Values-Principles-All In The Family-Bob Davis Podcast 1149

Values and Principles are All In The Family

Firstly this is a personal and heartfelt podcast about Values and Principles and It’s All In The Family. Details in Values-Principles-All In The Family-Bob Davis Podcast 1149.

Suggested By A YouTube Viewer

Secondly the idea for this podcast came from a YouTube viewer.


To begin with this viewer suggested I talk about the principles of Mountain Men and how I have adopted them.

Of course I don’t follow someone else’s principles. I follow my own.


But where do they come from.

Great Idea

So that’s a great idea for a podcast.

My Family

Accordingly I delve deeply into my own family for clues.


Therefore this became a rather personal and heartfelt podcast.

Four Generations

Because I went back four generations sharing what I know about my ancestors and what they were like.

That is to say what they might have believed in when it came to principles…

And how they lived their lives.

Where Did You Find These Stories

Because I’m going so far back you might wonder about the source.

With this is mind much of the stories come from my Grandfather.

All in all my mom as well.

Not only these…

But my own memories too.

Confuse Values and Principles

Above all I think people confuse values with principles.

Of course principles can come from values.

On the other hand I find principles more like hard and fast rules…

And values to be more flexible.

Hard To Adopt Principles

Given these points it’s difficult to see how this nomad could have adapted or adopted the principles of an historical figure.


In spite of the feeling you might get from watching a movie about some figure or character that results in a feeling like you can almost channel the them…

Eventually you’re left with your own history and family story.

Everyone Has A Different Story

Lastly of course these are different for everyone.

Certainly some of us would rather not follow principles of certain family members.

Nevertheless we learn our family’s principles in early childhoods.

Accordingly that makes Values-Principles-All In The Family-Bob Davis Podcast 1149 a very personal and emotional podcast.

Follow Along

In conclusion it’s my hope the listener will follow along as I tell my story.

Think About Your Own Family and Principles

And accordingly remember your own childhood for ideas that apply.

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Values-Principles-All In The Family-Bob Davis Podcast 1149



Go-East-Young-Man-Bob Davis Podcast 1005

Go East Young Man

Go East Young Man. Certainly I love the west. But I’ve never been to Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine. Ride along with me in Go-East-Young-Man-Bob Davis Podcast 1005.

Summer Travel

Firstly summer is the time to make this trip.

No Drought Here

Secondly we’re hearing a lot of drought talk because of the situation out west.

Lush Fields

However the fields through central Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio and New York are lush.

Small Town Love

Meanwhile all along Route 2, US 6 and US 20 are some amazing small towns and places of interest.


Now what is interesting to me is unique.

Certainly history.

Industrial Revolution In Reverse

Therefore I am subtitling this podcast, “The Industrial Revolution Tour In Reverse”.

In other words the Industrial Revolution began in Rhode Island in the late 1700’s.

Then spread west.

Because I am headed east across America’s Industrial Heartland it’s the Industrial Revolution…in reverse!

Rust Belt?

In short they used to call this part of the country The Rust Belt. It’s not descriptive these days.

Help Wanted

These days there help wanted signs are everywhere through Indiana and Ohio.

Back Roads Rule

Even more back roads travel allows the nomad to get granular.

US and State Two Lane Highways

To clarify on these state and US Highways you see details you’d never see on the Interstates.

Mennonites On Bicycles

For example Mennonites on bicycles.

Not a band name.

A real thing.

Twentieth Century Story

Most importantly I get a sense of the development all across this area in the late 1800’s and early 1900’s.

Firstly the farmers. Secondly the railroads. Finally the development of these small towns across northern tier.

As a result some of those towns became the big towns that wrote the twentieth century story.

Nomad Vibe

Above all this is one of the big reasons I became a nomad.

And why I love back roads.

Drive and Talk

To sum up sometimes the best thing is to drive and talk.

In conclusion that’s what Go-East-Young-Man-Bob Davis Podcast 1005 is all about.

Road Trip!

I’ve been on a lot of road trips with friends and they have always gotten a huge kick out of my observations.

So climb in and let’s go.

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Go-East-Young-Man-Bob Davis Podcast 1005

Mistakes-Final Polls-Bob Davis Podcast 961

Dumb Mistakes

Most important thing to do to avoid dumb mistakes?  Be present. Learn more in Mistakes-Final Polls-Bob Davis Podcast 961.

Final Poll Rundown

Secondly I had to stop and run down the final polls before this fiasco ends. Or not.

Nomad Mindset Engaged

Certainly I have a lot going on in my mind. Even more when traveling. Double it if you’re a nomad.

Easy To Make Dumb Mistakes

As a result there is always a point where it’s easy for me to make a dumb mistake.

Early In The Trip

Above all these mistakes happen early in the trip or when I am preoccupied.

The Green Pump

Firstly this particular mistake has to do with the green pump for diesel as opposed to gasoline. I’ll tell you more in Mistakes-Final Polls-Bob Davis Podcast 961.

Final State By State Polls

In addition after a major delay to address my mistake I have to do a final poll run down before the election on November 3rd.

Getting Extra In This Podcast

Consequently this podcast is a little extra. Longer. Some observations about life on the road and mistakes and a run down of the polls.

Pollsters and the Reporters Who Love Them

In the same vein you know how I feel about polling and media coverage this year. If you don’t click here.

Dangerous Predictions

Certainly people are taking liberties and making predictions polling should not be used for.

It’s All Been Worked Out

As a result many people are under the impression this has all been worked out.

Nothing Has Been Worked Out

In fact nothing has been worked out.

Pick A Direction

Finally you’ll learn in Dumb-Mistakes-Final Polls-Bob Davis Podcast 961 that Election 2020 can really go any number of directions.

Up Late

To sum up if you do watch election coverage on November 3rd you might be up late.

My Election Coverage Ends Where It Started

In conclusion it all started for me in 2020 in Iowa covering the caucus campaigns.

Fairfield Iowa

Therefore I will end my coverage of this insane election in Fairfield Iowa.

More in the next podcast

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Mistakes-Final Polls-Bob Davis Podcast 961