Changing-Nomad-Travel-Plans-Again-Bob Davis Podcast 1099

Changing Nomad Travel Plans Again

Firstly you might want to save changing nomad travel plans again to listen in the dark night of winter. You’ll hear why in Changing-Nomad-Travel-Plans-Again-Bob Davis Podcast 1099.

Live From The Lake Shore

Secondly from the shore of one of those famous fishing lakes in Western Wisconsin comes the sounds of early spring up here.

No Bugs Yet

That is to say the bugs really haven’t gotten started yet.

Mirror Smooth Lake

And between early spring thunderstorms there’s the full moon and mist on a mirror smooth lake.

Audio Rules This World

Certainly audio captures this experience in a way video could not.

Self Realization

Furthermore since I have moved down to the lake shore I have realized something.

Nothing Like A Campfire

That is to say I am surprised how much better I feel with a campfire than inside even a lux North woods cabin.

Or the confined of a well used work shed.

Better Outside Than In

In fact I feel better these days outside and camping than I do inside.

Still Spring Night

On the other hand there is the difference between the still spring night in the upper Midwest…

And the steady breeze of the West.

Travel Plans

Finally we’ll get to travel plans.

Headed North East From Here

Most importantly heading East to pick up a power station from the Campulance Man in New York State.

And to see friends in New Hampshire.

Then heading to the coast for a wedding.

Back To Arizona

In addition I’ll discuss plans for returning to the American South West.

Back Roads Again

After that I’ll return to my usual theme of the back roads experience.

No Plan Is A Plan

To sum up I guess no plan is a plan.

Grateful Too

Most importantly I find myself very grateful for the opportunity to get back outside to a fire.

With unlimited firewood and black coffee.

Moreover steak and eggs or eggs and bacon in a iron skillet is pretty hard to beat.

Eleven Hundred Podcasts

In conclusion I can’t believe I am closing in on eleven hundred podcasts.

Travel and Nomad Experience

Many now focused on travel and the nomad experience.

Sponsored by 36 LYN The Independently Owned and Operated Refueling Station In South Minneapolis

Changing-Nomad-Travel-Plans-Again-Bob Davis Podcast 1099


Canary-In-The-Coal-Mine-Bob Davis Podcast 1092

Canary In The Coal Mine

Above all was this week’s banking meltdown the canary in the coalmine? We’ll talk about it in Canary-In-The-Coal-Mine-Bob Davis Podcast 1092.

Banks Fail

That is to say the meltdown of at least three banks this week sent shock waves through the financial community.

Screaming Fire

And allowed You Tube financial geeks and politicians the opportunity to scream fire in a crowded auditorium.

Cause For Concern

Certainly bank closures at any time are cause for concern.


But there’s a reason for these developments.

Plain Language

Firstly Canary-In-The-Coal-Mine-Bob Davis Podcast 1092 is not a podcast with a bunch of statistics and language no one can understand.


Secondly I am updating some of the podcasts I did earlier this year and last on the US Economy.

Of course my personal concern has been the price of diesel fuel.

Greater Concerns About The Economy

On the other hand greater concerns about the US Economy are beginning to be top of mind.

Most importantly these concerns are not unfounded.


To clarify the US is dealing with inflation which requires higher interest rates.

Higher Interest Rates

Subsequently we’re seeing the effects of these higher rates.

Business Not Prepared

Mainly because businesses aren’t prepared for this.

More Carnage Ahead?

As a result there will probably be more carnage.

Finally I am not going to tell listeners what they should do with their money.

In addition I am not going to predict the future.

We’ll see what happens. After that I will do updates as needed.

Won’t Predict The Future

In the same vein one of the subjects of Canary-In-The-Coal-Mine-Bob Davis Podcast 1092 is the penchant prognosticators have for predicting the future.


And for politicians to politicize financial events they don’t necessarily understand.


In conclusion this is a precarious moment in history.


Most certainly because of the weight of the moment there’s a lot of pressure on those who have to make the decisions.

Personal Hope

For example my personal hope for cheaper fuel!

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Canary-In-The-Coal-Mine-Bob Davis Podcast 1092

Loves-Truck-Stop-Love-Bob Davis Podcast 1091

Loves Truck Stop Love

Firstly it’s time for some Loves Truck Stop Love. I’ve spent a lot of time in these places. Details in Loves-Truck-Stop-Love-Bob Davis Podcast 1091.

Tom Love Passes Away

Secondly the guy who built the Love’s Truck and Travel Stop chain Love’s passes away recently at 85.

Live Podcast

Therefore it’s time for a podcast live from the Love’s.

National Highway System

Above all this subject gets me going on the history of first the National Highway System and it’s successor the Interstates.


In addition while I am not an expert on the history of trucking I’ll spend some time on this subject.

Independent Businesses

As well as discussing the whole subject of how the truck stops starting as independent refueling stations grew with the Interstates and the US from the 1960’s.


Certainly it’s fair to say that over the road trucking coast to coast…

And the container system with railroads…

Has contributed greatly to America’s logistics systems.

Truck Stops

Of course the Truck Stops of all kinds have been a big part of that.


As a result Truck Stops like Love’s are nationwide.

Most importantly the truck stops also cater to travelers and nomads.

More Comfortable

That is to say fuel, great food, products we need and showers make life on the road a lot more comfortable and enjoyable than it was back in the day.

When The Interstates Were New

Likewise I am old enough to remember when the Interstates were still in construction.

Family Road Trips

Taking family road trips that often detoured onto two lane highways through the South and central US.

Passion For Travel

Moreover these trips fueled my passion for the travel experience.

Mom And Pop

Including the mom and pop truck stops of old.

Lamenting Change

Finally you often hear people lament the changes in this country.

Good Changes

But some of those changes have produced results that we will remember fondly someday when they too pass into the mists of time.

Truckers Travelers and Nomads

In short for Truckers, Nomads and Travelers Truck Stops are a necessity.

So here’s to Tom and Judy Love…

Built From A Small Business

And what they built from a small business back in the day.

Sponsored By 36 LYN The Independently Owned And Operated Refueling Station

Loves-Truck-Stop-Love-Bob Davis Podcast 1091