#Vanlife-Rest-In-Peace-Bob Davis Podcast 1042

#Vanlife Rest In Peace?

Firstly could it be true that #Vanlife will rest in peace? Suddenly the negative tea on nomad life is building. Learn more in #Vanlife-Rest-In-Peace-Bob Davis Podcast 1042.

Beautiful Experience

Secondly I think the negative stories on #Vanlife hide an otherwise beautiful experience.

Nomad Life

Therefore in #Vanlife-Rest-In-Peace-Bob Davis Podcast 1042 I’ll explain why there is so much interest in the nomad life these days.

Not For Everyone

In addition I’ll explain why it might not be for everyone.

And that’s OK.

Different World

Most importantly our nomad life is not like life back in the world.

That is to say these two worlds are different worlds.

Don’t Bring Your Old Life Along

Even more attempting to be a full time nomad and bring your old life along can make things more difficult.

Media Doesn’t Like #Vanlife Anymore

Finally when social media takes to something like #Vanlife an impression is created.

Social Media Is Fake

Certainly I think anyone who thinks social media is an authentic representation of any experience or person is naive.

What Is Nomad Life Like?

But if you are interested in nomad life full time in a van, converted school bus or even an RV the biggest topic of interest seems to be how it actually is!

Eating Out Of Can?

For example the media seems to be obsessed with eating out of a can and going to the bathroom in a bucket.


Writers also are certainly focused on whether or not nomads are dirty.

And further whether their rigs are a jumble of dirty clothes and candy wrappers.

Freedom And Community Is Real

Meanwhile my experience has been one of freedom and community.

Nomad Life Is Pretty Great

Above all I can’t think of too many negatives associated with the nomad life world.

Hit The Road

Seems like everyone these days wants to hit the road.

And I can’t blame them.

Push Back

To sum up we’re all seeing the beginnings of a push back on the nomad trend.

Love It

On the other hand to know it is to love it.

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#Vanlife-Rest-In-Peace-Bob Davis Podcast 1042




Podcast 605-Bannon’s Fourth Turning

Steve Bannon and The Fourth Turning

The President’s co chief of staff is obsessed with a book called The Fourth Turning. Podcast 605-Bannon’s Fourth Turning discusses reaction to the idea someone as powerful as Steve Bannon would formulate a political philosophy on a pop history/sociology best seller. The Fourth Turning co-author the late William Strauss was a playwright, theater director and lecturer. Co-author Neil Howe is a best selling author and consultant. Strauss and Howe coined the term ‘Millennial’. Both men described themselves as Amateur Historians. The Fourth Turning, Bannon’s apparent zeitgeist, was published in the early 1990’s. See a video of the two authors appearing on C-Span’s BookNotes here.

Chaos Dead Ahead

The book some say Steve Bannon has based his political philosophy on postulates every 80 years the United States is marked by crisis and chaos. Business Insider says Bannon believes the United States will soon reach our climax conflict and that Trump is in the White House to usher it in.

Is the United States in a Political Crisis?

Politicians tend to magnify the political challenges they face. Reporters play along. Divided since the beginning crises of one kind or another have been a way of life in the US. It’s very American to think of the government with distrust and apprehension. Especially when, as the saying goes, the legislature is in session. Are we in a political crisis?

Want To Know The Future?

Crisis will find the Trump administration. The response to crisis is what will determine it’s fate. Theories predicting ‘the’ crisis are questionable. Free Will is a gift to Human Beings. We think and act voluntarily. We can be the authors of our own stories. Controversy surrounding the Fourth Turning and Steve Bannon’s embrace of the theory encapsulates much of what is wrong with our politics. In Podcast 605-Bannon’s Fourth Turning I’ll tell you why.

One Day At A Time

Living one day at a time doesn’t mean avoiding passionate views. We do not remain passive and uninvolved but do the best we can with what we have. We will never know exactly what tomorrow may bring. Isn’t that the fun part of life?

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Podcast 592-New Era

Bob Davis Podcasts Radio Show 62

While the media ‘predicts’ the future of the new Donald Trump Era, I’ve been under a self imposed news blackout. I prefer to see what happens with the Trump before I comment. It seems to me an unpredictable personality as President is going to make it very difficult for pundits to tell you what kind of presidency it will be. Why not just wait and see? I think there are bigger trends at work.

Big Changes

We’re living through the dawn of a new industrial revolution. It seems to me, as everything around us changes government is changing too slowly. Technology is changing work and trade despite all this talk of returning America to 1950’s greatness. The biggest transportation company in the world owns no cars. The biggest hospitality company in the world owns no hotels. One of the biggest retailers in the world doesn’t own that many retail stores. It’s often difficult to determine the difference between a national export or an import.

Most of the jobs lost in manufacturing in the United States have been due to IT not outsourcing. Then there are the markets. One-size-fits-all mass markets are transitioning to mass specialization markets. Many new manufacturing plants will be automated and located close to markets they serve. It’s sad to me that in the midst of all this technology development we have a government designed for the 1950’s. Maybe this is something that will change.

In Podcast 592-New Era Day One-Bob Davis Podcasts Radio Show 62 I discuss what we need in the future. It seems to me this is more important than what someone said about Trump’s big speech. As a so called conservative takes power, I want to know whether Big Government Republicans will reduce the pernicious power of government. It seems to me we should be asking ourselves what will be required of us. What do we know? How do we know what we know? How did we learn what we know? Why do we fear competition? Why do some of us we fear change?

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