Republican Dark Future-Raising The Stakes-Bob Davis Podcast 780

The political blame game has only just begun for republicans. What’s wrong and what is the future for the GOP. We’ll talk about it in Republican Dark Future-Raising The Stakes-Bob Davis Podcast 780.

A Dark Future For So Called Conservatives

Most noteworthy, and not surprisingly talking heads who predicted the GOP would hold the house (they were wrong) are now telling anyone who will listen how to fix the failed republican effort. The real truth is the republican party has a dark future.

A Deal With The Devil

What happened? Let’s be honest. Republican Moderates made a deal with a reality TV host and real estate developer. He would be the standard bearer and they would run things. Turned out neither was very good at either.

Reality Show Government

With only two major legislative accomplishments to its credit, the Trump administration has become a reality show played out on Twitter and Cable news.

All Things Republican Trumpism Is Not

Meanwhile the president ‘fixes’ everything and ‘drains the swamp’ with executive orders, which of course can be reversed. Free trade? Not this president.

Supply Side Economics? Nope. Cutting spending? Not gonna happen. Repealing the Affordable Care Act? You can forget about that. Now, growing concerns about a possible recession and corporate debt, actually all kinds of debt, even though the president says the economy is “Booming”.

A Republican Is Burying Us In Deficits?

Demand we “Build A Wall” and refuse to pay for it? Deploy United States Troops within the borders of the USA? Adding Trillions to the budget deficit? Yep. Failing to solve immigration, education and health care issues? Sure. Dear readers and listeners! Is this really what a conservative republican president is supposed to do? I’ll ask the question in Republican Dark Future-Raising The Stakes-Bob Davis Podcast 780.

Campaigning On Thin Air

In conclusion, republicans in 2018 had to defend this president or get out. In the end those that stayed to face the music had to campaign on slogans and defending Trumpism because there weren’t many accomplishments and even less money. Meanwhile well funded democrats sold a plan and got the vote out. I guess something beats nothing.

But Hey, It’s Not Hillary

It’s hard to hear but republicans are another side of the same political coin. Collectivist policies and the expansion of government and executive power to the extent that it may already be democratic socialism seems to be the result no matter which party is in control.

In the end, Republicans are just as responsible for it as democrats.

But. At least it’s not Hillary, right?

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Republican Dark Future-Raising The Stakes-Bob Davis Podcast 780



Road To Character-Principle Free Politics In America-Podcast 705

These days the scolds are telling us how to live. What to do. Put down the hand held device. Give up screen time. So called conservatives especially stake out the moral high ground. Problem is there don’t seem to be any principles when it comes to politics. We’ll talk about it in Road To Character-Principle Free Politics In America-Podcast 705.

Sacrifice For The Greater Good

If we can just sacrifice for the greater good. Devote our lives to something bigger than ourselves. Become more passionate and purposeful about that purpose. Right?

The Greatest Generation

What’s more, the World War 2 generation can always be trotted out as an example of virtue. Just think how much better the world would be if those distracted millennials and super liberal generate Z people would emulate the “Greatest Generation”.

It’s The Millennials Right?

Truth is the world is changing fast. We’re at the dawn of a fast moving wall of change. Moreover demanding people act a certain way may not be the right idea. In Road To Character-Principle Free Politics In America-Podcast 705.

Principle Free Politics

Welcome to the seedy underbelly of politics. Moralists on both sides tell everyone else how to act while they ignore basic principles. Yeah sure, democrats have been doing this for years. Now republicans are becoming champions at principle free politics. Looks to me like one big mob.

Character Is Someone Else’s Problem

Get the guns and deal with due process later. A 25 cent per gallon gas tax increase. Trade protection. Spend and spend. Pile on national debt. President for life sounds like a good idea. What to do when a republican president promotes ideas directly opposed to republican ideals? Defend him. Go figure.

Principles Or Power?

In conclusion, given the fast pace of change in the world what troubles me isn’t character, it’s the lack of principle in the political party that controls all three branches of government.

In the near future the Technology Revolution will challenge us all. If all anyone wants to do is tear the old world down we’re in for a rough ride.

As far as I’m concerned there’s only one principle that matters these days. Individual Freedom.

Do republicans care about liberty anymore? Or do they just want power.

Sponsored by Reliafund Payment Processors and Ryan Plumbing and Heating of Saint Paul

Road To Character-Principle Free Politics In America-Podcast 705

Father Son Discuss Universal Basic Income In USA-Podcast 700

Hard to believe I have done 700 podcasts. I can’t think of a better guest for podcast 700 than my son. Join us in Father Son Discuss Universal Basic Income In USA-Podcast 700.

Father And Son Don’t Do Small Talk

Andrew Davis has his own You Tube Channel and is working in TV in New York City. Both father and son have always shared an interest in issues. We don’t do small talk.

Universal Basic Income

The City of Stockton California has recently voted to give citizens a universal basic income.

A no strings attached check from the government every month

Father and son discuss the issue and more in Father Son Discuss Universal Basic Income In USA-Podcast 700.

Growing Up In A Media Family

Andrew was raised in the fun and chaos of a media family. Dad did radio. Mom did TV. When he started showing interest we were concerned, since we knew the chaos of working in media.

In addition, with him growing up in edit bays and radio studios we really weren’t surprised. Friends said, “What did you expect him to do?” Consequently discussion of his career choice takes up the first part of Father Son Discuss Universal Basic Income In USA-Podcast 700.

Podcaster and You Tuber Discuss “The Side Hustle”

Learning how to podcast and do a You Tube channel from the ground up is no small feat. My son is now working in television in New York City which gives him time and resources to devote to what he calls his ‘side hustle‘. The Millennial Project YouTube Channel.

These days Andrew’s talking about something called A Universal Basic Income. Both right wing and left wing politicos are talking about a government provided basic income.

Misconceptions about trade and Artificial Intelligence and Robotic production terrify the working men and women of this country. What’s more, populist politicians may use the Universal Basic Income to leverage votes in key districts and states in the next presidential election and perhaps before.

Get a leg up. Watch The Millennial Project video here and listen to Father Son Discuss Universal Basic Income In USA-Podcast 700 to find out more about this issue.

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Father Son Discuss Universal Basic Income In USA-Podcast 700