Nomad-Setbacks-New-Adventures-Bob Davis Podcast 1049

Nomad Setbacks and New Adventures

Firstly every now and then there are setbacks and new adventures for nomads. They’re unavoidable. Not fun when they happen though. Status update from the road in Nomad-Setbacks-New-Adventures-Bob Davis Podcast 1049.

Still On The Road? Everything Is Fine

Secondly as long as your rig isn’t at the bottom of a lake or ravine everything is fine.

Emergency Fund

Certainly you’ll have to pay.

And you know that.

Not The End Of The World

But it’s not the end of the world.

How Could This Have Happened?

Even more you kick yourself wondering how ‘this’ could have happened.

Law Of Fast Forgetting

Therefore it’s normal to get down on yourself when the law of fast forgetting is in effect.

Get Your Road Chops Back

In other words if you stayed in one place all winter and weren’t on the road there are things we all get used to doing on the road.

Easy To Forget

It’s easy to forget these things when you start traveling again.

Grand Entrance

For example making a grand entrance by driving down what looked like a shallow hill.

Turns Into A Sand Dune

However that shallow hill was a sand dune.

Time For A Tow Truck

Meanwhile as I waited for the inevitable two truck to pull me out I got philosophical.

Learn and Relearn

After that it was an evening of talking about how often we learn and relearn life lessons very quickly out here.

Life Lessons Take Time

That is to say sometimes life lessons take years to incorporate.

Learning Faster In Nomadland

In short the same lesson that takes years can take a few minutes out here.


Finally I am grateful to be on the road again.

Interrupting My Reverie

Certainly I hate it when my reverie is interrupted by some stupid act.

But all is well.

Not A Bowl Of Cherries

To sum up nomad life isn’t a bowl of cherries.

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Nomad-Setbacks-New-Adventures-Bob Davis Podcast 1049





Nomad-Decisions-Stories-Bob Davis Podcast 1046

Nomad Decisions and Stories

Above all my nomad decisions and stories are my own. They are not meant as judgements. Learn more in Nomad-Decisions-Stories-Bob Davis Podcast 1046.

Not Easy

Secondly nobody said it would be easy.

Certainly we nomads love to tell the story of how it all went down.


Lately I have been reviewing my decision to get rid of everything and hit the road.

To clarify I do not regret that decision.

Anatomy Of A Decision

But I think the process of making the decision is interesting.

Even more I don’t think anyone is having an easy time with life these days.

Therefore the idea of discussing life changing decisions helps everyone.

And telling some nomad stories along the way.

Another Great Nomad Story

For example someone I met had rented a car, threw her stuff in it, and within three hours was on the road.


She’s still driving the rented SUV.

“I’ll deal with that later”.

Action Is What’s Important

In the same vein Nomad-Decisions-Stories-Bob Davis Podcast 1046 is about the process of making a big decision and taking action on it.

Most importantly I don’t regret it.

No Best Practices

However I am not really sure if I used ‘best practices‘ in making that decision.

To sum up here, the main thing is it was a decision that was acted upon.

Pure Bliss

Certainly that led to pure bliss as I drove and drove across the country and back.

High Prices

On the other hand the current high price of fuel as me stopped down in the desert with a bunch of nomads in the same boat.

This too is a learning experience.

Finally where ever listeners and subscribers are..

No matter how hard it gets.

Choices and Decisions

We still have choices and we can still make decisions.

And take action.

In short every now and then I like to review and retell the story of how I got here.

In addition revisit what I consider success to be.

Nomad Definition of Wealth and Success

And what wealth looks like out here.

Sometimes that’s a hot shower and a good Internet connection.

And that’s OK.

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Nomad-Decisions-Stories-Bob Davis Podcast 1046



2022-Predictions-Bob Davis Podcast 1032

2022 Predictions

Firstly my 2022 predictions are detailed in Bob Davis Podcast 1032. They come out every year about this time. Do nomads pay attention? Learn more in 2022-Predictions-Bob Davis Podcast 1032.

More To Talk About

Secondly there are more things to talk about than predictions for the new year that seldom come true.

The Way It Is

And that’s the way our media is these days.

What It All Means

That is to say most of the time we’re deluged with reports about what something that has happened ‘means’.


Even more almost every news story contains a prediction about what’s going to happen as the result of some event.

The Land Of The Nomad

However most of these predictions and even news reports don’t effect the Land Of The Nomad.

Different Frequency

Maybe it is for the reason that we’re on a different frequency, or rhythm.

Certainly that’s how I experience it.

Sun Moon and Stars

Moreover I tell time by the sun, moon and stars these days.

What Day Is It?

In addition many of us don’t even know what day it is. Or care.

Rooted In The Desert

Likewise I have rooted here in the desert for the short term. More details in 2022-Predictions-Bob Davis Podcast 1032.

Avoiding Higher Fuel Prices

My plan was to avoid the higher price of fuel and free camp.

Rolling and Rolling

During the past year I spent most of my time rolling across the country. I stopped only to visit friends and relatives.

New Experience

Therefore it is a new experience to be stopped.

And I am loving it!

Every Day Is New

In conclusion after one year of nomad travel I have learned it is above all a new experience every day.


On the other hand these days the nomad experience is being referred to as a ‘movement’.


As a result the human desire to codify, communicate and organize threatens the beautiful anarchy here.

In the same vein so many people have YouTube channels sometimes I feel like I am at a broadcasting convention.

Not A Joiner

To sum up I’m not a joiner.


On the other hand I am having a lot of fun meeting and getting to know people.

Stay Wild Moon Child

Most importantly I hope the Nomad Thing stays wild.

Let It Be

Moreover I hope we can just let it be what it is.

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2022-Predictions-Bob Davis Podcast 1032