Adventure-Freedom-History-Bob Davis Podcast 1155

Adventure Freedom History

Adventure, Freedom and History in Death Valley and The Eastern Sierras.There’s so much to see and so many thoughts! Details in Adventure-Freedom-History-Bob Davis Podcast 1155.

Death Valley Eastern Sierras

Firstly my last podcast dealt with the Eastern part of Death Valley. Podcast 1155 deals with the Western Part of Death Valley and the Eastern Sierras.

Freezing In Lone Pine California

Secondly I am doing this podcast as I exit the freezing northern reaches of Lone Pine California and head for warmer parts of Southern California.

Most importantly heavy winds and near freezing temperatures make it pretty cold up in the mountains.


That is to say given the elements I don’t know how the pioneers even considered trekking up the Sierras with their belongings and animals.

Donner Party

Certainly the Donner Party experience led to later western emigrants to seek a southern route.

Death Valley Days

This literally led through Death Valley.


Altogether I love the history in the west.

Western History

But the Death Valley Sierra area is jam packed with all kinds of historical stories.


Even more every view is packed with beauty.

Heading South

With this in mind while I retreat to warmer climes I am doing this podcast in Mobile Podcast Command as I head south.


Above all this is a great time to discuss issues of freedom.

At the present time I am struck by the number of people I know who feel deeply constrained in their jobs,


Even more life seems also to be exerting a tremendous weight on shoulders ‘back in the world’.


All things considered I think this is one of the reasons people are so interested in nomad life.

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Adventure-Freedom-History-Bob Davis Podcast 1155

In-The-Absence-Of-Truth-Bob Davis Podcast 1094

In The Absence Of Truth

Above all in the absence of truth lies evil. Details in In-The-Absence-Of-Truth-Bob Davis Podcast 1094.


Moreover if we’re navigating in a world without truth then we’re living in a form of delirium.

Fact Checker

Firstly I often find myself in the role of ‘fact checker’ around the nomad campfire.

Nobody Likes A Fact Checker

And every now and then I declare a moratorium on fact checking.

Because when it comes to the social aspects of nomad life no one wants find themselves constantly corrected.

No One Wants To Be Made Wrong

In addition none of us wants to be wrong.

Determining Facts

However over the winter months one of the skills I developed was the ability to determine facts and therefore truth.

Certainly there are methods of logic.

As well as legal standards such as the basic rules of evidence.

Finally the need for context on any particular controversial subject.

Not Political

Most importantly while I started these podcasts with political content over time I have developed a policy against such content.

Therefore the tools I offer can be useful when determining facts in any subject of conversation, without getting political.

In fact I don’t really care what the reader’s political leanings might be.

We All Need A Dose Of The Truth

That is to say we all need a dose of fact checking every now and then.

Fact Checking Is Not Listening To The Guy You Agree With

To sum up all media has devolved into creating a sense of urgency around it’s content while at the same time developing a penchant for predicting the future.

Sometimes We Don’t Know

More importantly no matter what we’re talking about sometimes the best thing we can do is admit we just don’t know.

My Own Search For Truth

In conclusion it’s important to point out I discovered these tools in my own search for truth regarding the recent run up in the price of fuel and the ensuing inflation.

It has been difficult and time consuming but rewarding.


To be sure the hardest part of all of this is developing a sense of historical context and an instinct for what is relevant in any consideration of a problem.

No One Else Is Going To Do It

Secondly and sadly these days no one is going to do this work for us.

(Editor’s Note: The absence of truth comment at the beginning of this podcast is my own reduction. Links to the actual quotes in the blog above.)

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In-The-Absence-Of-Truth-Bob Davis Podcast 1094




Podcast 605-Bannon’s Fourth Turning

Steve Bannon and The Fourth Turning

The President’s co chief of staff is obsessed with a book called The Fourth Turning. Podcast 605-Bannon’s Fourth Turning discusses reaction to the idea someone as powerful as Steve Bannon would formulate a political philosophy on a pop history/sociology best seller. The Fourth Turning co-author the late William Strauss was a playwright, theater director and lecturer. Co-author Neil Howe is a best selling author and consultant. Strauss and Howe coined the term ‘Millennial’. Both men described themselves as Amateur Historians. The Fourth Turning, Bannon’s apparent zeitgeist, was published in the early 1990’s. See a video of the two authors appearing on C-Span’s BookNotes here.

Chaos Dead Ahead

The book some say Steve Bannon has based his political philosophy on postulates every 80 years the United States is marked by crisis and chaos. Business Insider says Bannon believes the United States will soon reach our climax conflict and that Trump is in the White House to usher it in.

Is the United States in a Political Crisis?

Politicians tend to magnify the political challenges they face. Reporters play along. Divided since the beginning crises of one kind or another have been a way of life in the US. It’s very American to think of the government with distrust and apprehension. Especially when, as the saying goes, the legislature is in session. Are we in a political crisis?

Want To Know The Future?

Crisis will find the Trump administration. The response to crisis is what will determine it’s fate. Theories predicting ‘the’ crisis are questionable. Free Will is a gift to Human Beings. We think and act voluntarily. We can be the authors of our own stories. Controversy surrounding the Fourth Turning and Steve Bannon’s embrace of the theory encapsulates much of what is wrong with our politics. In Podcast 605-Bannon’s Fourth Turning I’ll tell you why.

One Day At A Time

Living one day at a time doesn’t mean avoiding passionate views. We do not remain passive and uninvolved but do the best we can with what we have. We will never know exactly what tomorrow may bring. Isn’t that the fun part of life?

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