Hella-Truck-Stop-Nation-Bob Davis Podcast 1153

Hella Truck Stop Nation

It’s a Hella Truck Stop Nation. In this case “Hella” is used in the negative sense. Get the full scoop in Hella-Truck-Stop-Nation-Bob Davis Podcast 1153.

Las Vegas

Firstly I am supposed to be enjoying a perfect Southwestern sunset in front of a warm campfire.

Instead I am in Las Vegas waiting for a heater I’ve ordered to arrive at Camping World.

And dealing with a strange noise and potential mechanical problem with Mobile Podcast Command.

Therefore I am rotating around Las Vegas.

Truck Stops

From time to time visiting various truck stops both in the city and in surrounding areas along the freeway.

Long Time Traveler

More importantly I have been doing this for a long time.

That is to say traveling around the country visiting towns and cities.

Certainly spending most of my time on the back roads and avoiding the major cities.

Shiny Hotels Of Las Vegas

All things considered when most people come to Las Vegas they come to the shining hotels.

In essence to gamble, enjoy an expensive and delicious dinner and see a show.

Miss The Back Streets

Under those circumstances visitors never see the back streets of this city.


In particular the in town truck stops.

At the present time I don’t think I have seen this many desperate people.

And not just here in Las Vegas.

But all over the Southwest.

Fool No One

To explain we’re talking about people sleeping in cars and converted vans and utility trucks that fool no one.

Or the free campgrounds in the desert.

Digging A Little Deeper This Time

Therefore I certainly could have recorded a breezy and fun podcasts about how much I love truck stops.

On the other hand I decided to dig a little deeper and push a little harder.

Haves And Have Nots

There’s nothing like a trip to Vegas to emphasize the gap between the haves and the have nots,

The Abyss

As well as the unfortunates who have fallen off the last rung of the economic ladder…into the abyss. And sure there’s jobs for those with certain skills.

And of course there are those who I describe as useless.


Thirdly about 90 years ago hundreds of thousands of Oklahoma Sharecroppers headed west.

Grapes of Wrath

For the purposes of illustrating our current situation I spend some time discussing “The Grapes of Wrath”.

There Is No Plan

Finally the difference between today’s desperate and the Okies is a plan.

In conclusion there is no plan.

Word To The Wise

In fact if you’re a nomad or want to be one you have to be able to identify this situation and the places you don’t want to stay.

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Hella-Truck-Stop-Nation-Bob Davis Podcast 1153


Joshua-Tree-National-Park-Bob Davis Podcast 1150

Joshua Tree National Park

Joshua Tree National Park is certainly one of the best National Parks in the US. Some rate it the best. I am live from Joshua Tree in Joshua-Tree-National-Park-Bob Davis Podcast 1150.

Dry Lake Bed It Is Not

Of course it is a far dry from the dry lake bed I’ve been staying at for over a month.

Although the dry lake bed has its charms.

Loving National Parks

Equally important is the fact that I am growing partial to National Parks.

Grand Canyon and now Joshua Tree

Of course getting stuck for a month in the Grand Canyon is pretty great. Listen to the Grand Canyon Podcast here.

Bureau of Land Management

It’s important to realize the difference between the Bureau Of Land Management ‘camp’ sites…

Other Options For Nomads

As well as the National Forests, State Parks and of course the National Parks.

Although you have to pay in a national park…and most forests and of course state parks.

And you have a fourteen day limited stay…

Worth It

Altogether it’s worth it.

Discounts and Passes

Especially if you take the time to investigate various discount passes you can get.

BLM Stewardship Is Not Like The National Parks

In addition I spend a little time in this podcast talking about recent issues with the Bureau of Land Management’s stewardship of the land.

Never Pay Camp Fees?

In the same fashion while I know many nomads consider it a badge of honor of they never pay camp fees.

Free Is Good

To be sure free is good.

Condition of Free

However balanced against the state of some ‘free’ campgrounds I wonder whether ‘free’ is actually worth it.


Furthermore Joshua Tree National Park has a special vibe.

For one thing two deserts come together in the park.

Therefore one part of a stay in the park might be completely different from another part.

Equally important are the hiking options throughout the park.

No Travel Tips Though

Finally I don’t really do travel tips and I talk about this a fair amount in this podcast.

Presently there are plenty of travel tip and advice videos available on YouTube.

Travel Is A Personal Discovery

But I think the real juice of travel is discovering it on our own.

Now I have certainly gotten myself into more than one mess with this attitude,

On the other hand in the end, it has been worth it.

Grateful for the sponsorship of 36/LYN

Joshua-Tree-National-Park-Bob Davis Podcast 1150

Nomad-Setbacks-New-Adventures-Bob Davis Podcast 1049

Nomad Setbacks and New Adventures

Firstly every now and then there are setbacks and new adventures for nomads. They’re unavoidable. Not fun when they happen though. Status update from the road in Nomad-Setbacks-New-Adventures-Bob Davis Podcast 1049.

Still On The Road? Everything Is Fine

Secondly as long as your rig isn’t at the bottom of a lake or ravine everything is fine.

Emergency Fund

Certainly you’ll have to pay.

And you know that.

Not The End Of The World

But it’s not the end of the world.

How Could This Have Happened?

Even more you kick yourself wondering how ‘this’ could have happened.

Law Of Fast Forgetting

Therefore it’s normal to get down on yourself when the law of fast forgetting is in effect.

Get Your Road Chops Back

In other words if you stayed in one place all winter and weren’t on the road there are things we all get used to doing on the road.

Easy To Forget

It’s easy to forget these things when you start traveling again.

Grand Entrance

For example making a grand entrance by driving down what looked like a shallow hill.

Turns Into A Sand Dune

However that shallow hill was a sand dune.

Time For A Tow Truck

Meanwhile as I waited for the inevitable two truck to pull me out I got philosophical.

Learn and Relearn

After that it was an evening of talking about how often we learn and relearn life lessons very quickly out here.

Life Lessons Take Time

That is to say sometimes life lessons take years to incorporate.

Learning Faster In Nomadland

In short the same lesson that takes years can take a few minutes out here.


Finally I am grateful to be on the road again.

Interrupting My Reverie

Certainly I hate it when my reverie is interrupted by some stupid act.

But all is well.

Not A Bowl Of Cherries

To sum up nomad life isn’t a bowl of cherries.

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Nomad-Setbacks-New-Adventures-Bob Davis Podcast 1049