Reclaiming-Our-Lives-Bob Davis Podcast 960

Most Important Thing

The most important thing to remember is we can reclaim our lives whenever we want. Learn more in Reclaiming-Our-Lives-Bob Davis Podcast 960.

Take It Back

Second of all why don’t we take our lives back?

Certainly it’s complicated. Jobs. Kids. Goals. Stuff. Plans.

Complicated Methods For Simplifying Your Life

And I know there’s all kinds of help and methods for simplifying your life.

Moreover there are so many ‘simplify your life’ plans and suggestions, there are even whole books available on the subject.

I Have A Simple Plan

Burn it.

Throw it away.

Give it away.

All of it.


I Did It!

In the same vein that is exactly what I have done.

In addition it feels great.

Method To The Madness

To clarify I’ve done all this for a reason. The next chapter of my life and these podcasts is about to begin.

Extreme Steps

During the whole clean up effort before a move on my end, I planned the next step.

In addition it’s an extreme step.

And it will rock.

Bored With Everything?

Above all much of my boredom and restlessness recently has to do with the present media situation and how it covers the so called news. Even more, how it covers and talks about everything.

America Is In High Anxiety About The Future

Likewise many of my friends have indicated a high level of anxiety about the future.

Likewise and especially how our media talks about the cartoon show we call politics and news.

Time To Change Focus

To sum up this podcast, I’m not going to say what I am going to do just yet, but it will change the focus of the podcasts slightly.

Taking Action

I can say that I am not going to sit here and do nothing.

I’m taking action.

I’m reclaiming my life

Dynamic Content

Finally I look forward to more dynamic content in these podcasts after what we laughingly refer to as an election.

In conclusion I’ve talked about reclaiming the spirit and passion of my life for along time.

Starting Over

After getting rid of everything I can barely wait to start all over again.

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Reclaiming-Our-Lives-Bob Davis Podcast 960



Jumping-The-Gun-On-2020-Bob Davis Podcast 958

Jumping The Gun Again?

First of all they’re jumping the gun again. Learn more in Jumping-The-Gun-On-2020-Bob Davis Podcast 958.

Secondly I don’t care who wins the presidential election in 2020.

Leaps Of Faith

However I can’t ignore the leaps of faith when it comes to candidate preference polls in this election.

There Are Limits

In other words there are limits to the conclusions to be drawn from political polling.

Bob Davis Podcast Coverage Of Election 2020

Certainly this has been the subject of more than one political podcast this year.

Battleground State Review Series

Consequently it’s time for another review of the polls in the battleground states.

Even more paying special attention to balancing breathless predictions about ‘who’s going to win’.

Too Many Factors For Predictions

Most importantly there are too many factors to consider a prediction about the outcome of the vote in these battleground states.

But That Doesn’t Stop The Media

In addition it sure looks to me like media is jumping the gun. Again.

And in a world where everything one candidate does is right a proper and everything the other does is wrong and misguided, I am not surprised.

Non Partisan. No Attacks. No Defense.

Finally I don’t seek to defend or attack either mainline party candidate.

Blind Spot

Instead I point out a significant blind spot with almost all media in the United States in this election year.

Don’t Know What Will Happen November 3rd

In conclusion we don’t know what the outcome of this election will be. I think it is very difficult to predict given the many moving parts this year.

New Ballot Wrinkles

For example, absentee ballots, early voting and so on.

Balanced Coverage

To sum up I have been producing balanced coverage of these polls. That includes explanations how on they work and their limitations.

Listen to Jumping-The-Gun-On-2020-Bob Davis Podcast 958 for some poll analysis without predictions.

Sponsored by Kim Nybo State Farm Insurance and LaCroix Law Real Estate Attorneys

Jumping-The-Gun-On-2020-Bob Davis Podcast 958




Fearmonger-Fishmonger-Virusmonger-Bob Davis Podcast 908

What’s a Monger Dad?

First of all a monger is someone who deals in something. These days with Coronavirus you might find yourself being called a fearmonger. Learn more in Fearmonger-Fishmonger-Virusmonger-Bob Davis Podcast 908.

Virus Fear

Especially relevant is my most recent podcast. I said if the virus causes an economic slowdown it would limit the President’s shot for a second term.

Not Just The Market

Moreover I did not base my analysis on the stock market. I know full well ups and downs will happen everyday until Covid-19 runs its course.

Things Should ALWAYS Go Smoothly Right?

I want to talk about how we expect things to go smoothly no matter what.

Always Right…Never Wrong

In addition, time to talk about how predictions about a developing story having to be one hundred percent correct all the time.

Fake News!

Most noteworthy, politicians who demonize media that doesn’t follow the party line. Fake News! Lies! Political Agenda!

Nothing To See Here Folks

Also the idea that ‘professionals’ are in charge. There’s nothing to worry about here! Just go back to your homes and wait for further instructions.

Projecting An Air Of Confidence

These days public and corporate officials project an air of confidence and competency.

Consequently our companies and governments maintain a a veneer of perfection publicly.

What happens when smart people make things go wrong? Check it out in Fearmonger-Fishmonger-Virusmonger-Bob Davis Podcast 908.

Cascade To Crisis

We’re on top of this! Nothing to worry about! Then, the unexpected cascade into crisis.

How do we react when the ‘super competent’ are swamped?

Complex Developing Crises

In conclusion don’t be so quick to judge someone’s takeaway today. Tomorrow they might be right. Especially when it comes to complex and developing crises.

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Fearmonger-Fishmonger-Virusmonger-Bob Davis Podcast 908