there’s a place for that kind of talk about the nomad lifestyle.

Small Towns

Finally I have to say the one big takeaway is how much I have fallen in love with the everyday small towns in this country.

The People

The people you meet on the back roads.

The Towns

For instance towns like Ely Nevada or Lubbock Texas.

Search For America

In short if you’re searching for America and you decide to do it as a nomad I think you’ll learn a few things.

Fact is the United States is a vibrant and complex economy and an incredible people.

On the other hand the America we see through our small screens and social media seems like our worst effort.

Can’t Get Enough

To sum up whether I’m in a truck stop or magnificent national forest I can’t get enough of the road.

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Celebrating-One-Year-As-Nomad-Bob Davis Podcast 1025


Shortage-Lies-Damn-Lies-Bob Davis Podcast 1022

Shortage Lies and Damn Lies

Firstly I don’t know whether the shortage predictions will come true at some future date. But what I am hearing on the news doesn’t jibe with what I am seeing all across America. Learn why I say this in Shortage-Lies-Damn-Lies-Bob Davis Podcast 1022.

Might Be Shortages

Secondly I am not saying there aren’t shortages in some places.

Maybe Some Can’t Find What They Want

Even more not saying some people can’t find the things they want.

Above all that all might be true.

My Survey Of Stores In The Southwest

However recently I completed an organized informal survey of several Walmarts in the American Southwest.

A Method To The Madness

Specifically my conclusions are that there are patterns to the empty shelve syndrome we keep seeing on social media.


In addition there are probably two other causes of shortages where they are seen. Both causes seem to make the case for disinflation.

Doom Triggers

Most importantly I think some prognosticators and politicians get a benefit from predicting doom.

No Toys For Christmas!

For example we keep hearing there won’t be any toys for Christmas.

No Candy For Halloween!

Or that Halloween Candy will not be available.


Firstly the truth is I have been in several stores in Nevada and California in the last two days and there is plenty of Halloween stuff.

Santa’s Loaded Down

In addition the toy and Christmas aisles were jam packed with goods and these same stores.

Trucker Shortage?

But what about the trucker shortage Bob Davis?

Containers Sitting In The Ocean?

Above all what about all those containers sitting in the ocean at the LA Port?

Are We Sure Retailers Want The Containers?

To clarify I personally don’t think a lot of retailers want those containers to be processed and the goods to end up on the shelves. I’ll tell you why in Shortage-Lies-Damn-Lies-Bob Davis Podcast 1022.

Trucking Companies Driver Problem Goes Back Ten Years

And the trucking companies have been complaining about trucker shortages since the early two thousands.

What’s different now?

Mom’s Buying All The Sugar and Flour

Meanwhile what I am seeing fly off the shelves at are staples.

Flour. Sugar. Rice. Syrup.

But Not Honey Nut Cheerios

They’re not even buying Honey Nut Cheerios.

Or Whiskey.

Therefore something else is going on.

Finally these days I don’t like to do controversial subjects. It just ends up being an argument anyway.


I don’t have some deep need to be relevant.

To sum up I’m doing this because all this talk of shortage is not matching what I am seeing in my travels across this country.

It’s All Good

In short from California to Maine and back again I have not been able to find something I need.

Plenty Of Grass Fed Beef

Even more while I have seen the bottom shelves where the sale stuff is empty, I’ve also seen stores packed with consumer goods of all kinds.

In conclusion with the truck stops packed and stores full I am starting to wonder if someone is lying.

Shockingly I always thought you could trust YouTube prep guys and politicians.

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Shortage-Lies-Damn-Lies-Bob Davis Podcast 1022

(Editor’s Note: My definition of disinflation is not very good on this podcast. For a great definition click on the word ‘disinflation’ above.)