Adventure-Freedom-History-Bob Davis Podcast 1155

Adventure Freedom History

Adventure, Freedom and History in Death Valley and The Eastern Sierras.There’s so much to see and so many thoughts! Details in Adventure-Freedom-History-Bob Davis Podcast 1155.

Death Valley Eastern Sierras

Firstly my last podcast dealt with the Eastern part of Death Valley. Podcast 1155 deals with the Western Part of Death Valley and the Eastern Sierras.

Freezing In Lone Pine California

Secondly I am doing this podcast as I exit the freezing northern reaches of Lone Pine California and head for warmer parts of Southern California.

Most importantly heavy winds and near freezing temperatures make it pretty cold up in the mountains.


That is to say given the elements I don’t know how the pioneers even considered trekking up the Sierras with their belongings and animals.

Donner Party

Certainly the Donner Party experience led to later western emigrants to seek a southern route.

Death Valley Days

This literally led through Death Valley.


Altogether I love the history in the west.

Western History

But the Death Valley Sierra area is jam packed with all kinds of historical stories.


Even more every view is packed with beauty.

Heading South

With this in mind while I retreat to warmer climes I am doing this podcast in Mobile Podcast Command as I head south.


Above all this is a great time to discuss issues of freedom.

At the present time I am struck by the number of people I know who feel deeply constrained in their jobs,


Even more life seems also to be exerting a tremendous weight on shoulders ‘back in the world’.


All things considered I think this is one of the reasons people are so interested in nomad life.

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Adventure-Freedom-History-Bob Davis Podcast 1155

Master-Trekker-Dave Kiel-Bob Davis Podcast 1001

Master Trekker Dave ‘Glider’ Kiel

Above all Dave Kiel is more than a Master Trekker. Fifty years in the Sierras is a lot of experience. Find out why in Master-Trekker-Dave Kiel-Bob Davis Podcast 1001.

Rare Interview

Most importantly The Bob Davis Podcasts is not about interviews.

A Great Story And The Personality To Tell It

But every now and then I encounter someone with a story and the personality to tell it.

Eastern Sierra Story From A Master Trekker’s Perspective

Firstly I met Dave in the Eastern Sierras at a desert campsite.

Secondly once Dave and I started talking I grabbed my recorder.

A Life In These Mountains

Certainly spending most of your life in these mountains is worth a conversation.

Pacific Crest and John Muir

Even more hiking the Pacific Crest Trail and the John Muir more than once should cause any trekker to sit up and take notice.

More Than Trekking

However we talk about more than hiking or trekking.

Car Culture

For example Dave feels strongly about today’s ‘car culture’ and puts himself to the test by going nomad, without a car. Learn more in Master-Trekker-Dave Kiel-Bob Davis Podcast 1001.

Great Western Loop With No Car

That is to say Dave “Glider” Kiel is in the process of a great western loop trek using public transportation, the kindness of friends and his thumb.

Today’s Selfie Culture

In addition we talk about today’s trekkers and their quest make the fastest time hiking trails or grab a selfie and go home.

Getting Into Nature and Learning Skills

On the other hand Dave says, people want to get into nature. They want to see the sights and learn outdoor skills.

Decades On The Trail

In the same vein this is a person who possesses skills honed from decades on the trails and in the Sierras.

The Story

How he got where he is is a big part of the story.

Certainly Dave owns a vehicle. A very nice ‘little custom built camper’.

However he’s going car free on this thousands of mile trek to make a point.

Attached To The Desert

To sum up I love the west. Especially the desert. And these mountains are incredible.

Wide Range Of Experiences

Finally I certainly realize there’s a wide range of experiences you can have out here.


Learning something from someone who’s been part of this landscape for at least fifty years is one of them.

(Editor’s Note: In This podcast I refer to Dave as Dave GILDER Kiel. His nickname is in fact GLIDER. Sorry about that Dave! To find out how he got his name visit his blog by following the links above.)

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Master-Trekker-Dave Kiel-Bob Davis Podcast 1001