State Of Our End Times-Bob Davis Podcast 804

An embattled governor. Infighting in Washington. Raging arguments about identity. It sure looks to me like the wheels are coming off the bus these days. Learn more in State Of Our End Times-Bob Davis Podcast 804.

Politicians Off The Rail

As our so called public officials go off the rails our expectations that ‘government’ will solve all our problems increase.

Over Hype and Talked To Death

It’s especially relevant that the media breathlessly awaits a formality called The State Of The Union, like it’s the SuperBowl. Everything is Over hyped. Over analyzed. Talked to death. It’s surreal.

“Officials” Running Amok

Moreover as these politicians run amok they get more petty every day. As a result we’re not dealing with the most pressing issues of our time. A rising China. Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, Data Privacy and The Internet. Causes, solutions and political effects of Economic Inequality. Existential threats from many different places.

What About Doing Some Work. Anyone?

In addition, what about trade wars, economic growth, debt, immigration and the growth of regional and major powers acting in our hemisphere. Anyone?

Daily Two Minutes Of Hate

Finally our daily two minutes hate leads our focus on smaller and smaller things. Leaders don’t lead. Everything becomes an illusion. Meanwhile somewhere someone or something is permanently damaged.

Emotional Scarring

In conclusion have we become so scarred from our anger and frustration we find it more difficult to act? Anger and Irritation turns to depression.

End Times Prophecy?

Are we living out a prophecy? What happens when there is a real crisis because of all this folly?

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State Of Our End Times-Bob Davis Podcast 804


Republican Dark Future-Raising The Stakes-Bob Davis Podcast 780

The political blame game has only just begun for republicans. What’s wrong and what is the future for the GOP. We’ll talk about it in Republican Dark Future-Raising The Stakes-Bob Davis Podcast 780.

A Dark Future For So Called Conservatives

Most noteworthy, and not surprisingly talking heads who predicted the GOP would hold the house (they were wrong) are now telling anyone who will listen how to fix the failed republican effort. The real truth is the republican party has a dark future.

A Deal With The Devil

What happened? Let’s be honest. Republican Moderates made a deal with a reality TV host and real estate developer. He would be the standard bearer and they would run things. Turned out neither was very good at either.

Reality Show Government

With only two major legislative accomplishments to its credit, the Trump administration has become a reality show played out on Twitter and Cable news.

All Things Republican Trumpism Is Not

Meanwhile the president ‘fixes’ everything and ‘drains the swamp’ with executive orders, which of course can be reversed. Free trade? Not this president.

Supply Side Economics? Nope. Cutting spending? Not gonna happen. Repealing the Affordable Care Act? You can forget about that. Now, growing concerns about a possible recession and corporate debt, actually all kinds of debt, even though the president says the economy is “Booming”.

A Republican Is Burying Us In Deficits?

Demand we “Build A Wall” and refuse to pay for it? Deploy United States Troops within the borders of the USA? Adding Trillions to the budget deficit? Yep. Failing to solve immigration, education and health care issues? Sure. Dear readers and listeners! Is this really what a conservative republican president is supposed to do? I’ll ask the question in Republican Dark Future-Raising The Stakes-Bob Davis Podcast 780.

Campaigning On Thin Air

In conclusion, republicans in 2018 had to defend this president or get out. In the end those that stayed to face the music had to campaign on slogans and defending Trumpism because there weren’t many accomplishments and even less money. Meanwhile well funded democrats sold a plan and got the vote out. I guess something beats nothing.

But Hey, It’s Not Hillary

It’s hard to hear but republicans are another side of the same political coin. Collectivist policies and the expansion of government and executive power to the extent that it may already be democratic socialism seems to be the result no matter which party is in control.

In the end, Republicans are just as responsible for it as democrats.

But. At least it’s not Hillary, right?

Sponsored by Reliafund Payment Processors, Ryan Plumbing and Heating of Saint Paul and Johantgen Jewelers of Crystal

Republican Dark Future-Raising The Stakes-Bob Davis Podcast 780



2018 Toss Up Elections-Final Thoughts-Podcast 758

The 2018 Midterm election season has been most noteworthy for its twists and turns. Now as we head into the final month of the campaigns, find out what to look for on election day in 2018 Toss Up Elections-Final Thoughts-Podcast 758.

Media Cherry Picks Stats

Then there’s the media’s habit of cherry picking statistics. They call it ‘political coverage’. Statistics prove the story line. Damn lies convince us none of this has ever happened before.

Predictions of Doom

The president’s approval rating has never been worse. Voters have never been more fired up. If things continue the way they are now, terrible outcomes are inevitable. The president’s political party always loses seats in a midterm. Are these predictions of doom true? Learn more in 2018 Toss Up Elections-Final Thoughts-Podcast 758.

Polls Don’t Lie. The Media Lies

Finally, in my experience making predictions about statewide and house elections based on national polls and baselines is problematic although some research suggests they may be reliable predictors in midterm elections. There just isn’t enough information to say one way or another what will happen. That’s why we wait and see what the vote actually turns out to be.

Labels and Beliefs

Meanwhile these days we’re awash in labels and broadly held beliefs in pure nonsense. So and so is a “transformational figure”. A “disaster” has changed voting in a district or state forever.

Be The Change

I believe it’s time to change how we cover politics and I am putting my podcasts where my mouth is in this series on the midterm election toss ups. A close look at the data. A fair shake for the candidates. Letting the listeners and subscribers decide for themselves. Putting all the data in the podcasts so you can compare on election night. That’s what it’s all about for The Bob Davis Podcasts for Election 2018 coverage.

In conclusion, through all of it, I have to say I have no idea what will happen on November 6th, 2018, and neither does anyone else.

That’s up to you.

Sponsored by Johantgen Jewelers and Reliafund Payment Processing

2018 Toss Up Elections-Final Thoughts-Podcast 758