Adventure-Freedom-History-Bob Davis Podcast 1155

Adventure Freedom History

Adventure, Freedom and History in Death Valley and The Eastern Sierras.There’s so much to see and so many thoughts! Details in Adventure-Freedom-History-Bob Davis Podcast 1155.

Death Valley Eastern Sierras

Firstly my last podcast dealt with the Eastern part of Death Valley. Podcast 1155 deals with the Western Part of Death Valley and the Eastern Sierras.

Freezing In Lone Pine California

Secondly I am doing this podcast as I exit the freezing northern reaches of Lone Pine California and head for warmer parts of Southern California.

Most importantly heavy winds and near freezing temperatures make it pretty cold up in the mountains.


That is to say given the elements I don’t know how the pioneers even considered trekking up the Sierras with their belongings and animals.

Donner Party

Certainly the Donner Party experience led to later western emigrants to seek a southern route.

Death Valley Days

This literally led through Death Valley.


Altogether I love the history in the west.

Western History

But the Death Valley Sierra area is jam packed with all kinds of historical stories.


Even more every view is packed with beauty.

Heading South

With this in mind while I retreat to warmer climes I am doing this podcast in Mobile Podcast Command as I head south.


Above all this is a great time to discuss issues of freedom.

At the present time I am struck by the number of people I know who feel deeply constrained in their jobs,


Even more life seems also to be exerting a tremendous weight on shoulders ‘back in the world’.


All things considered I think this is one of the reasons people are so interested in nomad life.

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Adventure-Freedom-History-Bob Davis Podcast 1155

Unhappy-#Vanlifers-Doing-It-Wrong-Bob Davis Podcast 1133

Unhappy #Vanlifers Doing It Wrong

Are unhappy #Vanlifers really doing it wrong? A recent Wall Street Journal post about the hash tag Van Life again points out the obvious. Details in Unhappy-#Vanlifers-Doing-It-Wrong-Bob Davis Podcast 1133.

Nomad Coverage

Firstly I have rarely seen positive coverage of the nomad experience.

Hard Life

Secondly the recent Wall Street Journal piece reports on a few #vanlife people complain about how hard the life is.


And say Instagram has it all wrong.

As a result I’ll ask again whether anyone actually believes anything they see on social media?

Best Foot

Of course we put our best foot forward.

Or show our best face to the world.

In other words analogous to cleaning your house before guests arrive.

But there’s more.

Negative Experience

Because the article in question illustrates a number of negative experiences for the vanlifers interviewed.

For example, no place to sleep.

And not being able to take showers.

Or being lonely because the dating life out here sucks.

Finally the unexpected costs of mechanical problems and fuel.

As I have said many times in many different podcasts…

Not A Bowl Of Cherries

In general life is not always a bowl of cherries.


In fact part of the experience in #nomadlife is overcoming setbacks and solving problems.

Won’t Quit

To sum up the article on a positive note all of the van life people interviewed said they won’t quit.

Great Potential

All in all I believe there’s great potential in nomad life.

And as I have noted as the infrastructure for digital nomads gets better…

In time more may choose this lifestyle.

Establishment Media Hates Nomads

However I don’t think the establishment back home or the establishment media will give our lifestyle a break.

Presently reporters and editors seem to love the idea that social media is ‘lying’ about living on the road.

Don’t Dream

In essence don’t dream of a different life.

It’s too dangerous.

Stay Back In The World

Meanwhile keep paying ridiculous amount of rent and commuting four hours a day.

By and large living in huge expensive cities and stepping over homeless people to get to the subway.

Of course doing a digital job and being required to work in an office…

When even in the present time you can work from anywhere.

Just In Case

Just in case you’re thinking about buying a van and dumping your absurdly expensive efficiency in said large city…

Take a look at these poor idiots in this Wall Street Journal story without delay.

After that you’ll accept your life as it is.


In reality over time nomad life can be easy and satisfying.

Lots To Learn

Of course there is a lot to learn.

Yes You Can

But if you can do it and you want to try.

Go for it.

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Unhappy-#Vanlifers-Doing-It-Wrong-Bob Davis Podcast 1133



Nomad-State-Of-Mind-2024-Bob Davis Podcast 1127


In the first place it’s winter and a good time for this nomad to check his state of mind. Details in Nomad-State-Of-Mind-2024-Bob Davis Podcast 1127.


Secondly I find myself struggling a little bit as 2024 opens.

Gut Check Time

Therefore it’s a good time for a gut check.

In the long run I like to run.

That is to say I feel better when I am traveling.

Staying Put

Although at the present time I am still in the mode of staying put.

The reason for that being higher fuel prices.

Certainly over the past two or so years I’ve found solace in staying put and saving money that would have been spent on fuel.

Beginning Of Change

But we may be seeing the beginning of some pretty solid reduction in prices for fuel.

Therefore I am feeling restless.

Check List

Even more I have developed a sort of check list to determine my state of mind.


Equally important is the idea of mindfulness.

Although a cliche these days mindfulness is important.

Trance State

The idea being we nomads might run through the same tasks everyday…

and that allows the mind to float.

Yes that is to say we are often in an almost trance state.

Analogous to forgetting which route you took to work this morning.

Or whether I took my vitamins…

And brushed my teeth.

Being Present

In contrast being mindful is being present for all these tasks.

Accordingly this is how we can also be present for the many interactions we have with people every day.

State Of Mind

I find above all these are important metrics to be aware of when it comes to state of mind.

With this in mind I don’t really get depressed.

In fact I get restless and frustrated.

Even bored.

In the hope that I can get back on the road soon.

Henceforth Nomad-State-Of-Mind-2024-Bob Davis Podcast 1127 is a peek into the day to say state of mind for this nomad…

and perhaps others.

Desert Winters

Lastly I know winter in the desert is considerably easier to take than winter up north.

Wind Storms

On the other hand this podcast was recorded in the midst of a huge windstorm and figures prominently in it.

Salute To A New Year

Finally here’s a salute to the new year…as well as to my planning!

and whatever it brings.

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Nomad-State-Of-Mind-2024-Bob Davis Podcast 1127