State Of Our End Times-Bob Davis Podcast 804

An embattled governor. Infighting in Washington. Raging arguments about identity. It sure looks to me like the wheels are coming off the bus these days. Learn more in State Of Our End Times-Bob Davis Podcast 804.

Politicians Off The Rail

As our so called public officials go off the rails our expectations that ‘government’ will solve all our problems increase.

Over Hype and Talked To Death

It’s especially relevant that the media breathlessly awaits a formality called The State Of The Union, like it’s the SuperBowl. Everything is Over hyped. Over analyzed. Talked to death. It’s surreal.

“Officials” Running Amok

Moreover as these politicians run amok they get more petty every day. As a result we’re not dealing with the most pressing issues of our time. A rising China. Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, Data Privacy and The Internet. Causes, solutions and political effects of Economic Inequality. Existential threats from many different places.

What About Doing Some Work. Anyone?

In addition, what about trade wars, economic growth, debt, immigration and the growth of regional and major powers acting in our hemisphere. Anyone?

Daily Two Minutes Of Hate

Finally our daily two minutes hate leads our focus on smaller and smaller things. Leaders don’t lead. Everything becomes an illusion. Meanwhile somewhere someone or something is permanently damaged.

Emotional Scarring

In conclusion have we become so scarred from our anger and frustration we find it more difficult to act? Anger and Irritation turns to depression.

End Times Prophecy?

Are we living out a prophecy? What happens when there is a real crisis because of all this folly?

Sponsored by Reliafund Payment Processors and Ryan Plumbing and Heating Of Saint Paul

State Of Our End Times-Bob Davis Podcast 804


NFL Super Bowl Robbing Minnesota Blind-Civic Boosterism Gone Wild-Podcast 698

Minneapolis and Saint Paul is happy to be hosting the Super Bowl. Costs for the event are not at the top of the local media’s list of things to talk about. We will in NFL Super Bowl Robbing Minnesota Blind-Civic Boosterism Gone Wild-Podcast 698.

Losing Proposition

Local leaders say this big event will generate 400 million dollars of revenue. Cooler heads say that number is pie in the sky. 400 million doesn’t come close to covering the costs of the US Bank Stadium and The Super Bowl.

Who Pays?

Minneapolis is on the hook for 700 million dollars over the next thirty years with US Bank Stadium. Especially relevant is the fact that the Minnesota Vikings owners got one of the best stadium deals in the league. All they had to do was threaten to move the team to LA. So much for loving the people of Minnesota.

By All Means Kneel

Minneapolis and Saint Paul’s Super Bowl Committee agreed to most of the demands of the NFL for a Super Bowl. On the list? The NFL will pay no state, county or municipal taxes for any Super Bowl revenue. Guess who’s paying?

Evil Corporations Do Not Include The NFL

Truth is the taxpayers of Minneapolis and Saint Paul’s metro and the State of Minnesota are paying for this event. So much for evil corporations politicians like to rail about.

Pleased As Punch For The Super Bowl

Hot dish and frozen lakes are all the rage on the local TV and radio stations. The picture of the cute kid in a Vikings jersey at the Super Bowl Experience in the newspapers.

Meanwhile the NFL is making big deals in the presidential suites of all the local hotels the city and state are paying for.

Oh by the way, they get free police escorts as well.

Boosterism Gone Wild.

Legal Corruption

These days free stuff for corporations is what it’s all about. Subsidies for apartment buildings near the train lines. Subsidies for the Mall of America to build an addition. In addition, sweet deals for businesses juiced in to events like the Super Bowl abound.

The game isn’t football. The game is a legal corruption that robs citizens blind.

Sponsored by Ryan Plumbing and Heating of Saint Paul.

NFL Super Bowl Robbing Minnesota Blind-Civic Boosterism Gone Wild-Podcast 698

Podcast 307

Mitt Quits. Updates for the first week of February. While neighbors enjoy the Superbowl – enjoy their muffled screams through the wall – The Bob Davis Podcasts goes to work. Mitt Romney has decided not to run for President in 2016, provoking the Washington Post to name Jeb Bush as the front runner. Meanwhile a new poll of voters in Iowa, where the nation’s first presidential primary will be held, have picked Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker as the front runner, closely followed by Kentucky Senator Rand Paul. If you are an observer of politics, and you have a decidedly anti-government bent, it sure seems like the mainstream moderate wing of the Republican Party is selling policy and tactics from the 1990’s, while voters seem to engage with politicians with newer ideas. While the actual political season for the 2016 cycle is a long way off in political terms, the media seems to want to pick a moderate as the front runner, and the people might have different ideas. Stay Tuned. The new Economic numbers are out, and they aren’t as good as expected. Surprise! After 5 percent GDP ‘growth’ in the third quarter just about everyone ‘figured’ and predicted that we would have at least 3.6 percent ‘growth’ in the fourth quarter, what with gas being cheap and acting ‘like a tax cut’. Even President Obama declared victory over stagnation for weeks, culminating in his over the top State Of The Union Speech which would make the initiated think he was presiding over the most dynamic economy in US History. In reality, President Obama’s recovery doesn’t just lag Bush and Clinton and Reagan, the Obama ‘recovery’ is the worst economic performance of all Presidents in US History. The new growth number? 2.6 percent. What does the media blame it on? Those evil frackers who created all those jobs, and now they’re laying people off ’cause oil is so cheap. In fact the media that couldn’t bring itself to write a positive story about energy growth in the US in the last six years now can’t find enough down-on-their-luck in Williston, North Dakota, stories. Fact is, most of the manufacturing jobs the President likes to tout are energy related. Yeah, cheap gas is great. It acts like a tax cut. Just keep that in mind as the European Zone disaster starts to take hold, and China’s economic slow down begins to bite, realities which the US economy won’t escape. And what are US policies? Not clear away the gordian knot of taxes and regulation that chokes business formation, and the supply side, but continued efforts to stimulate consumption and ballyhooing ‘consumer confidence’. In Silicon Valley they are mixing morning shake cocktails of supplements and additives that are supposedly able to increase your IQ. Body hacks are all the rage, so Podcast 307 ends with an effort to play catch up, with the Broadcast Bunker Juicer. Sponsored by Xgovernment Cars and Depotstar